47,422 research outputs found

    Design considerations for remotely piloted, high-altitude airplanes powered by microwave energy

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    Several types of systems have been considered in a design study of unmanned, microwave-powered, long-endurance, high-altitude airplanes. The study includes vehicles that use power from a continuously transmitted beam and other aircraft that receive intermittent power during cycles of boost-glide flight. Simple design algorithms are presented. Examples of sizing and performance analyses are used to suggest design-procedure guidelines

    Space station operating system study

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    The current phase of the Space Station Operating System study is based on the analysis, evaluation, and comparison of the operating systems implemented on the computer systems and workstations in the software development laboratory. Primary emphasis has been placed on the DEC MicroVMS operating system as implemented on the MicroVax II computer, with comparative analysis of the SUN UNIX system on the SUN 3/260 workstation computer, and to a limited extent, the IBM PC/AT microcomputer running PC-DOS. Some benchmark development and testing was also done for the Motorola MC68010 (VM03 system) before the system was taken from the laboratory. These systems were studied with the objective of determining their capability to support Space Station software development requirements, specifically for multi-tasking and real-time applications. The methodology utilized consisted of development, execution, and analysis of benchmark programs and test software, and the experimentation and analysis of specific features of the system or compilers in the study

    An evaluation of the effects of stacking sequence and thickness on the fatigue life of quasi-isotropic graphite/epoxy laminates

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    Notched and unnotched geometries at 16, 32, and 64-ply thicknesses of a 90/45/0-45 (ns) laminate and a 45/0/-45/90 (ns) laminate were tested in compression-compression fatigue. The fatigue life and the initiation, type, and progression of damage were determined. Interlaminar stresses generated at straight, free edges of axially loaded laminates were used to interpret the test results. The fatigue lives of the notched specimens did not appear to be a strong function of laminate stacking sequence or specimen thickness. The stress concentration at the hole dominated over the interlaminar stresses at the straight free edge. The unnotched specimens of the 90/45/0/-45 (ns) laminate with tensile interlaminar normal stresses delaminated more readily than did the 45/0/-45/90 (ns) laminate with compressive interlaminar normal stress. The life of the 16-ply unnotched specimens was lower than the 32- and 64-ply specimens. Delaminations were located at the interface where the maximum shear stress occurred regardless of the sense or magnitude of the interlaminar normal stress. An antibuckling fixture was effective in preventing out-of-plane motion without overconstraining the specimen

    Fracture behavior of thick, laminated graphite/epoxy composites

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    The effect of laminate thickness on the fracture behavior of laminated graphite epoxy (T300/5208) composites was studied. The predominantly experimental research program included the study of the 0/+ or - 45/90 sub ns and 0/90 sub ns laminates with thickness of 8, 32, 64, 96 and 120 plies and the 0/+ or - 45 sub ns laminate with thickness of 6, 30, 60, 90 and 120 plies. The research concentrated on the measurement of fracture toughness utilizing the center-cracked tension, compact tension and three point bend specimen configurations. The development of subcritical damage at the crack tip was studied nondestructively using enhanced X-ray radiography and destructively using the laminate deply technique. The test results showed fracture toughness to be a function of laminate thickness. The fracture toughness of the 0 + or - 45/90 sub ns and 0/90 sub ns laminates decreased with increasing thickness and asymptotically approached lower bound values of 30 ksi square root of in. (1043 MPa square root of mm and 25 ksi square root of in (869 MPa square root of mm respectively. In contrast to the other two laminates, the fracture toughness of the 0/+ or - 45 sub ns laminate increased sharply with increasing thickness but reached an upper plateau value of 40 ksi square root of in (1390 MPa square root of mm) at 30 plies. Fracture toughness was independent of crack size for both thin and thick laminates for all three laminate types except for the 0/90 sub 2s laminate which spilt extensively. The center cracked tension, three point bend and compact tension specimens gave comparable results

    Implicit Large-Eddy Simulations of Hot and Cold Supersonic Jets in Loci-CHEM

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    This paper introduces a 4th-order accurate low-dissipation flux scheme for use on un- structured CFD codes, and compares this flux scheme with two others for LES calculations of hot and cold supersonic jets. The flux schemes are compared with experimental profiles of jet centerline Mach number, total temperature and total pressure, with jet spreading rate data, and with near- field acoustic measurements. The influence of grid resolution on these solution accuracy is also evaluated. The new low-dissipation flux scheme is shown to be stable on a high-speed compressible turbulent ow problem, and to be significantly more accurate than the existing baseline flux approach

    Surface crack analysis applied to impact damage in a thick graphite-epoxy composite

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    The residual tensile strength of a thick graphite/epoxy composite with impact damage was predicted using surface crack analysis. The damage was localized to a region directly beneath the impact site and extended only part way through the laminate. The damaged region contained broken fibers, and the locus of breaks in each layer resembled a crack perpendicular to the direction of the fibers. In some cases, the impacts broke fibers without making a visible crater. The impact damage was represented as a semi-elliptical surface crack with length and depth equal to that of the impact damage. The maximum length and depth of the damage were predicted with a stress analysis and a maximum shear stress criterion. The predictions and measurements of strength were in good agreement

    Exercise and progressive supranuclear palsy : the need for explicit exercise reporting

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    Background Progressive Supranuclear Palsy (PSP) is the most frequent form of atypical Parkinsonism. Although there is preliminary evidence for the benefits of gait rehabilitation, balance training and oculomotor exercises in PSP, the quality of reporting of exercise therapies appears mixed. The current investigation aims to evaluate the comprehensiveness of reporting of exercise and physical activity interventions in the PSP literature. Methods Two independent reviewers used the Consensus on Exercise Reporting Template (CERT) to extract all exercise intervention data from 11 studies included in a systematic review. CERT items covered: ‘what’ (materials), ‘who’ (instructor qualifications), ‘how’ (delivery), ‘where’ (location), ‘when’, ‘how much’ (dosage), ‘tailoring’ (what, how), and ‘how well’ (fidelity) exercise delivery complied with the protocol. Each exercise item was scored ‘1’ (adequately reported) or ‘0’ (not adequately reported or unclear). The CERT score was calculated, as well as the percentage of studies that reported each CERT item. Results The CERT scores ranged from 3 to 12 out of 19. No PSP studies adequately described exercise elements that would allow exact replication of the interventions. Well-described items included exercise equipment, exercise settings, exercise therapy scheduling, frequency and duration. Poorly described items included decision rules for exercise progression, instructor qualifications, exercise adherence, motivation strategies, safety and adverse events associated with exercise therapies. Discussion The results revealed variability in the reporting of physical therapies for people living with PSP. Future exercise trials need to more comprehensively describe equipment, instructor qualifications, exercise and physical activity type, dosage, setting, individual tailoring of exercises, supervision, adherence, motivation strategies, progression decisions, safety and adverse events. Conclusion Although beneficial for people living with PSP, exercise and physical therapy interventions have been inadequately reported. It is recommended that evidence-based reporting templates be utilised to comprehensively document therapeutic exercise design, delivery and evaluation

    Performance of high-altitude, long-endurance, turboprop airplanes using conventional or cryogenic fuels

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    An analytical study has been conducted to evaluate the potential endurance of remotely piloted, low speed, high altitude, long endurance airplanes designed with 1990 technology. The baseline configuration was a propeller driven, sailplane like airplane powered by turbine engines that used JP-7, liquid methane, or liquid hydrogen as fuel. Endurance was measured as the time spent between 60,000 feet and an engine limited maximum altitude of 70,000 feet. Performance was calculated for a baseline vehicle and for configurations derived by varying aerodynamic, structural or propulsion parameters. Endurance is maximized by reducing wing loading and engine size. The level of maximum endurance for a given wing loading is virtually the same for all three fuels. Constraints due to winds aloft and propulsion system scaling produce maximum endurance values of 71 hours for JP-7 fuel, 70 hours for liquid methane, and 65 hours for liquid hydrogen. Endurance is shown to be strongly effected by structural weight fraction, specific fuel consumption, and fuel load. Listings of the computer program used in this study and sample cases are included in the report

    Theoretical analysis of aerodynamic characteristics of two helicopter rotor airfoils

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    An analytical study was conducted to predict the aerodynamic characteristics of two helicopter rotor airfoils. Documentation of the predictive process covers the development of empirical factors used in conjunction with computer programs for airfoil analysis. Tables of lift, drag, and pitching-moment coefficient for each airfoil were prepared for two dimensional, steady flow conditions at Mach numbers from 0.3 to 0.9 and Reynolds numbers of 7,700,000 to 23,000,000, respectively

    Wave spectra of a shoaling wave field: A comparison of experimental and simulated results

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    Wave profile measurements made from an aircraft crossing the North Carolina continental shelf after passage of Tropical Storm Amy in 1975 are used to compute a series of wave energy spectra for comparison with simulated spectra. Results indicate that the observed wave field experiences refraction and shoaling effects causing statistically significant changes in the spectral density levels. A modeling technique is used to simulate the spectral density levels. Total energy levels of the simulated spectra are within 20 percent of those of the observed wave field. The results represent a successful attempt to theoretically simulate, at oceanic scales, the decay of a wave field which contains significant wave energies from deepwater through shoaling conditions
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