238 research outputs found

    Non-prismatic Timoshenko-like beam model

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    The present paper combines an effective beam theory with a simple and accurate numerical technique opening the door to the prediction of the structural behavior of planar beams characterized by a continuous variation of the cross-section geometry, that in general deeply influences the stress distribution and, therefore, leads to non-trivial constitutive relations. Accounting for these peculiar aspects, the beam theory is described by a mixed formulation of the problem represented by six linear Ordinary Differential Equations (ODEs) with non-constant coefficients depending on both the cross-section displacements and the internal forces. Due to the ODEs complexity, the solution can be typically computed only numerically also for relatively simple geometries, loads, and boundary conditions; however, the use of classical numerical tools for this problem, like a (six-field) mixed finite element approach, might entail several issues (e.g., shear locking, ill-conditioned matrices, etc.). Conversely, the recently proposed isogeometric collocation method, consisting of the direct discretization of the ODEs in strong form and using the higher-continuity properties typical of spline shape functions, allows an equal order approximation of all unknown fields, without affecting the stability of the solution. This makes such an approach simple, robust, efficient, and particularly suitable for solving the system of ODEs governing the non-prismatic beam problem. Several numerical experiments confirm that the proposed mixed isogeometric collocation method is actually cost-effective and able to attain high accuracy

    Computational methods in cardiovascular mechanics

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    The introduction of computational models in cardiovascular sciences has been progressively bringing new and unique tools for the investigation of the physiopathology. Together with the dramatic improvement of imaging and measuring devices on one side, and of computational architectures on the other one, mathematical and numerical models have provided a new, clearly noninvasive, approach for understanding not only basic mechanisms but also patient-specific conditions, and for supporting the design and the development of new therapeutic options. The terminology in silico is, nowadays, commonly accepted for indicating this new source of knowledge added to traditional in vitro and in vivo investigations. The advantages of in silico methodologies are basically the low cost in terms of infrastructures and facilities, the reduced invasiveness and, in general, the intrinsic predictive capabilities based on the use of mathematical models. The disadvantages are generally identified in the distance between the real cases and their virtual counterpart required by the conceptual modeling that can be detrimental for the reliability of numerical simulations.Comment: 54 pages, Book Chapte

    Progettare gli spazi dell’emergenza: data analysis sull’organizzazione, i dimensionamenti e accessi annui di casi studio italiani per il predimensionamento ottimale dell’area del Pronto Soccorso.

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    Introduzione Nell’organizzazione del reparto del Pronto Soccorso (PS), un elemento fondamentale è la suddivisione in moduli per ambiti di tipologia e competenza e, indipendentemente dal livello di assistenza fornito. A partire da ciò vengono valutati tutti i percorsi e i collegamenti che ci devono essere tra i moduli. Gli aspetti imprescindibili nel progetto degli spazi sono: • accessi differenziati dei pazienti barellati e deambulanti; • accettazione degli utenti attraverso il triage; • distinzione tra le zone destinate all’emergenza e all’urgenza; • collegamenti diretti con le aree funzionali sanitarie correlate al PS; • stazionamento dei pazienti e/o in attesa di ricovero; • dimissione o avvio del percorso di continuità assistenziale. Materiali e metodi È stata condotta un’analisi di layout di diversi PS – considerati best practices – di ospedali italiani (6 casi studio con accessi annui compresi tra 35.000 e 70.000, 6 tra 70.000 e 100.000, e 4 tra 100.000 e 130.000), compresivi anche di DEA di I e II livello. I casi studio sono stati comparati attraverso una serie di criteri di analisi puntuali a partire dal dimensionamento in metri quadri, il numero di locali e box visita, e le relazioni funzionali e spaziali con le aree sanitarie di riferimento al dipartimento di emergenza per poter sviluppare delle considerazioni sui trend di progettazione, organizzazione e dimensionamenti rispetto ai volumi di attività erogate. Risultati L’analisi e la comparazione dei casi studio ha permesso di definire i trend principali presenti in Italia evidenziando, in particolare, le seguenti tematiche: modello organizzativo (per codice di priorità o di intensità di cura); dimensionamento delle area di attesa interne ed esterne; numero delle postazioni e box, e ambulatori; spazi operativi correlati all’emergenza, quali le aree di decontaminazione, la camera calda, l’Osservazione Breve Intensiva, ecc.; la distanza e i principali dati relativi al blocco operatorio per emergenze, il dipartimento di emergenza, la terapia intensiva, la diagnostica per immagini ecc. Conclusioni Alla luce dei trend progettuali, organizzativi e gestionali, e dei dimensionamenti dell’area del PS attraverso i volumi di attività, il seguente studio – attraverso un data analysis – ha permesso di definire i dimensionamenti ottimali, stimando il trend di superficie medio in funzione per gli accessi annuali, e il numero di postazioni di shock room, box e ambulatori utili per il predimensionamento di un’area di PS. Prossimo step del lavoro di ricerca è quello di indagare il dimensionamento e numero di postazioni, a partire dai volumi di attività, delle aree che compongono il DEA

    Fetal oxygenation in the last weeks of pregnancy evaluated through the umbilical cord blood gas analysis

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    IntroductionEmbryo and fetus grow and mature over the first trimester of pregnancy in a dynamic hypoxic environment, where placenta development assures an increased oxygen availability. However, it is unclear whether and how oxygenation changes in the later trimesters and, more specifically, in the last weeks of pregnancy.MethodsObservational study that evaluated the gas analysis of the umbilical cord blood collected from a cohort of healthy newborns with gestational age >= 37 weeks. Umbilical venous and arterial oxygen levels as well as fetal oxygen extraction were calculated to establish whether oxygenation level changes over the last weeks of pregnancy. In addition, fetal lactate, and carbon dioxide production were analyzed to establish whether oxygen oscillations may induce metabolic effects in utero.ResultsThis study demonstrates a progressive increase in fetal oxygenation levels from the 37th to the 41st weeks of gestation (mean venous PaO2 approximately from 20 to 25 mmHg; p < 0.001). This increase is largely attributable to growing umbilical venous PaO2, regardless of delivery modalities. In neonates born by vaginal delivery, the increased oxygen availability is associated with a modest increase in oxygen extraction, while in neonates born by cesarean section, it is associated with reduced lactate production. Independently from the type of delivery, carbon dioxide production moderately increased. These findings suggest a progressive shift from a prevalent anaerobic metabolism (Warburg effect) towards a growing aerobic metabolism.ConclusionThis study confirms that fetuses grow in a hypoxic environment that becomes progressively less hypoxic in the last weeks of gestation. The increased oxygen availability seems to favor aerobic metabolic shift during the last weeks of intrauterine life; we hypothesize that this environmental change may have implications for fetal maturation during intrauterine life

    Unveiling the Active Nucleus of Centaurus A

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    We report new HST WFPC2 and NICMOS observations of the center of the nearest radio galaxy Centaurus A (NGC 5128) and discuss their implications for our understanding of the active nucleus and jet. We detect the active nucleus in the near-IR (K and H) and, for the first time, in the optical (I and V), deriving the spectral energy distribution of the nucleus from the radio to X-rays. The optical and part of the near-IR emission can be explained by the extrapolation of the X-ray power law reddened by A_V~14mag, a value consistent with other independent estimates. The 20pc-scale nuclear disk discovered by Schreier et al. (1998) is detected in the [FeII] 1.64mic line and presents a morphology similar to that observed in Pa alpha with a [FeII]/Pa alpha ratio typical of low ionization Seyfert galaxies and LINERs. NICMOS 3 Pa alpha observations in a 50"x50" circumnuclear region suggest enhanced star formation (~0.3Msun/yr) at the edges of the putative bar seen with ISO, perhaps due to shocks driven into the gas. The light profile, reconstructed from V, H and K observations, shows that Centaurus A has a core profile with a resolved break at ~4" and suggests a black--hole mass of ~10^9 Msun. A linear blue structure aligned with the radio/X-ray jet may indicate a channel of relatively low reddening in which dust has been swept away by the jet.Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, Astrophysical Journal, in press. High quality figures available at http://www.arcetri.astro.it/~marconi/colpic.htm

    Chitin Nanofibril-Nanolignin Complexes as Carriers of Functional Molecules for Skin Contact Applications

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    Chitin nanofibrils (CN) and nanolignin (NL) were used to embed active molecules, such as vitamin E, sodium ascorbyl phosphate, lutein, nicotinamide and glycyrrhetinic acid (derived from licorice), in the design of antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant nanostructured chitin nanofibrils–nanolignin (CN-NL) complexes for skin contact products, thus forming CN-NL/M complexes, where M indicates the embedded functional molecule. Nano-silver was also embedded in CN-NL complexes or on chitin nanofibrils to exploit its well-known antimicrobial activity. A powdery product suitable for application was finally obtained by spray-drying the complexes co-formulated with poly(ethylene glycol). The structure and morphology of the complexes was studied using infrared spectroscopy and field emission scanning electron microscopy, while their thermal stability was investigated via thermo-gravimetry. The latter provided criteria for evaluating the suitability of the obtained complexes for subsequent demanding industrial processing, such as, for instance, incorporation into bio-based thermoplastic polymers through conventional melt extrusion. In vitro tests were carried out at different concentrations to assess skin compatibility. The obtained results provided a physical–chemical, morphological and cytocompatibility knowledge platform for the correct selection and further development of such nanomaterials, allowing them to be applied in different products. In particular, chitin nanofibrils and the CN-NL complex containing glycyrrhetinic acid can combine excellent thermal stability and skin compatibility to provide a nanostructured system potentially suitable for industrial applications

    Jet-triggered star formation in young radio galaxies

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    Emission in the ultraviolet continuum is a salient signature of the hot, massive and consequently short-lived, stellar population that traces recent or ongoing star formation. With the aim of mapping star forming regions and morphologically separating the generic star formation from that associated with the galaxy-scale jet activity, we obtained high-resolution HST/UV imaging for a sample of nine compact radio sources. Out of these, seven are known Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) galaxies that host young, kpc-scale radio sources and hence are the best candidates for studying radio-mode feedback on galaxy scales, while the other two form a control sample of larger sources. Extended UV emission regions are observed in six of the seven CSS sources showing close spatial alignment with the radio-jet orientation. If other mechanisms possibly contributing to the observed UV emission are ruled out, this could be evidence in support of jet-triggered star formation in the CSS phase of radio galaxy evolution.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, Proceedings of the 6th Workshop on GHz-Peaked Spectrum (GPS) and Compact Steep Spectrum (CSS) source

    Recent Applications of Artificial Intelligence in Radiotherapy: Where We Are and Beyond

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    In recent decades, artificial intelligence (AI) tools have been applied in many medical fields, opening the possibility of finding novel solutions for managing very complex and multifactorial problems, such as those commonly encountered in radiotherapy (RT). We conducted a PubMed and Scopus search to identify the AI application field in RT limited to the last four years. In total, 1824 original papers were identified, and 921 were analyzed by considering the phase of the RT workflow according to the applied AI approaches. AI permits the processing of large quantities of information, data, and images stored in RT oncology information systems, a process that is not manageable for individuals or groups. AI allows the iterative application of complex tasks in large datasets (e.g., delineating normal tissues or finding optimal planning solutions) and might support the entire community working in the various sectors of RT, as summarized in this overview. AI-based tools are now on the roadmap for RT and have been applied to the entire workflow, mainly for segmentation, the generation of synthetic images, and outcome prediction. Several concerns were raised, including the need for harmonization while overcoming ethical, legal, and skill barriers

    Context-dependent foraging habitat selection in a farmland raptor along an agricultural intensification gradient

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    Gradients of agricultural intensification in agroecosystems may determine uneven resource availability for predators relying on these man-made habitats. In turn, these variations in resource availability may affect predators’ habitat selection patterns, resulting in context-dependent habitat selection. We assessed the effects of gradients of landscape composition and configuration on habitat selection of a colonial farmland bird of prey, the lesser kestrel (Falco naumanni), relying on 76 GPS-tracked nestling-rearing individuals from 10 populations scattered along an agricultural intensification gradient. Analyses were conducted considering two ecological levels of aggregation (the population and the individual) and two spatial scales of habitat availability (the colony surroundings and the individual home-range). Overall, non-irrigated croplands and semi-natural grasslands were the most preferred habitats at both spatial scales. At the colony scale, lesser kestrels showed a preference for grassland compared to non-irrigated crops, whereas the opposite was the case within individual home-ranges. Conversely, croplands were positively selected with comparable intensity at both spatial scales. Strong selection for grassland at the colony scale highlights the importance of this semi-natural habitat for the species. The weaker preference for grassland at the home-range scale is likely due to the phenology and structure of the vegetation in the late breeding season. Spatial scale differences in selection patterns may thus derive from spatiotemporal changes in resource availability through the breeding season. The strength of selection for the two most used habitats varied markedly among individuals. At the spatial scale of the colony, individual selection strength for grasslands increased with decreasing compositional diversity of the surrounding landscape, suggesting that agroecosystem heterogeneity may at least partly buffer the loss of semi-natural habitats. At the within homerange scale, higher cropland availability reduced the strength of individual preference for this habitat, suggesting a negative functional response possibly related to density-dependent processes acting on foraging movements. Our study provides evidence that farmland species show context-dependent habitat selection patterns in response to landscape gradients shaped by agricultural intensification as well as by intrinsic characteristics and habitat availability. Our findings highlight the importance of addressing both individual and population-level variability and considering multiple spatial scales in studies of habitat selection to inform species’ management and conservation

    Fetal Oxygenation from the 23rd to the 36th Week of Gestation Evaluated through the Umbilical Cord Blood Gas Analysis

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    The embryo and fetus grow in a hypoxic environment. Intrauterine oxygen levels fluctuate throughout the pregnancy, allowing the oxygen to modulate apparently contradictory functions, such as the expansion of stemness but also differentiation. We have recently demonstrated that in the last weeks of pregnancy, oxygenation progressively increases, but the trend of oxygen levels during the previous weeks remains to be clarified. In the present retrospective study, umbilical venous and arterial oxygen levels, fetal oxygen extraction, oxygen content, CO2, and lactate were evaluated in a cohort of healthy newborns with gestational age < 37 weeks. A progressive decrease in pO2 levels associated with a concomitant increase in pCO2 and reduction in pH has been observed starting from the 23rd week until approximately the 33–34th week of gestation. Over this period, despite the increased hypoxemia, oxygen content remains stable thanks to increasing hemoglobin concentration, which allows the fetus to become more hypoxemic but not more hypoxic. Starting from the 33–34th week, fetal oxygenation increases and ideally continues following the trend recently described in term fetuses. The present study confirms that oxygenation during intrauterine life continues to vary even after placenta development, showing a clear biphasic trend. Fetuses, in fact, from mid-gestation to near-term, become progressively more hypoxemic. However, starting from the 33–34th week, oxygenation progressively increases until birth. In this regard, our data suggest that the placenta is the hub that ensures this variable oxygen availability to the fetus, and we speculate that this biphasic trend is functional for the promotion, in specific tissues and at specific times, of stemness and intrauterine differentiation
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