921 research outputs found

    The Gold Mountain Theater Riots: A Social History of Chinese Theater Riots in San Francisco during the 1870s and 1880s

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    During the 1870s and 1880s, San Francisco\u27s Chinese theaters were scenes of tumultuous riots, which this thesis has designated as The Gold Mountain Theater Riots. City petitions and ordinances restricting the performances of Chinese theaters, police raids on Chinese theaters when they did not comply with these ordinances, stampedes caused by panics, and tong and Chinese theater rivalries were all catalysts for violence in America\u27s first Chinese theaters. The Gold Mountain Theater Riots attempts to gain further knowledge of why these extra-theatrical events occurred, through the examination of Chinese audiences and the police involved in these theater riots as reported in San Francisco Newspapers during this era

    Oportunidades en EE (espíritu emprendedor en educación): el caso de una innovadora escuela secundaria en Irlanda

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    The research paper highlights a robust model of a pilot Entrepreneurship Education (EE) programme for the new junior cycle curriculum, capable of extended implementation across all years of second level education. The research focus was on how an EE programme could be credibly devised, given the fragmented history of its emergence over recent years. The study identified the key elements of its conceptualisation and structure, to implement it as an integral and holistic contribution to a sustainable EE input. A pilot programme in a flagship school- Innovation, Creativity and Entrepreneurship (ICE) which received the full endorsement of the National Council for Curriculum and Assessment body (NCCA) was examined. Semi-structured interviews took place with all the key designers and implementers of ICE. The findings suggest a novel and credible way to integrate EE into the full curriculum, something unprecedented in Ireland. Necessary supports to achieve this were acknowledged: the link between school culture and an innovative disposition; national validation through the NCCA; links with a diversity of enabling partners; credible CPD and training opportunities; and finally, an objective assessment method for the programme. The study highlights the crucial importance of a broad yet precise definition of EE in line with Irish and EU parameters that will lead to credible learning outcomes for individual students, the economy and society as a whole.Estas ponencia resalta un modelo piloto de espíritu emprendedor en el campo de la educación para el Nuevo curriculum del junior cycle (programa para alumnus de secundaria del primerciclo), cuya implementación podría prolongarse hasta el Segundo ciclo de la secundaria. Esta investigación se centra en una concepción creíble, considerando el modo fragmentado de su aparición en años recientes. El estudio identifica los elementos claves de su conceptualización y estructura para su implementación de una manera integral y holística, que conduzca a un aporte sostenible en el espíritu emprendedor (EE). Un modelo piloto para una escuela insignia - Innovación, creatividad y espíritu emprendedor (ICE) - que ha recibido el completo apoyo de National Council for Curriculum and Assessment body (NCCA) fue examinado. Se llevaron a cabo entrevistas parcialmente estructuradas con los principales diseñadores del ICE. Los resultados sugieren un modo novedoso y creible de integrar EE en el curriculum, algo completamente nuevo y original en Irlanda. La importancia de ciertos lazos/vínculos fue reconocida: el vínculo entre la cultura escolar y la disposición innovadora, autentificacióna traves del NCCA, contactos con ciertos posibles socios, oportunidades reales de entrenamiento, y finalmente, un método objetivo de evaluación del programa. Este studio enfatiza la importancia de una ampia pero precisa definición de EE en linea con los parámetros irlandeses y europeos que nos conducirán a obtener resultados creibles para los estudiantes, la economia y la sociedad en su conjunto

    Diseño curricular: Un enfoque ‘gestalt’ a la pedagogía educativa del desarrollo empresarial con profesores que estudian un posgraduado en una universidad irlandesa

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    Significant evidence exists attributing the importance of entrepreneurship education (EE) to national competitive advantage (Henry and Treanor, 2012; Porter, 2011; Porter and Kramer, 2011; Carree and Thurik, 2010). Student numbers in formal EE programs in Irish second level schools are limited to those opting for special programs. This paper sets out to identify a more appropriate pedagogical approach to forming student teachers as teachers of EE in Irish second level schools. An action research methodology was adopted to review and improve the EE module on the teacher education postgraduate diploma in business in an Irish university. By adopting a gestalt approach, the researchers aimed to foster heightened awareness in teachers, to embed innovative pedagogical practice in EE paralleling best practice elsewhere. Rigor was added to the researchers‟ analysis of their own phenomenological interpretations of the module by incorporating feedback from focus groups of students involved, and individual students. The findings suggest that time constraints constricted development of an andragogical holistic approach, organic to fostering creativity and self-agency, the very gestalt characteristics aimed at being cultivated. Students expressed satisfaction with the collaborative course components – experiential and action centered. Grounded in the gestalt philosophy of awareness, self-regulation and creativity, it challenged static, traditional, didactic understandings of EE. For some students, this proved a significant challenge. The key finding from this study is that a holistic, two-layered approach, comprising of a foundational layer (encompassing practical steps in business start ups) and a transformational layer (focusing on more dynamic concepts that are philosophical and attitudinal in nature), is the optimal pedagogical strategy for the cultivation of an effective EE programme.Existe una evidencia significativa que asigna la importancia de la educación del desarrollo empresarial (EE) a la ventaja o beneficio competitivo nacional (Henry y Treanor, 2012; Porter, 2011; Porter Y Kramer, 2011; Carree Y Thurik, 2010). El nŭmero de estudiantes en programas oficiales de EE en institutos irlandeses está limitado a aquellos que optan a programas especiales dentro de los mismos. Este trabajo tiene la intención de identificar un enfoque pedagógico más apropiado para formar profesores que siguen con sus estudios como profesores de EE en institutos irlandeses. Se aceptó una medida para investigar la metodologia y asi mejorar el módulo de posgrado del título de profesorado con la especialidad en negocios en una universidad irlandesa. Adoptando este enfoque, los investigadores apuntan a promover una mayor conciencia en los profesores, para incorporar una práctica pedagōgica más innovadora en EE. Se aňadió regurosidad a los análisis de los investigadores de sus interpretaciones fenomenológicas del mōdulo, a través del recibimiento de feedback por parte de los grupos de estudiantes involucrados asi como de estudiantes a nivel particular. Las conclusiones sugieren que el tiempo limita o restringe el desarrollo del enfoque holistico-andragógico, consistente en poblar de creatividad y autonomia las muy „gestálticas‟ caracteristicas apuntadas y adquiridas. Los alumnus mostraron su satisfacción con los componentes colaborativos del curso – centrados en la autorregulación y la práctica. Estos estaban basados en la filosofia del conocimiento, de la experiencia y de la creatividad, de „Gestalt‟. Todo ello desafiando a los invariables, tradicioinales y conocimientos didácticos del EE. Esto, para algunos alumnus, supuso todo un reto.El resultado de este studio es un enfoque holistico de dos niveles. Un primer nivel que lo denominaremos como la base (que abarca etapas practicas iniciales en temas de empresa) y un segundo nivel transformacional (centrado en conceptos más dinámicos, los cuales son, de carácter, filosóficos y actitudinales por naturaleza). Este resultado será la estrategia pedagógica óptima para el refinamiento y la sofisticación de un programa efectivo de E

    Pollution prevention opportunity assessment for organization 1700.

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    This Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment (PPOA) was conducted for Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico Organization 1700 in June, 2006. The primary purpose of this PPOA is to provide recommendations to assist Organization 1700 in reducing the generation of waste and improving the efficiency of their processes and procedures. This report contains a summary of the information collected, analyses performed and recommended options for implementation. The Sandia National Laboratories Pollution Prevention staff will continue to work with Organization 1700 to implement the recommendations

    Pollution prevention opportunity assessment for MicroFab and SiFab facilities at Sandia National Laboratories.

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    This Pollution Prevention Opportunity Assessment (PPOA) was conducted for the MicroFab and SiFab facilities at Sandia National Laboratories/New Mexico in Fiscal Year 2011. The primary purpose of this PPOA is to provide recommendations to assist organizations in reducing the generation of waste and improving the efficiency of their processes and procedures. This report contains a summary of the information collected, the analyses performed, and recommended options for implementation. The Sandia National Laboratories Environmental Management System (EMS) and Pollution Prevention (P2) staff will continue to work with the organizations to implement the recommendations

    Plant Atrium System for Food Production in NASA's Deep Space Habitat Tests

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    In preparation for future human exploration missions to space, human habitat designs and concepts need to be tested to assess integration issues, power requirements, crew operations, and technology I subsystem performance. One potential subsystem for early habitats is supplemental food production. Fresh foods, such as vegetables and small fruits, could be harvested on a continuous basis to improve the diet and quality of life. The system would need to fit conveniently into the habitat and not interfere with other components or operations. To test this concept, a plant growing "atrium" was designed to surround the lift between the lower and upper modules of the Deep Space Habitat and deployed at NASA DRA TS test site in 2011 and at NASA's JSC in 20I2. With this approach, un-utilized volume provided an area for vegetable growth. For the 20 II test, mizuna, lettuce, basil, radish and sweetpotato plants were grown in trays using commercially available red I blue LED light fixtures. Seedlings were transplanted into the atrium and cared for by the crew. Plants were then harvested two weeks later following completion of the test. In 20I2, mizuna, lettuce, and radish plants were grown similarly but under flat panel banks of white LEDs. In 20 I2, the crew went through plant harvesting, including sanitizing the leafy greens and radishes, which were then consumed. Each test demonstrated successful production of vegetables within a functional hab module. The round red I blue LEDs for the 20Il test lighting cast a purple light in the hab, and were less uniformly distributed over the plant trays. The white LED panels provided broad spectrum light with more uniform distribution. Post-test questionnaires showed that the crew enjoyed tending and consuming the plants, and that the white LED light in 2012 provided welcome extra light for the main hab area

    A qualitative study of prescription contraception use: the perspectives of users, general practitioners and pharmacists

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    Background: The oral contraceptive pill (OCP) remains the most popular form of prescription contraception in many countries, despite adherence difficulties for many. Uptake of long acting reversible contraceptives (LARCs), which are less reliant on user adherence, remains low. The aim of this study was to explore the experiences of, and attitudes towards, prescription contraception amongst samples of contraception users, general practitioners (GPs) and pharmacists.Methodology and Finding: We conducted a qualitative study using semi-structured interviews with 18 contraception users, 18 GPs and 9 pharmacists. The study took place in Galway, Republic of Ireland between June and September 2014. Thematic analysis was used to analyse the data. Overall, contraception users were more familiar with the OCP, and all the women interviewed began their prescription contraception journey using this method. All participants identified episodes of poor adherence throughout the reproductive life course. The identified barriers for use of LARCs were lack of information, misconceptions, lack of access and high cost. In contrast, GPs believed that adherence to the OCP was good and stated they were more likely to prescribe the OCP than other methods, as they were most familiar with this option.Barriers to prescribing LARCs were time, cost to practice, training and deskilling. Pharmacists also believed that adherence to the OCP was generally good and that their role was limited to dispensing medication and providing information when asked.Discussion and Conclusion: There are contrasting perspectives between contraception service providers and contraceptive users. Training for healthcare providers is required to support informed contraceptive choice and adherence. It is necessary to address the practice barriers of cost and lack of time, to promote better communication around adherence issues and prescription contraception options. There is a need for more easily-accessible public health information to promote awareness on all methods of prescription contraception.<br/

    Gone without a bang: an archival HST survey for disappearing massive stars

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    It has been argued that a substantial fraction of massive stars may end their lives without an optically bright supernova (SN), but rather collapse to form a black hole. Such an event would not be detected by current SN surveys, which are focused on finding bright transients. Kochanek et&nbsp;al. proposed a novel survey for such events, using repeated observations of nearby galaxies to search for the disappearance of a massive star. We present such a survey, using the first systematic analysis of archival Hubble Space Telescope images of nearby galaxies with the aim of identifying evolved massive stars which have disappeared, without an accompanying optically bright SN. We consider a sample of 15 galaxies, with at least three epochs of Hubble Space Telescope imaging taken between 1994 and 2013. Within this data, we find one candidate which is consistent with a 25&ndash;30&nbsp;M⊙ yellow supergiant which has undergone an optically dark core-collapse.</p