235 research outputs found

    Some Proofs of Desargues\u27 Triangle Theorem

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    It is the French mathematician Gerard Desargues\u27 triangle theorem that I will be concerned with in this paper. It states, IF TWO TRIANGLES ARE CENTRALLY PERSPECTIVE, THEY ARE AXIALLY PERSPECTIVE. Desargue theorized this theorem in 1639. He was born in Lyons on March 2, 1591. The importance of his theorem was not fully realized until after his death in 1661 which was the case of many mathematicians during that time. It will be my objective in this paper to try to make the reader realize how one problem in geometry can bring out such a diversified amount of accummulated facts and apply it to one problem. This is true in all branches of mathematics but I think geometry gives a person a chance to express his mathematical creativity more than any of the other areas. After reading this paper the reader should see some of this variety. In this paper I have investigated, originated and developed in details eight different proofs to the one theorem. The proofs involve both Euclidean and non-Euclidean geometry by using the following methods: parallelism; Menelaus\u27 Theorem; analytic geometry; ideal point and plane intersection. A brief discussion of some of the ideal element concepts are written in this first chapter

    Phyllis Moseley and Arthur Morris in a Joint Junior Voice Recital

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    This is the program for the joint junior voice recital of soprano Phyllis Moseley and baritone Arthur Morris. Dora Ann King accompanied Moseley, and Bob Braswell accompanied Morris. The recital took place on March 28, 1965

    Latent protein trees

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    Unbiased, label-free proteomics is becoming a powerful technique for measuring protein expression in almost any biological sample. The output of these measurements after preprocessing is a collection of features and their associated intensities for each sample. Subsets of features within the data are from the same peptide, subsets of peptides are from the same protein, and subsets of proteins are in the same biological pathways, therefore, there is the potential for very complex and informative correlational structure inherent in these data. Recent attempts to utilize this data often focus on the identification of single features that are associated with a particular phenotype that is relevant to the experiment. However, to date, there have been no published approaches that directly model what we know to be multiple different levels of correlation structure. Here we present a hierarchical Bayesian model which is specifically designed to model such correlation structure in unbiased, label-free proteomics. This model utilizes partial identification information from peptide sequencing and database lookup as well as the observed correlation in the data to appropriately compress features into latent proteins and to estimate their correlation structure. We demonstrate the effectiveness of the model using artificial/benchmark data and in the context of a series of proteomics measurements of blood plasma from a collection of volunteers who were infected with two different strains of viral influenza.Comment: Published in at http://dx.doi.org/10.1214/13-AOAS639 the Annals of Applied Statistics (http://www.imstat.org/aoas/) by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics (http://www.imstat.org

    Kinetic Characterization of Salmonella FliK-FlhB Interactions Demonstrates Complexity of the Type III Secretion Substrate-Specificity Switch

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    The bacterial flagellum is a complex macromolecular machine consisting of more than 20000 proteins, most of which must be exported from the cell via a dedicated Type III secretion apparatus. At a defined point in flagellar morphogenesis, hook completion is sensed and the apparatus switches substrate specificity type from rod and hook proteins to filament ones. How the switch works is a subject of intense interest. FIiK and F1hBs play central roles. In the present study, two optical biosensing methods were used to characterize FIiK-F1hB interactions using wild-type and two variant FlhBs from mutants with severe flagellar structural defects. Binding was found to be complex with fast and slow association and dissociation components. Surprisingly, wild-type and variant FlhBs had similar kinetic profiles and apparent affinities, which ranged between I and 10.5 ÎĽM, suggesting that the specificity switch is more complex than presently understood. Other binding experiments provided evidence for a conformational change after binding. Liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LC-MS) and NMR experiments were performed to identify a cyclic intermediate product whose existence supports the mechanism of autocatalytic cleavage at FlhB residue N269. The present results show that while autocatalytic cleavage is necessary for proper substrate specificity switching, it does not result in an altered interaction with FIiK. strongly suggesting the involvement of other proteins in the mechanism

    Wee1-Regulated Apoptosis Mediated by the Crk Adaptor Protein in Xenopus Egg Extracts

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    Many of the biochemical reactions of apoptotic cell death, including mitochondrial cytochrome c release and caspase activation, can be reconstituted in cell-free extracts derived from Xenopus eggs. In addition, because caspase activation does not occur until the egg extract has been incubated for several hours on the bench, upstream signaling processes occurring before full apoptosis are rendered accessible to biochemical manipulation. We reported previously that the adaptor protein Crk is required for apoptotic signaling in egg extracts (Evans, E.K., W. Lu, S.L. Strum, B.J. Mayer, and S. Kornbluth. 1997. EMBO (Eur. Mol. Biol. Organ.) J. 16:230–241). Moreover, we demonstrated that removal of Crk Src homology (SH)2 or SH3 interactors from the extracts prevented apoptosis. We now report the finding that the relevant Crk SH2-interacting protein, important for apoptotic signaling in the extract, is the well-known cell cycle regulator, Wee1. We have demonstrated a specific interaction between tyrosine-phosphorylated Wee1 and the Crk SH2 domain and have shown that recombinant Wee1 can restore apoptosis to an extract depleted of SH2 interactors. Moreover, exogenous Wee1 accelerated apoptosis in egg extracts, and this acceleration was largely dependent on the presence of endogenous Crk protein. As other Cdk inhibitors, such as roscovitine and Myt1, did not act like Wee1 to accelerate apoptosis, we propose that Wee1–Crk complexes signal in a novel apoptotic pathway, which may be unrelated to Wee1's role as a cell cycle regulator

    The Small Subunit of the Mammalian Mitochondrial Ribosome: IDENTIFICATION OF THE FULL COMPLEMENT OF RIBOSOMAL PROTEINS PRESENT

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    Identification of all the protein components of the small subunit (28 S) of the mammalian mitochondrial ribosome has been achieved by carrying out proteolytic digestions of whole 28 S subunits followed by analysis of the resultant peptides by liquid chromatography and tandem mass spectrometry (LC/MS/MS). Peptide sequence information was used to search the human EST data bases and complete coding sequences of the proteins were assembled. The human mitochondrial ribosome has 29 distinct proteins in the small subunit. Fourteen of this group of proteins are homologs of the Escherichia coli 30 S ribosomal proteins S2, S5, S6, S7, S9, S10, S11, S12, S14, S15, S16, S17, S18, and S21. All of these proteins have homologs in Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial ribosomes. Surprisingly, three variants of ribosomal protein S18 are found in the mammalian and D. melanogaster mitochondrial ribosomes while C. elegans has two S18 homologs. The S18 homologs tend to be more closely related to chloroplast S18s than to prokaryotic S18s. No mitochondrial homologs to prokaryotic ribosomal proteins S1, S3, S4, S8, S13, S19, and S20 could be found in the peptides obtained from the whole 28 S subunit digests or by analysis of the available data bases. The remaining 15 proteins present in mammalian mitochondrial 28 S subunits (MRP-S22 through MRP-S36) are specific to mitochondrial ribosomes. Proteins in this group have no apparent homologs in bacterial, chloroplast, archaebacterial, or cytosolic ribosomes. All but two of these proteins have a clear homolog in D. melanogaster while all but three can be found in the genome of C. elegans. Five of the mitochondrial specific ribosomal proteins have homologs in S. cerevisiae

    Vulnerable Users’ Perceptions of Transport Technologies

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    As the global population continues to grow, age and urbanize, it is vital to provide accessible transport so that neither ageing nor disability constitute barriers to social inclusion. While technology can enhance urban access, there is a need to study the ways by which transport technologies - real-time information, pedestrian navigation, surveillance, and road pricing - could be more effectively adopted by users. The reason for this is that some people, and particularly vulnerable populations, are still likely to reluctantly use (or even avoid using) technologies perceived as 'unknown' and 'complicated'. Based on evidence from British and Swedish case studies on older people's perceptions of the aforementioned transport technologies, as well as on a Swedish case study of visually impaired people's perceptions, this article makes the case that technology is only one tool in a complex socio-technical system, and one which brings challenges. The authors also suggest that although vulnerable populations are not homogeneous when expressing attitudes towards transport technologies, their assessment criteria tend to be 'pro-social' as they usually consider that the societal benefits outweigh the personal benefits. Emphasising aspects linked to the technologies' pro-social potential or relevance to the individual user could increase acceptance

    Performance of Farm Egg Coolers

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    The Oklahoma Agricultural Experiment Station periodically issues revisions to its publications. The most current edition is made available. For access to an earlier edition, if available for this title, please contact the Oklahoma State University Library Archives by email at [email protected] or by phone at 405-744-6311

    Evolutionary divergence of gene and protein expression in the brains of humans and chimpanzees

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    Although transcriptomic profiling has become the standard approach for exploring molecular differences in the primate brain, very little is known about how the expression levels of gene transcripts relate to downstream protein abundance. Moreover, it is unknown whether the relationship changes depending on the brain region or species under investigation. We performed high-throughput transcriptomic (RNA-Seq) and proteomic (liquid chromatography coupled with tandem mass spectrometry) analyses on two regions of the human and chimpanzee brain: The anterior cingulate cortex and caudate nucleus. In both brain regions, we found a lower correlation between mRNA and protein expression levels in humans and chimpanzees than has been reported for other tissues and cell types, suggesting that the brain may engage extensive tissue-specific regulation affecting protein abundance. In both species, only a few categories of biological function exhibited strong correlations between mRNA and protein expression levels. These categories included oxidative metabolism and protein synthesis and modification, indicating that the expression levels of mRNA transcripts supporting these biological functions are more predictive of protein expression compared with other functional categories. More generally, however, the two measures of molecular expression provided strikingly divergent perspectives into differential expression between human and chimpanzee brains: mRNA comparisons revealed significant differences in neuronal communication, ion transport, and regulatory processes, whereas protein comparisons indicated differences in perception and cognition, metabolic processes, and organization of the cytoskeleton. Our results highlight the importance of examining protein expression in evolutionary analyses and call for a more thorough understanding of tissue-specific protein expression levels

    The Large Subunit of the Mammalian Mitochondrial Ribosome: ANALYSIS OF THE COMPLEMENT OF RIBOSOMAL PROTEINS PRESENT

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    Identification of all the protein components of the large subunit (39 S) of the mammalian mitochondrial ribosome has been achieved by carrying out proteolytic digestions of whole 39 S subunits followed by analysis of the resultant peptides by liquid chromatography and mass spectrometry. Peptide sequence information was used to search the human EST data bases and complete coding sequences were assembled. The human mitochondrial 39 S subunit has 48 distinct proteins. Twenty eight of these are homologs of the Escherichia coli 50 S ribosomal proteins L1, L2, L3, L4, L7/L12, L9, L10, L11, L13, L14, L15, L16, L17, L18, L19, L20, L21, L22, L23, L24, L27, L28, L30, L32, L33, L34, L35, and L36. Almost all of these proteins have homologs in Drosophila melanogaster, Caenorhabditis elegans, and Saccharomyces cerevisiae mitochondrial ribosomes. No mitochondrial homologs to prokaryotic ribosomal proteins L5, L6, L25, L29, and L31 could be found either in the peptides obtained or by analysis of the available data bases. The remaining 20 proteins present in the 39 S subunits are specific to mitochondrial ribosomes. Proteins in this group have no apparent homologs in bacterial, chloroplast, archaebacterial, or cytosolic ribosomes. All but two of the proteins has a clear homolog in D. melanogaster while all can be found in the genome of C. elegans. Ten of the 20 mitochondrial specific 39 S proteins have homologs in S. cerevisiae. Homologs of 2 of these new classes of ribosomal proteins could be identified in the Arabidopsis thaliana genome
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