14 research outputs found

    data protection and ethical issues in european p5 ehealth

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    In spite of its promise to significantly ameliorate health and care practices, the momentous rise of eHealth technologies has been fraught with significant ethical and societal concerns. Focusing on the unfolding of eHealth within the European Union, this contribution will explore its underpinning regulatory landscape with regard to data protection, focusing on the impact of the recently enforced Regulation (EU) 2016/679, also known as the General Data Protection Regulation. In addition, this chapter will chart relevant ethical issues related to the emergence of novel eHealth technologies. Finally, the conclusion will briefly explore ethical issues and their solutions in the light of the P5 approach

    Spatial Storytelling: Finding Interdisciplinary Immersion

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    This paper is part of an ongoing transdisciplinary research into immersion. In specific, it focuses on Spatial Storytelling to examine the narrative technique in conjunction with Spatial Presence, a commonly accepted subtype of Presence. How our real-life occupation is a constant narrative making exercise and how storytelling is ingrained in our movement in space. It is argued here that immersion and presence models stand to benefit from spatial theory, particularly, the body of work surrounding spatial practices and narratives. Further, that the incorporation of spatial theory adds to the necessary versatility required in approaching immersion, which has been thus far dominated by positivist empiricism. Contributions of a theorized space are also found missing from interactive storytelling and videogames where subject/object interactivity is seen as mere actions performed inside a given space whereas the paper argues that space is learnt through such involvement