8 research outputs found

    Development of novel low-power, submicron CMOS technology based, readout system for luminosity detector in future linear collider /

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    Promotor: Marek Idzik.Recenzent: Piotr Malecki, Jerzy Smyrski.Niepublikowana praca doktorska.Praca doktorska. AGH University of Science and Technology. Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science, 2015.Bibliogr. s. 151-158.Future Linear Colliders and High Energy Physics HEP experiments, Future Linear Colliders, Physics at Linear Colliders, International Linear Collider ILC, Compact Linear Collider at CERN CLIC, overview of the detector system, vertex detectors, tracking system, calorimetry system, muon system, forward region of International Large Detector ILD, principia of luminosity measurements, Overview of Beam Calorimeter BeamCal, Overview of Luminosity Calorimeter LumiCal, Development of the LumiCal readout system, LumiCal readout architecture, First LumiCal readout prototype, Testbeam of LumiCal multi-plane prototype, overview of testbeam instrumentation, mechanical framework, testbeam instrumentation, analysis components, telescope alignment and tracking, time and amplitude reconstruction, testbeam results, initial data processing and noise performance, board gain calibration, position reconstruction, shower development, development of new readout electronics, technology comparison, analogue parameters, digital circuits, frond-end electronics FE, amplifiers design, front-end electronics measurements, pulse shape considerations, Successive Approximation Register SAR ADC, basics of SAR architecture, Capacitive DAC in SAR ADC, Chosen SAR ADC architecture, measurements of prototype SAR ADCs, system noise performance, board gain calibration by the muon peak Most Probable Value MPV, energy spectr

    An ultra-low power 10-bit, 50 MSps SAR ADC for multi-channel readout ASICs

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    The design and measurement results of a fast, ultra-low power, small area 10-bit SAR ADC, developed for multi-channel readout systems, in particular for applications in particle physics experiments, are discussed. A prototype ASIC was designed and fabricated in 130 nm CMOS technology and a wide spectrum of static (INL<0.4 LSB, DNL<0.3 LSB) and dynamic (ENOB=9.45) measurements was performed to study and quantify the performance of ADC.The ADC converts analogue signals with a sampling frequency up to 55 MHz and power consumption below 1 mW.The ADC works asynchronously, so no external clock is required. The ADC Figure of Merit (FOM) at 50 MHz sampling frequency is 24 fJ/conv.-step, and is the lowest among the State of the Art designs with similar technology and specifications

    An lpGBT subsystem for environmental monitoring of experiments

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    In this paper, the Low Power Giga Bit Transceiver (lpGBT)built-in system for environmental monitoring of the LHC experimentsis presented. Eight external analogue inputs and eight internalvoltages are multiplexed into an instrumentation amplifier withselectable gain, whose output is digitised by a 10-bit SAR ADC. Aprogrammable current source can be enabled for each external inputto implement resistance measurements. Internal channels are used tomonitor power supplies and the output of the temperature sensor. Theenvironmental monitoring system includes a precise 1 V referencevoltage source and a 10-bit voltage DAC. All blocks were designedand fabricated in 65 nm CMOS technology, fully characterised, andthe pre- and post-irradiation measurement results are presented inthis work

    Physics at the CLIC e+e\mathrm{e^{+}e^{-}} Linear Collider Input to the Snowmass process 2013

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    This paper summarizes the physics potential of the CLIC high-energy e+e- linear collider. It provides input to the Snowmass 2013 process for the energy-frontier working groups on The Higgs Boson (HE1), Precision Study of Electroweak Interactions (HE2), Fully Understanding the Top Quark (HE3), as well as The Path Beyond the Standard Model -- New Particles, Forces, and Dimensions (HE4). It is accompanied by a paper describing the CLIC accelerator study, submitted to the Frontier Capabilities group of the Snowmass process