22 research outputs found

    Representation of geometric borders in the developing rat

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    Local space is represented by a number of functionally specific cell types, including place cells in the hippocampus and grid cells, head direction cells, and border cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC). These cells form a functional map of external space already at the time when rat pups leave the nest for the first time in their life, at the age of 2.5 weeks. However, while place cells have adult-like firing fields from the outset, grid cells have irregular and variable fields until the fourth week, raising doubts about their contribution to place cell firing at young age. Recording in MEC of juvenile rats, we show that, unlike grid cells, border cells express adult-like firing fields from the first days of exposure to an open environment, at postnatal days 16–18. Thus, spatial signals from border cells may be sufficient to maintain spatially localized firing in juvenile hippocampal place cells

    Place cells, grid cells, and memory

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    The hippocampal system is critical for storage and retrieval of declarative memories, including memories for locations and events that take place at those locations. Spatial memories place high demands on capacity. Memories must be distinct to be recalled without interference and encoding must be fast. Recent studies have indicated that hippocampal networks allow for fast storage of large quantities of uncorrelated spatial information. The aim of the this article is to review and discuss some of this work, taking as a starting point the discovery of multiple functionally specialized cell types of the hippocampal–entorhinal circuit, such as place, grid, and border cells. We will show that grid cells provide the hippocampus with a metric, as well as a putative mechanism for decorrelation of representations, that the formation of environment-specific place maps depends on mechanisms for long-term plasticity in the hippocampus, and that long-term spatiotemporal memory storage may depend on offline consolidation processes related to sharp-wave ripple activity in the hippocampus. The multitude of representations generated through interactions between a variety of functionally specialized cell types in the entorhinal–hippocampal circuit may be at the heart of the mechanism for declarative memory formation

    Entorhinal fast-spiking speed cells project to the hippocampus

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    The mammalian positioning system contains a variety of functionally specialized cells in the medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) and the hippocampus. In order for cells in these systems to dynamically update representations in a way that reflects ongoing movement in the environment, they must be able to read out the current speed of the animal. Speed is encoded by speed-responsive cells in both MEC and hippocampus, but the relationship between the two populations has not been determined. We show here that many entorhinal speed cells are fast-spiking putative GABAergic neurons. Using retrograde viral labeling from the hippocampus, we find that a subset of these fast-spiking MEC speed cells project directly to hippocampal areas. This projection contains parvalbumin (PV) but not somatostatin (SOM)-immunopositive cells. The data point to PV-expressing GABAergic projection neurons in MEC as a source for widespread speed modulation and temporal synchronization in entorhinal–hippocampal circuits for place representation

    Path integration in place cells of developing rats

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    Place cells in the hippocampus and grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex rely on self-motion information and path integration for spatially confined firing. Place cells can be observed in young rats as soon as they leave their nest at around 2.5 wk of postnatal life. In contrast, the regularly spaced firing of grid cells develops only after weaning, during the fourth week. In the present study, we sought to determine whether place cells are able to integrate self-motion information before maturation of the grid-cell system. Place cells were recorded on a 200-cm linear track while preweaning, postweaning, and adult rats ran on successive trials from a start wall to a box at the end of a linear track. The position of the start wall was altered in the middle of the trial sequence. When recordings were made in complete darkness, place cells maintained fields at a fixed distance from the start wall regardless of the age of the animal. When lights were on, place fields were determined primarily by external landmarks, except at the very beginning of the track. This shift was observed in both young and adult animals. The results suggest that preweaning rats are able to calculate distances based on information from self-motion before the grid-cell system has matured to its full extent

    Parvalbumin and Somatostatin Interneurons Control Different Space-Coding Networks in the Medial Entorhinal Cortex

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    The medial entorhinal cortex (MEC) contains several discrete classes of GABAergic interneurons, but their specific contributions to spatial pattern formation in this area remain elusive. We employed a pharmacogenetic approach to silence either parvalbumin (PV)- or somatostatin (SOM)-expressing interneurons while MEC cells were recorded in freely moving mice. PV-cell silencing antagonized the hexagonally patterned spatial selectivity of grid cells, especially in layer II of MEC. The impairment was accompanied by reduced speed modulation in colocalized speed cells. Silencing SOM cells, in contrast, had no impact on grid cells or speed cells but instead decreased the spatial selectivity of cells with discrete aperiodic firing fields. Border cells and head direction cells were not affected by either intervention. The findings point to distinct roles for PV and SOM interneurons in the local dynamics underlying periodic and aperiodic firing in spatially modulated cells of the MEC

    Functional diversity along the transverse axis of hippocampal area CA1

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    Decades of neuroscience research have shed lights on the hippocampus as a key structure for the formation of episodic memory. The hippocampus is divided into distinct subfields – CA1, CA2 and CA3. Whereas accumulating evidence points to cellular and synaptic heterogeneity within each subfield, this heterogeneity has not received much attention in computational and behavioural studies and subfields have until recently been considered functionally uniform. However, a couple of recent studies have demonstrated prominent functional differences along the proximodistal axis of the CA1 subfield. Here, we review anatomical and physiological differences that might give rise to heterogeneity along the proximodistal axis of CA1 as well as the functional implications of such heterogeneity. We suggest that such heterogeneity in CA1 operates dynamically in the sense that the CA1 network alternates, on a subsecond scale, between a state where the network is primarily responsive to functionally segregated direct inputs from entorhinal cortex and a state where cells predominantly are controlled by more integrated inputs from CA3

    Functional organization of the hippocampal longitudinal axis

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    The precise functional role of the hippocampus remains a topic of much debate. The dominant view is that the dorsal (or posterior) hippocampus is implicated in memory and spatial navigation and the ventral (or anterior) hippocampus mediates anxiety-related behaviours. However, this 'dichotomy view' may need revision. Gene expression studies demonstrate multiple functional domains along the hippocampal long axis, which often exhibit sharply demarcated borders. By contrast, anatomical studies and electrophysiological recordings in rodents suggest that the long axis is organized along a gradient. Together, these observations suggest a model in which functional long-axis gradients are superimposed on discrete functional domains. This model provides a potential framework to explain and test the multiple functions ascribed to the hippocampus

    Place cells in the hippocampus: Eleven maps for eleven rooms

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    The contribution of hippocampal circuits to high-capacity episodic memory is often attributed to the large number of orthogonal activity patterns that may be stored in these networks. Evidence for high-capacity storage in the hippocampus is missing, however. When animals are tested in pairs of environments, different combinations of place cells are recruited, consistent with the notion of independent representations. However, the extent to which representations remain independent across larger numbers of environments has not been determined. To investigate whether spatial firing patterns recur when animals are exposed to multiple environments, we tested rats in 11 recording boxes, each in a different room, allowing for 55 comparisons of place maps in each animal. In each environment, activity was recorded from neuronal ensembles in hippocampal area CA3, with an average of 30 active cells per animal. Representations were highly correlated between repeated tests in the same room but remained orthogonal across all combinations of different rooms, with minimal overlap in the active cell samples from each environment. A low proportion of cells had activity in many rooms but the firing locations of these cells were completely uncorrelated. Taken together, the results suggest that the number of independent spatial representations stored in hippocampal area CA3 is large, with minimal recurrence of spatial firing patterns across environments

    Grid cells and cortical representation

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    One of the grand challenges in neuroscience is to comprehend neural computation in the association cortices, the parts of the cortex that have shown the largest expansion and differentiation during mammalian evolution and that are thought to contribute profoundly to the emergence of advanced cognition in humans. In this Review, we use grid cells in the medial entorhinal cortex as a gateway to understand network computation at a stage of cortical processing in which firing patterns are shaped not primarily by incoming sensory signals but to a large extent by the intrinsic properties of the local circuit