9 research outputs found

    Association of Exposure to Traumatic Events, Ongoing Stressors, and Sociodemographic Characteristics with Functional Impairment amongst West Papuan Refugees (n = 230).

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    <p><sup>1</sup> A cutoff of 13 derived from mean WHODAS score distribution.</p><p><sup>2</sup> Odds ratios and adjusted odds ratios are calculated with 95% confidence interval; multivariate logistic regression models included covariates: sex, country of origin, TE exposure, ongoing stressors (significant at p<0.05 in univariate models).</p><p><sup>3</sup> We applied a cutoff score of 5 (poor) for general health.</p><p>*P<0.05;</p><p>**p<0.01</p><p>Association of Exposure to Traumatic Events, Ongoing Stressors, and Sociodemographic Characteristics with Functional Impairment amongst West Papuan Refugees (n = 230).</p

    Sociodemographic Characteristics and Mental Health of Refugees Born In West Papua and PNG (N = 230).

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    <p><sup>1</sup> We grouped TEs into five broad clusters according to their common characteristics: war-related experiences, traumatic losses, witnessing torture and abuse, childhood-related adversities, and lack of access to emergency medical care.</p><p><sup>2</sup> Categorization of TEs and stressors was based on ascending ordinal groupings of exposure of approximately equal distributions of TEs and stressors.</p><p><sup>3</sup> Current mental disorders defined based on DSM-4/5 criteria (0 = non-cases, 1 = case) assessed in the past 12 month period include posttraumatic stress disorder; major depression; generalized anxiety disorder; panic disorder; somatic symptom disorder; persistent complex bereavement related disorder; separation anxiety disorder, psychosis; and intermittent explosive disorder.</p><p><sup>4</sup> A cutoff of 13 derived from total score distribution.</p><p>Sociodemographic Characteristics and Mental Health of Refugees Born In West Papua and PNG (N = 230).</p

    Association of Exposure to Traumatic Events, Ongoing Stressors, and Sociodemographic Characteristics with Current Mental Disorder amongst West Papuan Refugees (N = 230).

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    <p><sup>1</sup> Current mental disorders assigned as cases (met criteria for one or more mental disorders assessed in the past 12-month period) or non-cases (reference category) according to DSM-4/5 criteria for posttraumatic stress disorder; major depression; generalized anxiety disorder; panic disorder; somatic symptom disorder; persistent complex bereavement related disorder; separation anxiety disorder, psychosis; and intermittent explosive disorder.</p><p><sup>2</sup> Odds ratios and adjusted odds ratios are calculated with 95% confidence interval; multivariate logistic regression models included covariates: sex, country of origin, TE exposure, ongoing stressors (significant at p<0.05 in univariate models).</p><p><sup>3</sup> We applied 5 as a cutoff (poor) for general health.</p><p>*P<0.05;</p><p>**p<0.01</p><p>Association of Exposure to Traumatic Events, Ongoing Stressors, and Sociodemographic Characteristics with Current Mental Disorder amongst West Papuan Refugees (N = 230).</p