97 research outputs found

    A Framework to Evaluate Software Developer’s Productivity The VALORTIA Project

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    Currently, there is a lack in companies developing software in relation to assessing their staff’s productivity before executing software projects, with the aim of improving effectiveness and efficiency. QuEF (Quality Evaluation Framework) is a framework that allows defining quality management tasks based on a model. The main purpose of this framework is twofold: improve an entity’s continuous quality, and given a context, decide between a set of entity’s instances on the most appropriate one. Thus, the aim of this paper is to make this framework available to evaluate productivity of professionals along software development and select the most appropriate experts to implement the suggested project. For this goal, Valortia platform, capable of carrying out this task by following the QuEF framework guidelines, is designed. Valortia is a platform to certify users' knowledge on a specific area and centralize all certification management in its model by means of providing protocols and methods for a suitable management, improving efficiency and effectiveness, reducing cost and ensuring continuous quality.Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación TIN2013-46928-C3-3-

    Towards a method to quantitatively measure toolchain interoperability in the engineering lifecycle: A case study of digital hardware design

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    The engineering lifecycle of cyber-physical systems is becoming more challenging than ever. Multiple engineering disciplines must be orchestrated to produce both a virtual and physical version of the system. Each engineering discipline makes use of their own methods and tools generating different types of work products that must be consistently linked together and reused throughout the lifecycle. Requirements, logical/descriptive and physical/analytical models, 3D designs, test case descriptions, product lines, ontologies, evidence argumentations, and many other work products are continuously being produced and integrated to implement the technical engineering and technical management processes established in standards such as the ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288:2015 "Systems and software engineering-System life cycle processes". Toolchains are then created as a set of collaborative tools to provide an executable version of the required technical processes. In this engineering environment, there is a need for technical interoperability enabling tools to easily exchange data and invoke operations among them under different protocols, formats, and schemas. However, this automation of tasks and lifecycle processes does not come free of charge. Although enterprise integration patterns, shared and standardized data schemas and business process management tools are being used to implement toolchains, the reality shows that in many cases, the integration of tools within a toolchain is implemented through point-to-point connectors or applying some architectural style such as a communication bus to ease data exchange and to invoke operations. In this context, the ability to measure the current and expected degree of interoperability becomes relevant: 1) to understand the implications of defining a toolchain (need of different protocols, formats, schemas and tool interconnections) and 2) to measure the effort to implement the desired toolchain. To improve the management of the engineering lifecycle, a method is defined: 1) to measure the degree of interoperability within a technical engineering process implemented with a toolchain and 2) to estimate the effort to transition from an existing toolchain to another. A case study in the field of digital hardware design comprising 6 different technical engineering processes and 7 domain engineering tools is conducted to demonstrate and validate the proposed method.The work leading to these results has received funding from the H2020-ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under grant agreement No 826452-“Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions” and from specific national programs and/or funding authorities. Funding for APC: Universidad Carlos III de Madrid (Read & Publish Agreement CRUE-CSIC 2023)

    La plataforma virtual webCT en la enseñanza de la disciplina "Análisis químico" en la licenciatura de Farmacia: evaluación de la actitud del alumnado.

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    El Departamento de Química Analítica de la Facultad de Farmacia de Sevilla ha desarrollado una experiencia piloto sobre el uso de la plataforma virtual WebCT en la asignatura “Análisis Químico". El presente trabajo pretende reflejar la acogida y actitud del alumnado frente a esta nueva herramienta de aprendizaje. La experiencia se ha llevado a cabo sobre un grupo piloto, con un total de 106 alumnos matriculados. Con este objetivo, durante el curso académico se han elaborado dos encuestas (de opinión/satisfacción y de actitud con escala Likert). Los resultados obtenidos muestran una elevada utilización de algunas de las herramientas puestas a su disposición, así como, un elevado grado de satisfacción.The Department of Analytical Chemistry of the Faculty of Pharmacy of Seville has developed a pilot experience on the use of the virtual platform WebCT in the discipline “Chemical Analysis”. The present paper shows the welcome and attitude of the students concerning this new tool of learning. The experience has been carried out on a pilot group, with a total of 106 registered students. With this objective, during the academic course two surveys have been elaborated (opinion/satisfaction and attitude with Likert scale). The obtained results show a high use of some of the available tools, as well as, a high degree of satisfaction

    Enhanced Solubilisation of Six PAHs by Three Synthetic Cyclodextrins for Remediation Applications: Molecular Modelling of the Inclusion Complexes

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    Solubilisation of six polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) (acenaphthene, anthracene, fluoranthene, fluorene, phenanthrene and pyrene) by three synthetic cyclodextrins (CDs) (2-hydroxypropyl-β-CD, hydroxypropyl-γ-CD and ramdomly methylated-β-CD) was investigated in order to select the CD which presents the greatest increase in solubility and better complexation parameters for its use in contaminated scenarios. The presence of the three cyclodextrins greatly enhanced the apparent water solubility of all the PAHs through the formation of inclusion complexes of 1:1 stoichiometry. Anthracene, fluoranthene, fluorene and phenanthrene clearly presented a higher solubility when β-CD derivatives were used, and especially the complexes with the ramdomly methylated-β-CD were favoured. On the contrary, pyrene presented its best solubility results when using 2-hydroxypropyl-γ-CD, but for acenaphthene the use of any of the three CDs gave the same results. Complementary to experimental phase-solubility studies, a more in-depth estimation of the inclusion process for the different complexes was carried out using molecular modelling in order to find a correlation between the degree of solubilisation and the fit of PAH molecules within the cavity of the different CDs and to know the predominant driving forces of the complexationMinisterio de Ciencia e Investigación CTM2006-04626 y CTM2009-0733

    Interdisciplinary initiative and tran sversal approach in the teaching of analytical chemistry

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    El proceso de aprendizaje puede favorecerse mediante el uso de metodologías docentes que fomenten el tratamiento transversal de los temas, resultando más adecuado para el estudiante si es abordado desde diferentes vertientes. Este tratamiento implica el trabajo conjunto de profesores con distintas formaciones que muestren la solución del problema de forma interdisciplinar. La disciplina Análisis Químico está en relación continua con otras áreas de conocimiento lo que la hace idónea para la implementación de experiencias docentes mediante las cuales los alumnos experimenten la parte aplicada de la asignatura con el fin de favorecer la comprensión desde un punto de vista global. Este trabajo se ha desarrollado en un contexto real, poniendo en contacto a los alumnos con un proyecto de investigación con el fin de conseguir su implicación en la comprensión de la asignatura permitiendo una visión real del planteamiento y resolución de problemas analíticos y favoreciendo la adquisición de competencias específicas y trasversales. Se ha contado con la participación de diferentes profesores y se ha desarrollado en varias etapas: Impartición de charlas, establecimiento del problema analítico, colocación de material en plataforma virtual, análisis de muestras reales, información de resultados, encuesta opinión/satisfacción, evaluación y calificación. La utilización de esta herramienta de aprendizaje ha permitido fomentar en los alumnos la capacidad de aplicar los conocimientos teóricos adquiridos a la práctica, el trabajo en grupo, la identificación y resolución de problemas, la interdisciplinariedad y la colaboración. Y a los profesores evaluar los resultados del aprendizaje expresados en términos de competencias.The learning process can be favoured by using teaching methodologies that encourage the transversal treatment of the issues, resulting more adequate for the student if it is approached from different aspects. This treatment implies the joined work of professors with different trainings showing the solution of the problem from an interdisciplinary way. Analytical Chemistry is continuously related to other knowing areas which make it suitable for the implementation of teaching experiences that favours the students to know the applied part of the subject with the aim of facilitating the comprehension from a global point of view. This work has been developed in a real context, putting the students in contact with a research project with the aim of getting their implication in the comprehension of the subject and favouring the acquisition of specific and transversal competencies. The initiative has relied on the participation of different professors and has been developed in several stages: oral teaching, setting the analytical problem, putting material in the virtual platform, analysis of real samples, giving information of the results, evaluation and grading. The use of this learning tool has allowed to encourage the students the ability to apply the theoretical knowing to the practice, the making of decisions, the identification and solving of problems, the interdisciplinary and the collaboration. And to the professors to evaluate the results of the learning process in terms of competencies

    Resolution of practical cases in small groups in the teaching of “general and analytical chemistry” subject of degree in pharmacy

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    El Proyecto realizado por el equipo docente del Departamento de Química Analítica de la Facultad de Farmacia de Sevilla, ha utilizado la técnica de enseñanza en pequeños grupos (EPG) que constituye una faceta esencial en la renovación de las metodologías docentes para la incorporación y adaptación de las enseñanzas universitarias al Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior. La actividad propuesta se ha llevado a cabo en la asignatura “Química General y Analítica” del Grado en Farmacia. Con el objetivo de mejorar el aprendizaje del alumno y fomentar el trabajo en equipo del mismo, se ha subdividido en tres cada uno de los seis grupos asignados a “Clases Prácticas en el aula”, logrando un número de alumnos presentes en la misma (20 alumnos) que permite la impartición de la docencia con una dinámica distinta a la lección magistral. La actividad desarrollada ha tenido una gran acogida por parte de los alumnos donde un alto porcentaje de los mismos consigue superar sin grandes dificultades el apartado del examen destinado a casos prácticos.The Project developed by the Educational Team of the Department of Analytical Chemistry (Faculty of Pharmacy, Seville), has used the technique of Small Groups Learning (SGL) that constitutes an essential facet in the renovation of the educational methodologies for the incorporation and adaptation of the university lessons to the European Space for Higher Education. The proposed activity has been carried out in the “General and Analytical Chemistry” subject of the Degree in Pharmacy. With the aim of improving the learning of the student and fomenting the work in equipment of the same, it has been subdivided in three each one of the six assigned groups to “Practical exercises in the classroom”, obtaining a number of present students in the same (20 students) that allows the imparting of teaching with a dynamic different from the magisterial lesson. The developed activity has presented a great reception by the students and a high percentage of the same is able to surpass without great difficulties the section of the examination destined to practical cases

    Semantic recovery of traceability links between system artifacts

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    This paper introduces a mechanism to recover traceability links between the requirements and logical models in the context of critical systems development. Currently, lifecycle processes are covered by a good number of tools that are used to generate different types of artifacts. One of the cornerstone capabilities in the development of critical systems lies in the possibility of automatically recovery traceability links between system artifacts generated in different lifecycle stages. To do so, it is necessary to establish to what extent two or more of these work products are similar, dependent or should be explicitly linked together. However, the different types of artifacts and their internal representation depict a major challenge to unify how system artifacts are represented and, then, linked together. That is why, in this work, a concept-based representation is introduced to provide a semantic and unified description of any system artifact. Furthermore, a traceability function is defined and implemented to exploit this new semantic representation and to support the recovery of traceability links between different types of system artifacts. In order to evaluate the traceability function, a case study in the railway domain is conducted to compare the precision and recall of recovery traceability links between text-based requirements and logical model elements. As the main outcome of this work, the use of a concept-based paradigm to represent that system artifacts are demonstrated as a building block to automatically recover traceability links within the development lifecycle of critical systems.The research leading to these results has received funding from the H2020 ECSEL Joint Undertaking (JU) under Grant Agreement No. 826452 \Arrowhead Tools for Engineering of Digitalisation Solutions" and from speci¯c national programs and/or funding authorities

    The Effects of Parenteral K1 Administration in Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum Patients Versus Controls. A Pilot Study

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    Introduction: Pseudoxanthoma elasticum (PXE) is a rare disease caused by mutations in the ABCC6 gene. Vitamin K1 is involved in the posttranslational carboxylation of some proteins related to inhibition of the calcification process. Our aim was to investigate, in patients affected by PXE, baseline levels of vitamin K1-dependent proteins and -metabolites and whether parenteral administration of phytomenadione was effective in modulating their levels. Methods: We included eight PXE patients with typical clinical symptoms (skin, retina, and vascular calcification) and two ABCC6 causative mutations; 13 clinically unaffected first-degree patients' relatives (9 carrying one ABCC6 mutation and 4 non-carriers). We assessed urinary vitamin K1 metabolites and serum Glu- and Gla-OC, Gas6 and undercaboxylated prothrombin (PIVKA-II), at baseline and after 1 and 6\u2009weeks after a single intramuscular injection of 10\u2009mg vitamin K1. Results: Comparison of PXE patients, heterozygous, and non-carriers revealed differences in baseline levels of serum MK-4 and of urinary vitamin K metabolites. The response to phytomenadione administration on vitamin K-dependent proteins was similar in all groups. Conclusion: The physiological axis between vitamin K1 and vitamin K-dependent proteins is preserved; however, differences in the concentration of vitamin K metabolites and of MK-4 suggest that vitamin K1 metabolism/catabolism could be altered in PXE patients