34 research outputs found

    Migration, Colonization, and Histories of the Nineteenth-Century World

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    Migration, Colonization, and Histories of the Nineteenth-Century World

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    Forum Modernisation, Women and Children : ‘child removal’ in Britain and beyond : a lifecourse approac


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    Objectives: Convallatoxin (CNT) is a natural cardiac glycoside extracted from lily of the valley (Convallaria majalis). Although it is empirically known to cause blood coagulation disorders, the underlying mechanism remains unclear. CNT exerts cytotoxicity and increases tissue factor (TF) expression in endothelial cells. However, the direct action of CNT on blood coagulation remains unclear. Therefore, herein, we investigated the effects of CNT on whole blood coagulation system and TF expression in monocytes. Methods: Blood samples were collected from healthy volunteers to measure plasma thrombin–antithrombin complex (TAT) concentration using ELISA and to perform rotational thromboelastometry (ROTEM) and whole-blood extracellular vesicle (EV)-associated TF (EV-TF) analysis. The effects of CNT were also investigated using the monocytic human cell line THP-1. Quantitative real-time PCR and western blotting were performed, and PD98059, a mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) inhibitor, was used to elucidate the action mechanism of CNT-mediated TF production. Results: CNT treatment increased EV-TF activity, shortened the whole blood clotting time in rotational thromboelastometry analysis, and increased TAT levels, which is an index of thrombin generation. Furthermore, CNT increased TF mRNA expression in THP-1 cells and EV-TF activity in the cell culture supernatant. Therefore, CNT may induce a hypercoagulable state with thrombin generation, in which elevated EV-TF activity derived from monocytes might be involved. These procoagulant effects of CNT were reversed by PD98059, suggesting that CNT-induced TF production in monocytes might be mediated by the MAPK pathway. Conclusions: The findings of the present study have further clarified the procoagulant properties of CNT.本文は発行元が定める公開猶予期間終了後に公開

    Polymorphic mutations in mouse mitochondrial DNA regulate a tumor phenotype

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    To examine whether polymorphic mtDNA mutations that do not induce significant respiration defects regulate phenotypes of tumor cells, we used mouse transmitochondrial tumor cells (cybrids) with nuclear DNA from C57BL/6 (B6) strain and mtDNA from allogenic C3H strain. The results showed that polymorphic mutations of C3H mtDNA in the cybrids induced hypoxia sensitivity, resulting in a delay of tumor formation on their subcutaneous inoculation into B6 mice. Therefore, the effects of polymorphic mutations in normal mtDNA have to be carefully considered, particularly when we apply the gene therapy to the embryos to replace their pathogenic mtDNA by normal mtDNA

    Granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor and tumor necrosis factor-α in combination is a useful diagnostic biomarker to distinguish familial Mediterranean fever from sepsis

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    Objective: To identify potential biomarkers to distinguish familial Mediterranean fever (FMF) from sepsis.Method: We recruited 28 patients diagnosed with typical FMF (according to the Tel Hashomer criteria), 22 patients with sepsis, and 118 age-matched controls. Serum levels of 40 cytokines were analyzed using multi-suspension cytokine array. We performed a cluster analysis of each cytokine in the FMF and sepsis groups in order to identify specific molecular networks. Multivariate classification (random forest analysis) and logistic regression analysis were used to rank the cytokines by importance and determine specific biomarkers for distinguishing FMF from sepsis.Results: Fifteen of the 40 cytokines were found to be suitable for further analysis. Levels of serum granulocyte-macrophage colony-stimulating factor (GM-CSF), fibroblast growth factor 2, vascular endothelial growth factor, macrophage inflammatory protein-1b, and interleukin-17 were significantly elevated, whereas tumor necrosis factor-α (TNF-α) was significantly lower in patients with FMF compared with those with sepsis. Cytokine clustering patterns differed between the two groups. Multivariate classification followed by logistic regression analysis revealed that measurement of both GM-CSF and TNF-α could distinguish FMF from sepsis with high accuracy (cut-off values for GM-CSF = 8.3 pg/mL; TNF-α = 16.3 pg/mL; sensitivity, 92.9%; specificity, 94.4%; accuracy, 93.4%).Conclusion: Determination of GM-CSF and TNF-α levels in combination may represent a biomarker for the differential diagnosis of FMF from sepsis, based on measurement of multiple cytokines

    Utility of a simplified ultrasonography scoring system among patients with rheumatoid arthritis: A multicenter cohort study

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    ABSTRACT: We aimed to evaluate the utility of a simplified ultrasonography (US) scoring system, which is desired in daily clinical practice, among patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA) receiving biological/targeted synthetic disease-modifying antirheumatic drugs (DMARDs).A total of 289 Japanese patients with RA who were started on tumor necrosis factor inhibitors, abatacept, tocilizumab, or Janus kinase inhibitors between June 2013 and April 2019 at one of the 15 participating rheumatology centers were reviewed. We performed US assessment of articular synovia over 22 joints among bilateral wrist and finger joints, and the 22-joint (22j)-GS and 22-joint (22j)-PD scores were evaluated as an indicator of US activity using the sum of the GS and PD scores, respectively.The top 6 most affected joints included the bilateral wrist and second/third metacarpophalangeal joints. Therefore, 6-joint (6j)-GS and -PD scores were defined as the sum of the GS and PD scores from the 6 synovial sites over the aforementioned 6 joints, respectively. Although the 22j- or 6j-US scores were significantly correlated with DAS28-ESR or -CRP scores, the correlations were weak. Conversely, 6j-US scores were significantly and strongly correlated with 22j-US scores not only at baseline but also after therapy initiation.Using a multicenter cohort data, our results indicated that a simplified US scoring system could be adequately tolerated during any disease course among patients with RA receiving biological/targeted synthetic DMARDs


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    Forum Modernisation, Women and Children : ‘child removal’ in Britain and beyond : a lifecourse approac