1,809 research outputs found

    Product formulas for the 5-division points on the Tate normal form and the Rogers–Ramanujan continued fraction

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    Explicit formulas are proved for the 5-torsion points on the Tate normal form E5 of an elliptic curve having (X,Y)=(0,0) as a point of order 5. These formulas express the coordinates of points in E5[5]−⟨(0,0)⟩ as products of linear fractional quantities in terms of 5-th roots of unity and a parameter u, where the parameter b which defines the curve E5 is given as b=(ε5u5−ε−5)/(u5+1) and ε=(−1+5–√)/2. If r(τ) is the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction and b=r5(τ), then the coordinates of points of order 5 in E5[5]−⟨(0,0)⟩ are shown to be products of linear fractional expressions in r(5τ) with coefficients in Q(ζ5)

    Solutions of diophantine equations as periodic points of pp-adic algebraic functions, III

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    All the periodic points of a certain algebraic function related to the Rogers-Ramanujan continued fraction r(τ)r(\tau) are determined. They turn out to be 0,−1±520, \frac{-1 \pm \sqrt{5}}{2}, and the conjugates over Q\mathbb{Q} of the values r(wd/5)r(w_d/5), where wdw_d is one of a specific set of algebraic integers, divisible by the square of a prime divisor of 5, in the field Kd=Q(−d)K_d=\mathbb{Q}(\sqrt{-d}), as −d-d ranges over all negative quadratic discriminants for which (−d5)=+1\left(\frac{-d}{5}\right) = +1. This yields new insights on class numbers of orders in the fields KdK_d. Conjecture 1 of Part I is proved for the prime p=5p=5, showing that the ring class fields over fields of type KdK_d whose conductors are relatively prime to 55 coincide with the fields generated over Q\mathbb{Q} by the periodic points (excluding -1) of a fixed 55-adic algebraic function.Comment: 38 page

    Synthetic foundations of cevian geometry, III: The generalized orthocenter

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    In this paper, the third in the series, we define the generalized orthocenter HH corresponding to a point PP, with respect to triangle ABCABC, as the unique point for which the lines HA,HB,HCHA, HB, HC are parallel, respectively, to QD,QE,QFQD, QE, QF, where DEFDEF is the cevian triangle of PP and Q=K∘ι(P)Q=K \circ \iota(P) is the isotomcomplementisotomcomplement of PP, both with respect to ABCABC. We prove a generalized Feuerbach Theorem, and characterize the center ZZ of the cevian conic CP\mathcal{C}_P, defined in Part II, as the center of the affine map ΦP=TP∘K−1∘TP′∘K−1\Phi_P = T_P \circ K^{-1} \circ T_{P'} \circ K^{-1}, where TPT_P is the unique affine map for which TP(ABC)=DEFT_P(ABC)=DEF; TP′T_{P'} is defined similarly for the isotomic conjugate P′=ι(P)P'=\iota(P) of PP; and KK is the complement map. The affine map ΦP\Phi_P fixes ZZ and takes the nine-point conic NH\mathcal{N}_H for the quadrangle ABCHABCH (with respect to the line at infinity) to the inconic I\mathcal{I}, defined to be the unique conic which is tangent to the sides of ABCABC at the points D,E,FD, E, F. The point ZZ is therefore the point where the nine-point conic NH\mathcal{N}_H and the inconic I\mathcal{I} touch. This theorem generalizes the usual Feuerbach theorem and holds in all cases where the point PP is not on a median, whether the conics involved are ellipses, parabolas, or hyperbolas, and also holds when ZZ is an infinite point. We also determine the locus of points PP for which the generalized orthocenter HH coincides with a vertex of ABCABC; this locus turns out to be the union of three conics minus six points. All our proofs are synthetic, and combine affine and projective arguments.Comment: 34 pages, 7 figure

    Synthetic foundations of cevian geometry, I: Fixed points of affine maps in triangle geometry

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    We give synthetic proofs of many new results in triangle geometry, focusing especially on fixed points of certain affine maps which are defined in terms of the cevian triangle DEFDEF of a point PP with respect to a given triangle ABCABC, as well as the cevian triangle of the isotomic conjugate P′P' of PP with respect to ABCABC. We prove a formula for the cyclocevian map in terms of the isotomic and isogonal maps using an entirely synthetic argument, and show that the complement QQ of the isotomic conjugate P′P' has many interesting properties. If TPT_P is the affine map taking ABCABC to DEFDEF, we show synthetically that QQ is the unique ordinary fixed point of TPT_P when PP is any point not lying on the sides of triangle ABCABC, its anti-complementary triangle, or the Steiner circumellipse of ABCABC. We also show that TP(Q′)=PT_P(Q')=P if Q′Q' is the complement of PP, and that the affine map TPTP′T_P T_{P'} is either a homothety or a translation which always has the PP-ceva conjugate of QQ as a fixed point. Finally, we show that PP lies on the Steiner circumellipse if and only if TPTP′=K−1T_PT_{P'}=K^{-1}, where KK is the complement map for ABCABC. This paper forms the foundation for several more papers to follow, in which the conic on the 5 points A,B,C,P,QA,B,C,P,Q is studied and its center is characterized as a fixed point of the map λ=TP′TP−1\lambda=T_{P'} T_P^{-1}.Comment: 25 pages, 6 figure

    On sums of Rudin-Shapiro coefficients II

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    Let {a(n)} be the Rudin-Shapiro sequence, and let s(n) = ∑a(k) and t(n) = ∑(-1)k a(k). In this paper we show that the sequences {s(n)/√n} and {t(n)/√n} do not have cumulative distribution functions, but do have logarithmic distribution functions (given by a specific Lebesgue integral) at each point of the respective intervals [√3/5, √6] and [0, √3]. The functions a(x) and s(x) are also defined for real x ≥ 0, and the function [s(x) – a(x)]/√x is shown to have a Fourier expansion whose coefficients are related to the poles of the Dirichlet series ∑a(n)/n, where Re τ > ½

    The Homflypt skein module of a connected sum of 3-manifolds

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    If M is an oriented 3-manifold, let S(M) denote the Homflypt skein module of M. We show that S(M_1 connect sum M_2) is isomorphic to S(M_1) tensor S(M_2) modulo torsion. In fact, we show that S(M_1 connect sum M_2) is isomorphic to S(M_1) tensot S(M_2) if we are working over a certain localized ring. We show the similar result holds for relative skein modules. If M contains a separating 2-sphere, we give conditions under which certain relative skein modules of M vanish over specified localized rings.Comment: Published by Algebraic and Geometric Topology at http://www.maths.warwick.ac.uk/agt/AGTVol1/agt-1-31.abs.htm

    Towards an Adaptive Skeleton Framework for Performance Portability

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    The proliferation of widely available, but very different, parallel architectures makes the ability to deliver good parallel performance on a range of architectures, or performance portability, highly desirable. Irregularly-parallel problems, where the number and size of tasks is unpredictable, are particularly challenging and require dynamic coordination. The paper outlines a novel approach to delivering portable parallel performance for irregularly parallel programs. The approach combines declarative parallelism with JIT technology, dynamic scheduling, and dynamic transformation. We present the design of an adaptive skeleton library, with a task graph implementation, JIT trace costing, and adaptive transformations. We outline the architecture of the protoype adaptive skeleton execution framework in Pycket, describing tasks, serialisation, and the current scheduler.We report a preliminary evaluation of the prototype framework using 4 micro-benchmarks and a small case study on two NUMA servers (24 and 96 cores) and a small cluster (17 hosts, 272 cores). Key results include Pycket delivering good sequential performance e.g. almost as fast as C for some benchmarks; good absolute speedups on all architectures (up to 120 on 128 cores for sumEuler); and that the adaptive transformations do improve performance

    Periodic points of algebraic functions and Deuring’s class number formula

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    The exact set of periodic points in Q of the algebraic function ˆ F(z) = (−1±p1 − z4)/z2 is shown to consist of the coordinates of certain solutions (x, y) = ( , ) of the Fermat equation x4+y4 = 1 in ring class fields f over imaginary quadratic fields K = Q(p−d) of odd conductor f, where −d = dKf2 1 (mod 8). This is shown to result from the fact that the 2-adic function F(z) = (−1 + p1 − z4)/z2 is a lift of the Frobenius automorphism on the coordinates for which | |2 < 1, for any d 7 (mod 8), when considered as elements of the maximal unramified extension K2 of the 2-adic field Q2. This gives an interpretation of the case p = 2 of a class number formula of Deuring. An algebraic method of computing these periodic points and the corresponding class equations H−d(x) is given that is applicable for small periods. The pre-periodic points of ˆ F(z) in Q are also determined
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