31 research outputs found

    Methamphetamine administration targets multiple immune subsets and induces phenotypic alterations suggestive of immunosuppression.

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    Methamphetamine (Meth) is a widely abused stimulant and its users are at increased risk for multiple infectious diseases. To determine the impact of meth on the immune system, we utilized a murine model that simulates the process of meth consumption in a typical addict. Our phenotypic analysis of leukocytes from this dose escalation model revealed that meth affected key immune subsets. Meth administration led to a decrease in abundance of natural killer (NK) cells and the remaining NK cells possessed a phenotype suggesting reduced responsiveness. Dendritic cells (DCs) and Gr-1(high) monocytes/macrophages were also decreased in abundance while Gr-1(low) monocytes/macrophages appear to show signs of perturbation. CD4 and CD8 T cell subsets were affected by methamphetamine, both showing a reduction in antigen-experienced subsets. CD4 T cells also exhibited signs of activation, with increased expression of CD150 on CD226-expressing cells and an expansion of KLRG1(+), FoxP3(-) cells. These results exhibit that meth has the ability to disrupt immune homeostasis and impact key subsets of leukocytes which may leave users more vulnerable to pathogens

    Induction of miR-155 after Brain Injury Promotes Type 1 Interferon and has a Neuroprotective Effect.

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) produces profound and lasting neuroinflammation that has both beneficial and detrimental effects. Recent evidence has implicated microRNAs (miRNAs) in the regulation of inflammation both in the periphery and the CNS. We examined the expression of inflammation associated miRNAs in the context of TBI using a mouse controlled cortical impact (CCI) model and found increased levels of miR-21, miR-223 and miR-155 in the hippocampus after CCI. The expression of miR-155 was elevated 9-fold after CCI, an increase confirmed by in situ hybridization (ISH). Interestingly, expression of miR-155 was largely found in neuronal nuclei as evidenced by co-localization with DAPI in MAP2 positive neurons. In miR-155 knock out (KO) mice expression of type I interferons IFNα and IFNβ, as well as IFN regulatory factor 1 and IFN-induced chemokine CXCL10 was decreased after TBI relative to wild type (WT) mice. Unexpectedly, miR-155 KO mice had increased levels of microglial marker Iba1 and increased neuronal degeneration as measured by fluoro-jade C (FJC) staining, suggesting a neuroprotective role for miR-155 in the context of TBI. This work demonstrates a role for miR-155 in regulation of the IFN response and neurodegeneration in the aftermath of TBI. While the presence of neuronal nuclear miRNAs has been described previously, their importance in disease states is relatively unknown. Here, we show evidence of dynamic regulation and pathological function of a nuclear miRNA in TBI

    The evolutionary young miR-1290 favors mitotic exit and differentiation of human neural progenitors through altering the cell cycle proteins.

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    Regulation of cellular proliferation and differentiation during brain development results from processes requiring several regulatory networks to function in synchrony. MicroRNAs are part of this regulatory system. Although many microRNAs are evolutionarily conserved, recent evolution of such regulatory molecules can enable the acquisition of new means of attaining specialized functions. Here we identify and report the novel expression and functions of a human and higher primate-specific microRNA, miR-1290, in neurons. Using human fetal-derived neural progenitors, SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cell line and H9-ESC-derived neural progenitors (H9-NPC), we found miR-1290 to be upregulated during neuronal differentiation, using microarray, northern blotting and qRT-PCR. We then conducted knockdown and overexpression experiments to look at the functional consequences of perturbed miR-1290 levels. Knockdown of miR-1290 inhibited differentiation and induced proliferation in differentiated neurons; correspondingly, miR-1290 overexpression in progenitors led to a slowing down of the cell cycle and differentiation to neuronal phenotypes. Consequently, we identified that crucial cell cycle proteins were aberrantly changed in expression level. Therefore, we conclude that miR-1290 is required for maintaining neurons in a differentiated state

    Traumatic brain injury increases levels of miR-21 in extracellular vesicles: implications for neuroinflammation

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    Traumatic brain injury (TBI) is an important health concern and effective treatment strategies remain elusive. Understanding the complex multicellular response to TBI may provide new avenues for intervention. In the context of TBI, cell–cell communication is critical. One relatively unexplored form of cell–cell communication in TBI is extracellular vesicles (EVs). These membrane‐bound vesicles can carry many different types of cargo between cells. Recently, miRNA in EVs have been shown to mediate neuroinflammation and neuronal injury. To explore the role of EV‐associated miRNA in TBI, we isolated EVs from the brain of injured mice and controls, purified RNA from brain EVs, and performed miRNA sequencing. We found that the expression of miR‐212 decreased, while miR‐21, miR‐146, miR‐7a, and miR‐7b were significantly increased with injury, with miR‐21 showing the largest change between conditions. The expression of miR‐21 in the brain was primarily localized to neurons near the lesion site. Interestingly, adjacent to these miR‐21‐expressing neurons were activated microglia. The concurrent increase in miR‐21 in EVs with the elevation of miR‐21 in neurons, suggests that miR‐21 is secreted from neurons as potential EV cargo. Thus, this study reveals a new potential mechanism of cell–cell communication not previously described in TBI

    Methylome-wide Analysis of Chronic HIV Infection Reveals Five-Year Increase in Biological Age and Epigenetic Targeting of HLA

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    HIV-infected individuals are living longer on antiretro-viral therapy, but many patients display signs that in some ways resemble premature aging. To investigate and quantify the impact of chronic HIV infection on aging, we report a global analysis of the whole-blood DNA methylomes of 137 HIV+ individuals under sustained therapy along with 44 matched HIV- individuals. First,we develop and validate epigenetic models of aging that are independent of blood cell composition. Using these models, we find that both chronic and recent HIV infection lead to an average aging advancement of 4.9 years, increasing expected mortality risk by 19%. In addition, sustained infection results in global deregulation of the methylome across \u3e80,000 CpGs and specific hypomethylation of the region encoding the human leukocyte antigen locus (HLA).We find that decreased HLA methylation is predictive of lower CD4/CD8T cell ratio, linking molecular aging, epigenetic regulation, and disease progression

    Multimodal Theranostic Nanoformulations Permit Magnetic Resonance Bioimaging of Antiretroviral Drug Particle Tissue-Cell Biodistribution

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    RATIONALE: Long-acting slow effective release antiretroviral therapy (LASER ART) was developed to improve patient regimen adherence, prevent new infections, and facilitate drug delivery to human immunodeficiency virus cell and tissue reservoirs. In an effort to facilitate LASER ART development, “multimodal imaging theranostic nanoprobes” were created. These allow combined bioimaging, drug pharmacokinetics and tissue biodistribution tests in animal models. METHODS: Europium (Eu3+)- doped cobalt ferrite (CF) dolutegravir (DTG)- loaded (EuCF-DTG) nanoparticles were synthesized then fully characterized based on their size, shape and stability. These were then used as platforms for nanoformulated drug biodistribution. RESULTS: Folic acid (FA) decoration of EuCF-DTG (FA-EuCF-DTG) nanoparticles facilitated macrophage targeting and sped drug entry across cell barriers. Macrophage uptake was higher for FA-EuCF-DTG than EuCF-DTG nanoparticles with relaxivities of r2 = 546 mM-1s-1 and r2 = 564 mM-1s-1 in saline, and r2 = 850 mM-1s-1 and r2 = 876 mM-1s-1 in cells, respectively. The values were ten or more times higher than what was observed for ultrasmall superparamagnetic iron oxide particles (r2 = 31.15 mM-1s-1 in saline) using identical iron concentrations. Drug particles were detected in macrophage Rab compartments by dual fluorescence labeling. Replicate particles elicited sustained antiretroviral responses. After parenteral injection of FA-EuCF-DTG and EuCF-DTG into rats and rhesus macaques, drug, iron and cobalt levels, measured by LC-MS/MS, magnetic resonance imaging, and ICP-MS were coordinate. CONCLUSION: We posit that these theranostic nanoprobes can assess LASER ART drug delivery and be used as part of a precision nanomedicine therapeutic strategy

    Quantitative Proteomics Reveals Oxygen-Dependent Changes in Neuronal Mitochondria Affecting Function and Sensitivity to Rotenone

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    Mitochondria are implicated in a variety of degenerative disorders and aging. Mitochondria are responsive to the oxygen in their environment, yet tissue culture is performed at atmospheric (21%) oxygen and not at physiological (1–11%) oxygen levels found in tissues. We employed imaging of mitochondrial probes, mass spectrometry, Western blots, and ATP assays of the human neuroblastoma cell-line SH-SY5Y and imaging of mitochondrial probes in human primary neurons under standard nonphysiological oxygen conditions (atmospheric) and under physiological oxygen levels in the nervous system to assess the impact of oxygen on mitochondrial function. SH-SY5Y cells cultured in physiological 5% oxygen exhibited the lowest reactive oxygen species (ROS) production, indicating that culture at 5% oxygen is favored; these results were mimicked in primary human cells. Mass spectrometric analysis revealed extensive mitochondrial proteomic alterations in SH-SY5Y cells based on oxygen culture condition. Among these, the rotenone-sensitive subunit of complex I NDUFV3 was increased in cells cultured at 5% oxygen. Rotenone is a Parkinson’s disease-linked toxin, and correspondingly SH-SY5Y cells cultured at 5% oxygen also exhibited over 10 times greater sensitivity to rotenone than those cultured in atmospheric, 21%, oxygen. Our results indicate that neuronal mitochondria are responsive to oxygen levels and produce differential responses under different oxygen levels

    Methylome-wide Analysis of Chronic HIV Infection Reveals Five-Year Increase in Biological Age and Epigenetic Targeting of HLA

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    HIV-infected individuals are living longer on antiretro-viral therapy, but many patients display signs that in some ways resemble premature aging. To investigate and quantify the impact of chronic HIV infection on aging, we report a global analysis of the whole-blood DNA methylomes of 137 HIV+ individuals under sustained therapy along with 44 matched HIV- individuals. First,we develop and validate epigenetic models of aging that are independent of blood cell composition. Using these models, we find that both chronic and recent HIV infection lead to an average aging advancement of 4.9 years, increasing expected mortality risk by 19%. In addition, sustained infection results in global deregulation of the methylome across \u3e80,000 CpGs and specific hypomethylation of the region encoding the human leukocyte antigen locus (HLA).We find that decreased HLA methylation is predictive of lower CD4/CD8T cell ratio, linking molecular aging, epigenetic regulation, and disease progression