828 research outputs found

    Aerospatiale is ready to develop a convertiplane with tethering rotors

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    Information on the recent study of the convertiplane is reported. The convertiplane was designed to replace the conventional helicopter. Its speed is much faster than that of the helicopter, it uses less fuel, and can carry up to five passengers. The discovery of the convertiplane was brought about because the helicopter is handicapped by its slow speed and can carry only a few passengers

    A new helicostat from SNIAS helicopter division

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    The Helicostat was described as a helicopter in which the vehicle weight is nullified by two balloons arranged in a catamaran fashion. Development of such a vehicle is discussed, and various uses for these helicopters are summarized

    O stars effective temperature and HII regions ionization parameter gradients in the Galaxy

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    Extensive photoionization model grids are computed for single star HII regions using stellar atmosphere models from the WM-basic code. Mid-IR emission line intensities are predicted and diagnostic diagrams of [NeIII]/[NeII] and [SIV]/[SIII] excitation ratio are build, taking into account the metallicities of both the star and the HII region. The diagrams are used in conjunction with galactic HII region observations obtained with the ISO Observatory to determine the effective temperature Teff of the exciting O stars and the mean ionization parameter U. Teff and U are found to increase and decrease, respectively, with the metallicity of the HII region represented by the [Ne/Ne_sol] ratio. No evidence is found for gradients of Teff or U with galactocentric distance Rgal. The observed excitation sequence with Rgal is mainly due to the effect of the metallicity gradient on the spectral ionizing shape, upon which the effect of an increase in Teff with Z is superimposed. We show that not taking properly into account the effect of metallicity on the ionizing shape of the stellar atmosphere would lead to an apparent decrease of Teff with Z and an increase of Teff with Rgal.Comment: Accepted in Ap

    Policy-based access control from numerical evidence

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    Increasingly, access to resources needs to be regulated or informed by considerations such as risk, cost, and reputation. We therefore propose a framework for policy languages, based on semi-rings, that aggregate quantitative evidence to support decision-making in access control systems. As aggregation operators \addition", \worst case", and \best case" over non- negative reals are both relevant in practice and amenable to analysis, we study an instance, Peal, of our framework in that setting. Peal is a stand-alone policy language but can also be integrated with existing policy languages. Peal policies can be synthesized into logical formulae that no longer make reference to quantities but capture all policy behavior. Satis ability checking of such formulae can be used to validate and analyze policies in this new evidence-based approach. We discuss a number of applications, including vacuity, redundancy, change-impact and safety analysis. The synthesis algorithm requires a form of subset enumeration, for which we develop bespoke algorithms and demonstrate experimentally that our algorithms work better than generic state exploration methods. We also sketch how our approach extends from non-negative reals to other semi-rings and even to rings such as the real numbers