98 research outputs found

    Quality Assurance Unit of Kavala Institute of Technology (MODIP)

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    There are three levels of institutionalized education in Greece: primary, secondary and tertiary education. Higher education is divided in accordance with the Bologna Declaration in three cycles. The three cycles are the bachelor, the MSc and PhD qualifications. In Greece, higher education is offered by the Universities and Institutes of Technology. Higher education is very essential for active participation in the knowledge societies which in turn accelerates economic growth. Quality education is a prerequisite to gain access to knowledge which guarantees economic development. This makes the condition of higher education in Greece a very critical issue. The Quality Insurance Unit of the Kavala Institute of Technology (MODIP) was created for the improvement of education. The purpose of this paper is to present MODIP and its integrated information system and services provided through it, both for students and faculty through the prism of higher education. Its innovation lies in the fact that for the first time ever in higher education in Greece, an information system that will gather all this information is implemented

    EXTRA SPINDLE POLES (Separase) controls anisotropic cell expansion in Norway spruce (Picea abies) embryos independently of its role in anaphase progression

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    The caspase-related protease separase (EXTRA SPINDLE POLES, ESP) plays a major role in chromatid disjunction and cell expansion in Arabidopsis thaliana. Whether the expansion phenotypes are linked to defects in cell division in Arabidopsis ESP mutants remains elusive. Here we present the identification, cloning and characterization of the gymnosperm Norway spruce (Picea abies, Pa) ESP. We used the P. abies somatic embryo system and a combination of reverse genetics and microscopy to explore the roles of Pa ESP during embryogenesis. Pa ESP was expressed in the proliferating embryonal mass, while it was absent in the suspensor cells. Pa ESP associated with kinetochore microtubules in metaphase and then with anaphase spindle midzone. During cytokinesis, it localized on the phragmoplast microtubules and on the cell plate. Pa ESP deficiency perturbed anisotropic expansion and reduced mitotic divisions in cotyledonary embryos. Furthermore, whilst Pa ESP can rescue the chromatid nondisjunction phenotype of Arabidopsis ESP mutants, it cannot rescue anisotropic cell expansion. Our data demonstrate that the roles of ESP in daughter chromatid separation and cell expansion are conserved between gymnosperms and angiosperms. However, the mechanisms of ESP-mediated regulation of cell expansion seem to be lineage-specific

    X-rays Studies of the Solar System

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    X-ray observatories contribute fundamental advances in Solar System studies by probing Sun-object interactions, developing planet and satellite surface composition maps, probing global magnetospheric dynamics, and tracking astrochemical reactions. Despite these crucial results, the technological limitations of current X-ray instruments hinder the overall scope and impact for broader scientific application of X-ray observations both now and in the coming decade. Implementation of modern advances in X-ray optics will provide improvements in effective area, spatial resolution, and spectral resolution for future instruments. These improvements will usher in a truly transformative era of Solar System science through the study of X-ray emission.Comment: White paper submitted to Astro2020, the Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Surve

    Developing an infrastructure for secure patient summary exchange in the EU context: Lessons learned from the KONFIDO project

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    Background: The increase of healthcare digitalization comes along with potential information security risks. Thus, the EU H2020 KONFIDO project aimed to provide a toolkit supporting secure cross-border health data exchange. Methods: KONFIDO focused on the so-called “User Goals”, while also identifying barriers and facilitators regarding eHealth acceptance. Key user scenarios were elaborated both in terms of threat analysis and legal challenges. Moreover, KONFIDO developed a toolkit aiming to enhance the security of OpenNCP, the reference implementation framework. Results: The main project outcomes are highlighted and the “Lessons Learned,” the technical challenges and the EU context are detailed. Conclusions: The main “Lessons Learned” are summarized and a set of recommendations is provided, presenting the position of the KONFIDO consortium toward a robust EU-wide health data exchange infrastructure. To this end, the lack of infrastructure and technical capacity is highlighted, legal and policy challenges are identified and the need to focus on usability and semantic interoperability is emphasized. Regarding technical issues, an emphasis on transparent and standards-based development processes is recommended, especially for landmark software projects. Finally, promoting mentality change and knowledge dissemination is also identified as key step toward the development of secure cross-border health data exchange services

    Effects of flavonoids dietary supplementation on milk antioxidant capacity in sheep

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    Hesperidin and naringin are bioflavonoids known for their antioxidant properties. They are abundant in inexpensive by-products of citrus cultivation such as citrus pulp which often are treated as waste. An experiment was conducted to examine the effects of dietary hesperidin or naringin supplementation on lactating ewes’ milk antioxidant capacity
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