35 research outputs found

    Palliative Chemotherapie und palliative Immuntherapie bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren in Thüringen in den Jahren 2015 bis 2019

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    Die systemische Therapie bei Patienten mit rezidivierenden und/oder metastasierenden Kopf-Hals-Tumoren stellt oftmals die letzte Behandlungsoption dar. Die Behandler werden vor eine große Auswahlmöglichkeit gestellt, wobei nur wenig aus der täglichen klinischen Routine und dessen Outcome bekannt ist. 283 Patienten (89,4% männlich, medianes Alter 59,5 Jahre) erhielten eine Erstlinientherapie in den Jahren von 2015 bis 2019 im Bundesland Thüringen. In der Erstlinie waren Platin-basierte Kombinationen (71,4%) vorherrschend, vor allem Cetuximab + Platin + 5-Fluoruracil. 32,5%, 13,1%, 4,9% und 1,1% erhielten eine Zweit-, Dritt-, Viert- bzw. Fünftlinie. Das mediane Overall-survival betrug 16,8 Monate. Alkoholkonsum, keine Zweitlinie und die Anwendung von drei Medikamenten im Vergleich zu Einem in der Erstlinie war mit einem schlechteren Überleben verbunden nach Beginn der ersten palliativen systemischen Therapie. Durch die Arbeit konnten populationsbezogene Aussagen getroffen werden und die Behandlungsrealität im Bundesland Thüringen dargelegt werden. Wünschenswert wäre eine klinische Leitlinie zur Standardisierung der medikamentösen palliativen Therapie bei Kopf-Hals-Tumoren

    Fortschritte beim Plasma-Pulver-Auftragschweißen

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    Characteristics of a Baoule herd

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    A study was made between 1979 and 1983 on physical, productivity and reproduction characteristics of 193 Baoulé cattle at Avétonou Research and Breeding Station. Height at withers and loin, body length, length of head, chest girth, width of head and loin were measured at 1, 3, 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36 and 60 months of age. Age at first calving ranged between 1,111 and 1,278 days. An average calving interval was 558.9±173.4 days (range: 329-1,094 days). Calving rate ranged from 32-61%. Average birth weight of calves varied by month of birth: 13.9 in December to 27.0 kg in September. Weights at various ages including weaning and yearling weights were illustrated. Productivity indexes were produced for each year. The Baoulé cattle were hardy lending themselves to intensive meat production with adaptation to disease-ridden environments such as trypanosomosis and tick-borne diseases

    Tuning of Fuzzy Controllers - An Overview

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    Advances in PTA surfacing

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    The economics of recently introduced village cattle production in a tsetse affected area. (II): Trypanotolerant cattle in southern Togo

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    Trypanosomiasis, a disease transmitted by the tsetse fly, is a major constraint to livestock production and mixed farming in Africa. This study examines the economics of the village production of trypanotolerant cattle recently introduced in an affected area of Togo that was previously virtually devoid of cattle. Social-level economic and private-level financial analyses are performed using a herd model. The results show that cattle production was profitable to society and to cattle owners but that private returns were especially vulnerable in alterations in costs of inputs, e.g. cattle purchase, veterinary care. Private returns were only greater than the opportunity cost of capital because such inputs were highly subsidised. Foreign financed subsidies did not enhance farmers' participation in the development process and distorted the incentive structure. In countries such as Togo where trypanotolerant breeds are available, importation of N,Dama cattle would need careful appraisal as the costs incurred depress social returns