842 research outputs found

    Changing from petroleum to wood-based materials: critical review of how product sustainability characteristics can be assessed and compared

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    This paper reports on a literature survey on available approaches for the assessment of product sustainability, with a specific focus on assessing the replacement of non-renewable petroleum-based materials with renewable wood-based materials in absorbent hygiene products. The results are contrasted to needs in a specific material development project. A diverse number of methods exist that can help in assessing different product sustainability characteristics for parts of or whole product lifecycles. None of the assessment methods found include guidelines for how to make a case-specific interpretation of sustainability and there is a general lack of assessment parameters that can describe considerations in the comparison between the use of wood or petroleum as main raw material. One reason for this is lack of knowledge and/or consensus on how to describe and assess impacts of land and water use, e.g. on ecosystem services, different types of resource depletion and social impacts

    Methodological issues in LCA of wastewater treatment combined with PHA biopolymer production

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    Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) by mixed microbial cultures utilising the organic content of wastewaters is one of the technologies studied in the EU project ROUTES. When comparing the life-cycle environmental impacts of simultaneous wastewater treatment and production of PHA-rich biomass to traditional wastewater and solids treatment, the handling of this multi-functionality is critical for the results. Only one LCA of such a system has been found in the literature. The current paper identifies substitution and allocation based on chemical oxygen demand removal as two possible options to account for the multi-functionality of the system. Examples based on literature data were used to show that for global warming potential, the choice of allocation method can substantially affect the results

    Ram Essential

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    The underlying causes of food insecurity are complex and often intertwined with related issues that affect a student’s ability to meet even basic needs, such as housing, employment and health care, forcing them to choose between their well-being and their education. The latest Hunger in America report finds that about 10 percent of Feed America’s 46.5 million adult clients are college students. That equates to 2 million full-time college students. “Of those surveyed by the emergency food services network, roughly 30.5 percent of students reported that they were forced to choose between food and educational expenses at some point over the last year.”1 In response, colleges and universities, including VCU, have sprung into action, and the number of campus food pantries at higher educational institutions has risen from a handful in 2009 to more than 500 in 2017.2 But changing food insecurity to food security goes beyond providing just food. It involves a comprehensive approach to providing resources that address the causes and results of being food insecure. Ram Essentials is a holistic approach to addressing basic needs insecurity among VCU students by asking the question, What is essential for our students to be successful? The project focuses on raising the awareness of all existing VCU resources and disseminating them widely through a single user-friendly portal to enhance students’ experience, academic achievement and physical and mental well-being

    Tryptic digestion coupled with ambient DESI and LESA mass spectrometry enables identification of skeletal muscle proteins in mixtures and distinguishes between beef, pork, horse, chicken and turkey meat

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    The use of ambient desorption electrospray ionization (DESI-MS) mass spectrometry and liquid extraction surface analysis mass spectrometry (LESA-MS) is explored for the first time to analyse skeletal muscle proteins obtained from mixture of standard proteins and raw meat. Single proteins and mixtures of up to five proteins (myoglobin, troponin C, actin, BSA, tropomyosin) were deposited onto a polymer surface, followed by in-situ tryptic digestion and comparative analysis using DESI-MS and LESA-MS using tandem electrospray MS. Peptide peaks specific to individual proteins were readily distinguishable with good signal-to-noise ratio in the five-component mixture. LESA-MS gave a more stable analysis and greater sensitivity compared with DESI-MS. Meat tryptic digests were subjected to peptidomics analysis by DESI-MS and LESA-MS. Bovine, horse, pig, chicken and turkey muscle digests were clearly discriminated using multivariate data analysis (MVA) of the peptidomic datasets. The most abundant skeletal muscle proteins were identified and correctly classified according to the species following MS/MS analysis. The study shows, for the first time, that ambient ionization techniques such as DESI-MS and LESA-MS have great potential for species-specific analysis and differentiation of skeletal muscle proteins by direct surface desorption

    Parabolic stable surfaces with constant mean curvature

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    We prove that if u is a bounded smooth function in the kernel of a nonnegative Schrodinger operator L=(Δ+q)-L=-(\Delta +q) on a parabolic Riemannian manifold M, then u is either identically zero or it has no zeros on M, and the linear space of such functions is 1-dimensional. We obtain consequences for orientable, complete stable surfaces with constant mean curvature HRH\in\mathbb{R} in homogeneous spaces E(κ,τ)\mathbb{E}(\kappa,\tau) with four dimensional isometry group. For instance, if M is an orientable, parabolic, complete immersed surface with constant mean curvature H in H2×R\mathbb{H}^2\times\mathbb{R}, then H1/2|H|\leq 1/2 and if equality holds, then M is either an entire graph or a vertical horocylinder.Comment: 15 pages, 1 figure. Minor changes have been incorporated (exchange finite capacity by parabolicity, and simplify the proof of Theorem 1)

    Survey of present data on photon structure functions and resolved photon processes

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    Present data on the partonic content of the photon from LEP, TRISTAN and HERA accelerators are reviewed and the essential aspects of the underlying ideas and methods are pointed out. Results of the unpolarized photon structure function F_2 from DIS_{e gamma} experiments and on large p_T jet production processes in the resolved gamma-gamma collisions are presented for both real and virtual photons. The results of analysis of the hadronic final state accompanying the DIS_{e gamma} measurements, showing some discrepancies with the Monte Carlo models, are collected together and presented as a separate issue. Also results on the DIS_{e gamma} with leptonic final states are shown. The results from resolved real and virtual photon processes at HERA collider based on the single and double jet events, also charged particles and prompt photons, are presented. In the context of virtual photon processes the data for forward jet and forward particle production are included. In addition a short presentation of the recent data on the heavy quark content of the photon is given. Related topics - the polarized (spin dependent) structure functions for the real and virtual photon, the structure function of the electron and the photonic content of the proton are also shortly mentioned.Comment: latex, 220 pages, 195 ps figures; extended and updated version of hep-ph/9806291; to appear in Physics Report

    The Signal Transducer and Activator of Transcription 1 (STAT1) Inhibits Mitochondrial Biogenesis in Liver and Fatty Acid Oxidation in Adipocytes

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    The transcription factor STAT1 plays a central role in orchestrating responses to various pathogens by activating the transcription of nuclear-encoded genes that mediate the antiviral, the antigrowth, and immune surveillance effects of interferons and other cytokines. In addition to regulating gene expression, we report that STAT1-/- mice display increased energy expenditure and paradoxically decreased release of triglycerides from white adipose tissue (WAT). Liver mitochondria from STAT1-/- mice show both defects in coupling of the electron transport chain (ETC) and increased numbers of mitochondria. Consistent with elevated numbers of mitochondria, STAT1-/- mice expressed increased amounts of PGC1α, a master regulator of mitochondrial biogenesis. STAT1 binds to the PGC1α promoter in fed mice but not in fasted animals, suggesting that STAT1 inhibited transcription of PGC1α. Since STAT1-/-mice utilized more lipids we examined white adipose tissue (WAT) stores. Contrary to expectations, fasted STAT1-/- mice did not lose lipid from WAT. β-adrenergic stimulation of glycerol release from isolated STAT1-/- WAT was decreased, while activation of hormone sensitive lipase was not changed. These findings suggest that STAT1-/- adipose tissue does not release glycerol and that free fatty acids (FFA) re-esterify back to triglycerides, thus maintaining fat mass in fasted STAT1-/- mice

    Authentication of processed meat products by peptidomic analysis using rapid ambient mass spectrometry

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    We present the application of a novel ambient LESA-MS method for the authentication of processed meat products. A set of 25 species and protein-specific heat stable peptide markers has been detected in processed samples manufactured from beef, pork, horse, chicken and turkey meat. We demonstrate that several peptides derived from myofibrillar and sarcoplasmic proteins are sufficiently resistant to processing to serve as specific markers of processed products. The LESA-MS technique required minimal sample preparation without fractionation and enabled the unambiguous and simultaneous identification of skeletal muscle proteins and peptides as well as other components of animal origin, including the milk protein such as casein alpha-S1, in whole meat product digests. We have identified, for the first time, six fast type II and five slow/cardiac type I MHC peptide markers in various processed meat products. The study demonstrates that complex mixtures of processed proteins/peptides can be examined effectively using this approach

    Flipping the thinking on equality, diversity, and inclusion. why EDI is essential for the development and progression of the chemical sciences: A case study approach

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    All learners have a contribution to make to the development of the Chemical Sciences, be that in novel ways to teach, and their perspectives and contexts, but also in research, both in chemical education and the wider Chemical Sciences. Through four case studies, this paper explores interactions with diverse groups and how this has altered perspectives on both teaching and research. The case studies include work with visually impaired adults, a project bringing together First Peoples in Australia with academics to explore old ways (traditional science) and new ways (modern approaches), primary (elementary) school perspectives on teaching science, and a project in South Africa to connect university and township communities. Not only do these case studies demonstrate the immense value these diverse groups bring to our understanding about how to learn, but they also bring new perspectives on how to view and solve chemical problems