8 research outputs found

    Quantitative Study and Structure Visualization of Scientific Publications in the Field of Information Management in Web of Science Database during 1988-2009

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    The present study endeavored to analysis the scientific publications that were indexed in the Web of Science database as the information management records and the visualization of science structure in this field during 1988-2009. The research method was scientometrics. During the study period, 1120 records in the field of information management have been published. These records were extracted in the form of plain text files and stored in a PC. Then they were analyzed by ISI.exe and HistCite softwares. Author's coefficient collaboration (CC) was grown from zero in 1988 to 0.33 in 2009. Average coefficient collaboration between the authors was 0.22 which confirmed low authors collaboration in this area. The records have been published in 63 languages. Among these records the English language with 93.8 % possessed the highest proportion. City University London and the University of Sheffield in England had the most common publications in information management field. Based on the number of published records, T.D. Wilson with 13 records and 13 citations ranked as the first. The average number of global citations to 112 documents has been equal to 8.78. Despite the participation of different countries in the production of documents, more than 28.9% of records have been produced in the United States. According to results, 10 countries have published more than 72.4 percent of the records. City University London and the University of Sheffield have had highest frequency in this area. 15 journals have published 564 records (50.4%) of the total productions. Finally, by implementation of scientific software HistCite map drawing clustered and authors, articles and four effective specific subjects were introduced.

    irMass TransferDuring the Pre-Usage Dehydration of PolyvinylAlcohol Hydrogel Wound Dressings: Mass transfer during pre-usage dehydration of PVPhydrogels

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    Nowadays, hydrogels are widely used as wound dressings in biomedicalapplications. Similar to other types of the moist (wet) wound dressings, it isnecessary to have sufficient information about their dehydration kinetics during thepre-usage period (e.g. storage duration) and also the wound healing process. In thiswork, hydrogel wound dressings based on polyvinyl alcohol were prepared bycyclic freezing-thawing method and their dehydration process investigated byexperimental and mathematical methods. The dehydration tests were performed atatmospheric pressure at 37 °C, using hydrogels containing initial water content of70, 80 and 90 wt% and thickness of 1, 3 and 4 mm. The dehydration kinetics of eachhydrogel was determined by plotting the relative water loss (ratio of water loss toinitial water content) versus time. The obtained results showed that the dehydrationrate has inverse dependency to the thickness of wound dressing. On the other hand,the initial water content of the wound dressing has not significant effect on itsdehydration rate. To compare the obtained results with theoretical data, themathematical modeling on the basis of diffusion mechanism was developed topredict the dehydration process of the wound dressings. The results obtained fromthe mathematical modeling were in agreement with the experimental results showingthat the main phenomenon governing the dehydration of the wound dressings is thediffusion

    Distribution of seaweeds in Mangrove forests

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    Many of the mangrove forests are characterized by macroalgae growing epiphytically on pneumatophores, prop roots, stems and other hard substrates. Mangrove macroalgae have an important role as primary producers in the estuarine ecosystem. In the present study, four different mangrove habitats were selected to identify the macroalgae inhabiting the roots of a mangrove species Avicennia marina in the Iranian coastlines of Persian Gulf. Field observations identified no epiphytic macroalgae on the roots of A. marina. Previous studies show that mangrove maroalgae exist only in the estuary habitats with fresh water entrance. Therefore, the absence of  macroalgae on Iran's mangrove forests is likely due to high salinity in these areas. Moreover, the possibility of chemical defense and allelopathic reactions of mangroves can be investigated

    UV-absorbing mycosporin-like compounds in some macroalgae of the Persian Gulf and its potential application in the formulation of sunscreens

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    Despite major advances in chemical synthesis, the use of natural species, especially algae, is still of interest in pharmaceutical research due to its wide range of biologically active compounds. In this study, six species of seaweeds from the Persian Gulf including one green and five red algae species were screened for the presence of UV-absorbing compounds. Moreover, the possibility of using these compounds as UV filters in sunscreens was investigated. The specimens were collected from coastlines of Qeshm Island, Hormozgan province, and shade dried. The partially purified MAAs extracts of seaweeds were investigated by spectrophotometry and high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) to detect the presence of mycosporin-like compounds. The results confirmed the presence of ultraviolet adsorbents in three species of red algae, but the green alga Caulerpa sertularioides forma farlowii showed a lack of these compounds. Additionally, cream samples containing partially purified MAAs extract of Hypnea musciformis showed sun protection factor (SPF) of 2.9 and UVA protection index of 0.78 that confirmed the capacity of this extract and its compounds for application in sunscreens

    Measurement of antioxidant capacity of ascorbic acid against TEMPO radical scavenging using the quartz crystal micro-balance as a novel technique

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    Ascorbic acid is known as an important vitamin antioxidant, which has many role in the health of body cells. In this research, for the first time has been used from the quartz crystal micro-balance (QCM) technique to determine the antioxidant capacity of ascorbic acid against TEMPO radical scavenging in different concentrations in binary mixture of water-ethanol (1:2 v/v) at room temperature. In this technique, the mass changes on the quartz crystal covered by gold layer and modified by the cysteine are measured using the changes of vibrational frequency. The antioxidant capacity was measured based on the radical adsorption on the modified layer of crystal. Changes in frequency were observed proportional to the mass of the absorbed TEMPO radical. The obtained results indicate that the scavenging property of ascorbic acid is increased by increasing the concentration of TEMPO free radical. Finally, the adsorption process of TEMPO radical was evaluated by using Langmuir and Freundlich models. It was found that the adsorption of TEMPO radical on the surface of crystal follows the Langmuir isotherm

    Molecular Analysis of HS-111 and 3`HS1 Variations in β-Thalassemia Intermedia Patients with High Levels of HbF

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    Objective: To study the possible association between high levels of fetal haemoglobin(HbF) in β-thalassemia intermedia patients and HS-111 and 3`HS1 sequence variations.Materials and Methods: In this study, the 3' HS-1 and HS-111 regions of 30 ß-thalassaemiaintermedia patients (ß°/ß°) with high levels of HbF, 21 ß-thalassemia major patientsand 40 normal Iranian individuals were analyzed by single-strand conformation polymorphism(SSCP) and polymerase chain reaction (PCR) sequencing.Results: Two nucleotide variations in 3' HS111 (-21A>G) and 3`HS1 (179C>T) wereidentified. The most frequent sequence variation was 3' HS111 (-21A) in the intermediapatients and 3`HS111 (-21G) in the major thalassemia patients. In contrast to the 3`HS1marker, both 3'HS111 A and G variants showed a correlation with each studied group.Conclusion: The HS111 marker in conjunction with other parameters could be used asappropriate genetic markers to discriminate β-thalassemia intermedia patients (β°/β°) withhigh levels of HbF from β-thalassemia major patients