274 research outputs found

    Factors influencing troponin T concentration in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome

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    Introduction. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is strongly associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes, however the relation between OSAS severity and troponin T (TnT) remain unclear.Material and methods. Diagnosis and assessment of OSAS severity was based on non-supervised, overnight screening polysomnography (PSG) performed without an adaptation night. The study group consisted of 72 patients diagnosed with OSAS (including 31 with mild, 10 with moderate and 31 patients with severe OSAS), whereas the control group contained 16 individuals. PSG was performed with equipment fulfilling the criteria of type III diagnostic devices according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.Results. Revealed significant differences in troponin T levels between patients with severe OSAS and controls (p = 0.02) as well as in patients with severe and with mild OSAS (p = 0.04). The factors substantially affecting TnT concentrations were found to be apnea–hypopnea index (AHI), apnea index (AI), hypopnea index (HI) and minimum nocturnal saturation.Conclusions. The relationship between sleep apnea syndrome and the level of serum TnT confirms that OSAS predisposes to myocardial damage in a manner dependent on the severity of sleep apnea. The increase in troponin level is mainly associated with AHI and minimum nocturnal saturation. This suggests that early treatment of OSAS patients may protect against myocardial injury.Introduction. Obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) is strongly associated with adverse cardiovascular outcomes, however the relation between OSAS severity and troponin T (TnT) remain unclear.Material and methods. Diagnosis and assessment of OSAS severity was based on non-supervised, overnight screening polysomnography (PSG) performed without an adaptation night. The study group consisted of 72 patients diagnosed with OSAS (including 31 with mild, 10 with moderate and 31 patients with severe OSAS), whereas the control group contained 16 individuals. PSG was performed with equipment fulfilling the criteria of type III diagnostic devices according to the American Academy of Sleep Medicine.Results. Revealed significant differences in troponin T levels between patients with severe OSAS and controls (p = 0.02) as well as in patients with severe and with mild OSAS (p = 0.04). The factors substantially affecting TnT concentrations were found to be apnea–hypopnea index (AHI), apnea index (AI), hypopnea index (HI) and minimum nocturnal saturation.Conclusions. The relationship between sleep apnea syndrome and the level of serum TnT confirms that OSAS predisposes to myocardial damage in a manner dependent on the severity of sleep apnea. The increase in troponin level is mainly associated with AHI and minimum nocturnal saturation. This suggests that early treatment of OSAS patients may protect against myocardial injury

    Association between rs7901695 and rs7903146 polymorphisms of the TCF7L2 gene and gestational diabetes in the population of Southern Poland

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    Objectives: The etiology of gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) remains to be fully elucidated. Elevated risk for type 2 diabetes in patients with history of GDM and for GDM in women with familial history of diabetes may suggest that GDM and type 2 diabetes share a common genetic and environmental background. The TCF7L2 (Transcription Factor 7 Like 2) gene is one of the most important genetic factors of the established correlation with type 2 diabetes, and it may also play a role in the pathophysiology of GDM.The aim of the study was to assess the influence of two polymorphisms of the TCF7L2 gene (rs7901695 and rs7903146), which are associated with the development of type 2 diabetes, in women with GDM.Material and methods: The study included 50 women with glucose tolerance disorders diagnosed for the first time during the current pregnancy. Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were genotyped using allelic discrimination. The results were confirmed using the sequencing method. Selected clinical parameters were also analyzed.Results: No correlation between the studied polymorphisms of the TCF7L2 gene and GDM was observed. Glycemic control with diet or diet and insulin was associated with better control of the weight gain during pregnancy.Conclusions: No correlation between rs7903146 and rs7901695 polymorphisms of the TCF7L2 gene and GDM was found. Glycemic control with diet or diet and insulin is associated with better control of the weight gain during pregnancy

    Early brain perfusion improvement after ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery in patients with idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus evaluated by 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT — preliminary report

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    BACKGROUND: Idiopathic normal pressure hydrocephalus (iNPH) is a clinical syndrome that consists of the triad: gait disturbance, mental deterioration and urinary incontinence associated with normal cerebrospinal fluid pressure (CSF), without pre-existing abnormalities. The most popular treatment option is surgical implantation of a shunt. Brain perfusion increase occurring months or years after successful shunt surgery is well described in the literature. Early improvement of perfusion is not well documented. Therefore, the objective of the present study was to determine patterns of brain perfusion changes 3–6 days after the ventriculoperitoneal shunting in patients with iNPH by using 99mTc-HMPAO SPECT. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Sixteen patients with iNPH (9 women, 7 men, mean age 64.1 ± 12.7 years) who underwent ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery were included into the study group. Indications for implanting a shunt were based on clinical history, neuroimaging and CSF dynamic studies with an infusion test. Brain perfusion SPECT was performed 1–2 days before and 3–6 days after the surgical treatment. For comparison of perfusion before and after the surgery SPECT scans were assessed visually and semiquantitatively with voxel based analysis. RESULTS: No side effects were observed after the surgery. Brain perfusion improvement after shunting was observed in 10 patients (62.5%). Patterns of perfusion changes varied between patients, with combinations of different bilateral and lateralized brain regions involved. Perfusion increased in the whole brain (3 patients), in the right cerebral hemisphere (1 patient) or in the separate cerebral regions (6 patients): frontal, parietal, temporal, cerebellum, cingulate gyrus. Perfusion improvement was predominantly observed in the frontal lobes: right frontal (3 cases, 18.8%), left frontal (3 cases, 18.8%). CONCLUSIONS: Cerebral perfusion is recovered promptly after ventriculoperitoneal shunt surgery in about 60% of patients with iNPH. This improvement may be global or regional in different cerebral areas with prevalence of the frontal lobes

    Risk Factors in Normal-Tension Glaucoma and High-Tension Glaucoma in relation to Polymorphisms of Endothelin-1 Gene and Endothelin-1 Receptor Type A Gene

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    The aim of the research is to analyse the influence of polymorphisms of endothelin-1 gene and endothelin-1 receptor type A gene on the clinical condition of patients with primary open angle glaucoma. Methods. 285 Polish patients took part in the research (160 normal-tension glaucoma and 125 high-tension glaucoma). DNA was isolated by standard methods and genotype distributions of four polymorphisms in genes encoding endothelin-1 (K198N) and endothelin-1 receptor type A polymorphisms (C1222T, C70G, and G231A) were determined. Genotype distributions were compared between NTG and HTG groups. The clinical condition of participants was examined for association with polymorphisms. Results. A similar frequency of occurrence of the polymorphic varieties of the studied genes was observed in patients with NTG and HTG. There is no relation between NTG risk factors and examined polymorphisms. NTG patients with TT genotype of K198N polymorphism presented with the lowest intraocular pressure in comparison to GG + GT genotype (p=0.03). In NTG patients with CC genotype of C1222T polymorphism (p=0.028) and GG of C70G polymorphism (p=0.03) the lowest values of mean blood pressure were observed. Conclusions. The studied polymorphic varieties (K198N, C1222T) do have an influence on intraocular pressure as well as arterial blood pressure in NTG patients

    Extrapulmonary tuberculosis — a multidisciplinary approach

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    Gruźlica pozapłucna jest istotnym problemem klinicznym. W przeciwieństwie do gruźlicy płuc jej rozpoznanie bywa trudne, ze względu na brak charakterystycznych objawów oraz skomplikowaną diagnostykę. Problem dotyczy głównie pacjentów z obniżoną odpornością na skutek współwystępowania licznych chorób współtowarzyszących, jak również w trakcie przewlekłej steroidoterapii czy leczenia przeciwnowotworowego. W poniższej pracy przedstawiamy występowanie, przebieg kliniczny, diagnostykę i rokowanie w gruźlicy pozapłucnej, zależnie od jej lokalizacji w oparciu o aktualne piśmiennictwo.Extrapulmonary tuberculosis is an essential clinical problem. On the contrary to the tuberculosis of the lung its diagnosis may be difficult due to no characteristic symptoms and complex diagnostic procedures. It concerns especially patients with abnormal low immunity because of a lot of concomitant diseases, as well as in the course of chronic steroid or antineoplasm therapy. In this article we present epidemiology, clinical process, diagnosis and prognosis depending on location of the in extrapulmonary tuberculosis based on the current literature

    Community — acquired pneumonia in elderly patients with comorbidities

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    Wstęp. Pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc jest częstą chorobą rozpoznawaną w praktyce lekarza rodzinnego. Ze względu na postępujące starzenie się społeczeństwa występuje w dużej mierze u osób w wieku starszym. Cel pracy. Analiza objawów występujących w przebiegu pozaszpitalnego zapalenia płuc u pacjentów starszych. Materiał i metody. Przeanalizowano pod względem występujących objawów dokumentację medyczną kolejno wybranych 45 pacjentów z rozpoznanym pozaszpitalnym zapaleniem płuc. Do oceny zapalenia posłużyło oznaczenie białka C-reaktywnego (CRP) oraz stężenia leukocytów w morfologii krwi. Analizie poddano również występowanie u poszczególnych pacjentów określonych chorób współistniejących. Wyniki. U pacjentów powyżej 70. roku życia rzadziej obserwowano objawy kliniczne i laboratoryjne typowe dla zapalenia płuc. Wnioski. Pozaszpitalne zapalenie płuc (PZP) ma odmienną symptomatologię u osób starszych oraz znacznie gorszy przebieg, jeśli towarzyszą mu choroby współistniejące.Introduction. Community — acquired pneumonia is a common lung disease diagnosed in general practice. Because the population is getting older, many elderly people are affected. Aim of the study. Analysis of symptoms in the course of community-acquired pneumonia in elderly patients. Material and methods. Analyzed in terms of symptoms sequentially selected medical records of 45 patients with diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia. To evaluate the sign of inflammation C-reactive protein (CRP) concentration and white blood cells was used. Results. Patients over 70 years old less frequently presented typical clinical and laboratory signs of pneumonia. Conclusions. Community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) has a different symptomatology in the elderly patients and its cause significantly deteriorates if it is accompanied by comorbidities

    Nadciśnienie tętnicze u 34-letniej pacjentki współistniejące z hipokortyzolemią i hipogonadyzmem w przebiegu wrodzonych zaburzeń steroidogenezy nadnerczowej (późno rozpoznany niedobór 17a-hydroksylazy/17,20-liazy) — opis przypadku

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    Congenital adrenal hyperplasia resulting from 17a-hydroxylase/ 17.20-lyase deficiency (17OHD) is a rare autosomal recessive disorder. Deficiency of enzyme is caused by mutation of the P450c17 gene termed CYP17 gene. 17a-Hydroxylase/17.20-lyase deficiency is characterized by reduced or absent secretion of androgens and estrogens in the gonads as well as cortisol and C19 adrenal steroid precursors, with accompanying ACTH-mediated overproduction of adrenal mineralocorticoids: 11-deoxicorticosteron(DOC) and corticosteron. It is characterised by hypertension, hypokalaemia and sexual abnormalities such as infantilism in females or male pseudohermaphroditism. We describe a 34-yr-old female (karyotype 46 XX) with clinical and hormonal features typical for 17a-hydroxylase/17.20-lyase deficiency. She presented hypokalaemic hypertension, primary amenorrhoea and lack of development of secondary sex features. The hormonal profile of the patient demonstrated significant reduction of cortisol, estrogens and androgens, as well as elevation of progesterone, ACTH and gonadotropins. We also described the pathogenesis of biochemical and hormonal disturbancies and different clinical forms of this rare disorder.Wrodzony przerost nadnerczy w następstwie niedoboru enzymu 17a-hydroksylazy/17,20-liazy jest rzadką chorobą uwarunkowaną genetycznie, dziedziczącą się autosomalnie recesywnie. Jest następstwem mutacji inaktywującej genu kodującego enzym układu cytochromu P450c17 o aktywności zarówno 17a-hydroksylazy, jak i 17,20-liazy i noszącego nazwę CYP17. W wyniku mutacji dochodzi do zmniejszenia lub braku aktywności enzymu i upośledzenia biosyntezy prekursorów kortyzolu i steroidów płciowych w nadnerczach i gonadach oraz do nadprodukcji mineralokortykoidów: dezoksykortykosteronu (DOC) i kortykosteronu. Klasyczny obraz kliniczny obejmuje nadciśnienie z hipokaliemią oraz niedorozwój płciowy u płci żeńskiej lub obojnactwo rzekome u płci męskiej. W niniejszej pracy przedstawiono opis przypadku 34-letniej kobiety, z kariotypem 46 XX, z nadciśnieniem tętniczym, pierwotnym brakiem miesiączki oraz zaburzeniami rozwoju płciowego, u której obraz kliniczny i wyniki badań hormonalnych wskazują na niedobór 17a-hydroksylazy/17,20-liazy, które to podejrzenie podjęto dopiero w 4. dekadzie życia. Profil hormonalny pacjentki wykazał znaczne zmniejszenie osoczowego stężenia kortyzolu, estrogenów i androgenów z towarzyszącym wzrostem progesteronu, ACTH i gonadotropin. W artykule przedstawiono także patogenezę zaburzeń biochemicznych i hormonalnych tego rzadkiego zespołu chorobowego oraz jego różnorodne objawy kliniczne

    Obturacyjny bezdech senny — zasady diagnostyki i leczenia

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    Istotą obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego (OBS) są powtarzające się w czasie snu epizodyniedrożności górnych dróg oddechowych. Częstość występowania OBS wzra -sta wraz ze zwiększającym się rozpowszechnieniem otyłości, która stanowi jedenz najistotniejszych czynników r yzyka zaburzeń oddychania w czasie snu. W krajachwysoko uprzemysłowionych OBS występuje u 9–26% dorosłej populacji. P odstawąrozpoznania OBS jest całonocne badanie polisomnograficzne będące obiektywnymnarzędziem oceniającym rodzaj i nasilenie zaburzeń oddychania w czasie snu. Celemleczenia obturacyjnego bezdechu sennego jest utr zymanie drożności górnych drógoddechowych. U pacjentów z bezdechem o ciężkim nasileniu metodą z wyboru jestterapia przy użyciu dodatniego ciśnienia w drogach oddechowych. Nieleczony OBSwiąże się nie tylko z pogorszeniem jakości życia, wynikającym przede wszystkim zewzmożonej senności dziennej, ale także ze zwiększonym ryzykiem rozwoju schorzeńsercowo-naczyniowych, zaburzeń metabolicznych i wypadków komunikacyjnych