2,268 research outputs found

    Six-dimensional (1,0) effective action of F-theory via M-theory on Calabi-Yau threefolds

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    The six-dimensional effective action of F-theory compactified on a singular elliptically fibred Calabi-Yau threefold is determined by using an M-theory lift. The low-energy data are derived by comparing a circle reduction of a general six-dimensional (1,0) gauged supergravity theory with the effective action of M-theory on the resolved Calabi-Yau threefold. The derivation includes six-dimensional tensor multiplets for which the (anti-) self-duality constraints are imposed on the level of the five-dimensional action. The vector sector of the reduced theory is encoded by a non-standard potential due to the Green-Schwarz term in six dimensions. This Green-Schwarz term also contains higher curvature couplings which are considered to establish the full map between anomaly coefficients and geometry. F-/M-theory duality is exploited by moving to the five-dimensional Coulomb branch after circle reduction and integrating out massive vector multiplets and matter hypermultiplets. The associated fermions then generate additional Chern-Simons couplings at one-loop. Further couplings involving the graviphoton are induced by quantum corrections due to excited Kaluza-Klein modes. On the M-theory side integrating out massive fields corresponds to resolving the singularities of the Calabi-Yau threefold, and yields intriguing relations between six-dimensional anomalies and classical topology.Comment: 55 pages, v2: typos corrected, discussion of loop corrections improve

    Seiberg-Witten prepotential for E-string theory and global symmetries

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    We obtain Nekrasov-type expressions for the Seiberg-Witten prepotential for the six-dimensional (1,0) supersymmetric E-string theory compactified on T^2 with nontrivial Wilson lines. We consider compactification with four general Wilson line parameters, which partially break the E_8 global symmetry. In particular, we investigate in detail the cases where the Lie algebra of the unbroken global symmetry is E_n + A_{8-n} with n=8,7,6,5 or D_8. All our Nekrasov-type expressions can be viewed as special cases of the elliptic analogue of the Nekrasov partition function for the SU(N) gauge theory with N_f=2N flavors. We also present a new expression for the Seiberg-Witten curve for the E-string theory with four Wilson line parameters, clarifying the connection between the E-string theory and the SU(2) Seiberg-Witten theory with N_f=4 flavors.Comment: 22 pages. v2: comments and a reference added, version to appear in JHE

    A Phase 1 Randomized, Placebo-controlled, Observer-blinded Trial to Evaluate the Safety and Immunogenicity of Inactivated Streptococcus pneumoniae Whole-cell Vaccine in Adults

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    BACKGROUND: Broadly protective pneumococcal vaccines that are affordable for low-resource countries are needed. Streptococcus pneumoniae whole cell vaccine (wSp) is an investigational vaccine that contains killed cells from a nonencapsulated strain of S. pneumoniae (SPn) with aluminum hydroxide adjuvant. Studies in mice demonstrated protection against nasopharyngeal carriage (T-cell-mediated) and invasive pneumococcal disease (antibody-mediated). The aim of this randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled Phase 1 study was to assess safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of wSp in healthy adults. METHODS: Forty-two participants were randomized into 3 dose cohorts to receive 0.1, 0.3, or 0.6 mg of wSp or saline intramuscularly. Participants received a 3-dose vaccination schedule spaced by 4-week intervals. Postvaccination assessments included solicited reactogenicity events through day 7, blood chemistry and hematology assessments at day 7, and adverse events (AEs) through day 84. Participants were monitored for serum antibody and peripheral blood mononuclear cell cytokine responses to pneumococcal antigens. A 6-month telephone follow-up was completed to assess for any additional AEs. RESULTS: wSp was safe and well tolerated. Reactogenicity was acceptable and no untoward safety signals were observed. wSp elicited potentially clinically significant rises (defined arbitrarily as at least a 2-fold rise) in immunoglobulin G responses to multiple pneumococcal antigens, including pneumococcal surface protein A and pneumolysin. Functional antibody responses were observed with the highest dose of wSp (0.6 mg). Increases in T-cell cytokine responses, including interleukin 17A, were also seen among wSp vaccines. CONCLUSIONS: wSp was safe and well tolerated in healthy US adults, eliciting pneumococcal antigen-specific antibody and T-cell cytokine responses

    Tate Form and Weak Coupling Limits in F-theory

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    We consider the weak coupling limit of F-theory in the presence of non-Abelian gauge groups implemented using the traditional ansatz coming from Tate's algorithm. We classify the types of singularities that could appear in the weak coupling limit and explain their resolution. In particular, the weak coupling limit of SU(n) gauge groups leads to an orientifold theory which suffers from conifold singulaties that do not admit a crepant resolution compatible with the orientifold involution. We present a simple resolution to this problem by introducing a new weak coupling regime that admits singularities compatible with both a crepant resolution and an orientifold symmetry. We also comment on possible applications of the new limit to model building. We finally discuss other unexpected phenomena as for example the existence of several non-equivalent directions to flow from strong to weak coupling leading to different gauge groups.Comment: 34 page

    On nonsupersymmetric \BC^4/\BZ_N, tachyons, terminal singularities and flips

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    We investigate nonsupersymmetric \BC^4/\BZ_N orbifold singularities using their description in terms of the string worldsheet conformal field theory and its close relation with the toric geometry description of these singularities and their possible resolutions. Analytic and numerical study strongly suggest the absence of nonsupersymmetric Type II terminal singularities (i.e. with no marginal or relevant blowup modes) so that there are always moduli or closed string tachyons that give rise to resolutions of these singularities, although supersymmetric and Type 0 terminal singularities do exist. Using gauged linear sigma models, we analyze the phase structure of these singularities, which often involves 4-dimensional flip transitions, occurring between resolution endpoints of distinct topology. We then discuss 4-dim analogs of unstable conifold-like singularities that exhibit flips, in particular their Type II GSO projection and the phase structure. We also briefly discuss aspects of M2-branes stacked at such singularities and nonsupersymmetric AdS_4\times S^7/\BZ_N backgrounds.Comment: Latex, 43pgs incl. appendices, 2 eps figs, v2. minor clarifications added, to appear in JHE

    Searching for online information on the fit of children’s footwear during the COVID-19 pandemic: an analysis of Google Trends data

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    Background Selecting footwear with appropriate fit in children is challenging due the changes with foot size and dimensions which occur throughout childhood. Access to appropriate footwear is important but recent challenges with the COVID-19 pandemic resulted in closure of retail stores for prolonged periods where parents/carers could not physically purchase footwear for their children and the footwear industry suffered disruption to their supply chain, and falls in retail sales. Simultaneously increased use of social media platforms for health information seeking throughout the pandemic have been documented. This likely would have included parents/carers seeking information online to support footwear purchases for their children. The primary aim of this work was to explore how searches for online fitting information for children changed throughout the COVID-19 pandemic lockdown periods. A secondary aim was to identify how searches were influenced by footwear style. Methods We employed Google Trends to obtain search engine traffic related to footwear fitting information for children. We collected data spanning the three years pre, during and post the main national lockdown for three eight-week windows: (1) first eight weeks of the U.K. national lockdown; (2) the first eight weeks of the calendaryear; (3) the eight weeks leading up to children going back-to-school for the new academic year in the U.K. The search terms reflected parents/carers searching for footwear fit information relating to children and were grouped by style of footwear: children, infants, babies and toddlers as well as school shoes. Results We identified increased searching for footwear fit information for children during the pandemic, which reduced following post pandemic in all except the searches which related to school shoes. We saw reductions in searching related to fit of school shoes as schools closed indefinitely and an increase in online searches with the pandemic. This was also maintained post-pandemic despite shops reopening, suggesting that some of these changes in information reflect new consumer behaviours which may continue. Conclusions Increased searches for online resources regarding footwear fit highlights the importance of ensuring high quality accessible online information on footwear fit is available to support those buying footwear for their children

    F-Theory and the Mordell-Weil Group of Elliptically-Fibered Calabi-Yau Threefolds

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    The Mordell-Weil group of an elliptically fibered Calabi-Yau threefold X contains information about the abelian sector of the six-dimensional theory obtained by compactifying F-theory on X. After examining features of the abelian anomaly coefficient matrix and U(1) charge quantization conditions of general F-theory vacua, we study Calabi-Yau threefolds with Mordell-Weil rank-one as a first step towards understanding the features of the Mordell-Weil group of threefolds in more detail. In particular, we generate an interesting class of F-theory models with U(1) gauge symmetry that have matter with both charges 1 and 2. The anomaly equations --- which relate the Neron-Tate height of a section to intersection numbers between the section and fibral rational curves of the manifold --- serve as an important tool in our analysis.Comment: 29 pages + appendices, 5 figures; v2: minor correction
