2,886 research outputs found

    Constraints on the Local Cosmic Void from the Pantheon Supernovae Data

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    In principle, the local cosmic void can be simply modeled by the spherically symmetric Lemaitre-Tolman-Bondi (LTB) metric. In practice, the real local cosmic void is probably not spherically symmetric. In this paper, to reconstruct a more realistic profile of the local cosmic void, we divide it into several segments. Each segment with certain solid angle is modeled by its own LTB metric. Meanwhile, we divide the 1048 type Ia supernovae (SNIa) of the Pantheon Survey into corresponding subsets according to their distribution in the galactic coordinate system. Obviously, each SNIa subset can only be used to reconstruct the profile of one segment. Finally, we can patch together an irregular profile for the local cosmic void with the whole Pantheon sample. Note that, the paucity of each data subset lead us to focus on the inner part of each void segment and assume that the half radii of the void segments are sufficient to constrain the whole segment. We find that, despite 2σ2\sigma signals of anisotropy limited to the depth of the void segments, the constraints on every void segment are consistent with Λ\LambdaCDM model at 95%95\% CL. Moreover, our constraints are too weak to challenge the cosmic homogeneity and isotropy.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure

    The influence of time attitudes on alcohol-related attitudes, behaviors and subjective life expectancy in early adolescence: A longitudinal examination using mover-stayer latent transition analysis

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    The goal of the present study is to examine the stability of time attitudes profiles across a one-year period as well as the association between time attitudes profiles and several variables. These variables include attitudes towards alcohol, context of alcohol use, consumption of a full drink, and subjective life expectancy. We assessed the reliability and validity of time attitudes scores at baseline (mean age 12.5 years) and Wave 2 (mean age 13.5 years), the viability of time attitudes profiles at both time points, and the degree of stability in profile membership in Wave 2. A total of four latent profiles were identified (Positives, Ambivalents, Negatives, and Negative-Futures). Positives had higher scores on positive time attitude, Ambivalents did not report strong attitudes towards any of the time periods, Negatives had higher scores on negative time attitudes, and Negative-Futures were similar to Negatives, but tended to higher scores on both positive and negative time attitude for the future. Results showed that participants staying in the same time attitude profile across the first year of high school ranged from 33% to 50%. Transition to more negative profiles explained the instability, and those transitions were associated with less favorable outcomes. Having a Positive profile was associated with safer attitudes towards alcohol, lower reported uses of alcohol, and higher self-reported probability of surviving to at least the age of 35

    A Whole-Body Model for Glycogen Regulation Reveals a Critical Role for Substrate Cycling in Maintaining Blood Glucose Homeostasis

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    Timely, and sometimes rapid, metabolic adaptation to changes in food supply is critical for survival as an organism moves from the fasted to the fed state, and vice versa. These transitions necessitate major metabolic changes to maintain energy homeostasis as the source of blood glucose moves away from ingested carbohydrates, through hepatic glycogen stores, towards gluconeogenesis. The integration of hepatic glycogen regulation with extra-hepatic energetics is a key aspect of these adaptive mechanisms. Here we use computational modeling to explore hepatic glycogen regulation under fed and fasting conditions in the context of a whole-body model. The model was validated against previous experimental results concerning glycogen phosphorylase a (active) and glycogen synthase a dynamics. The model qualitatively reproduced physiological changes that occur during transition from the fed to the fasted state. Analysis of the model reveals a critical role for the inhibition of glycogen synthase phosphatase by glycogen phosphorylase a. This negative regulation leads to high levels of glycogen synthase activity during fasting conditions, which in turn increases substrate (futile) cycling, priming the system for a rapid response once an external source of glucose is restored. This work demonstrates that a mechanistic understanding of the design principles used by metabolic control circuits to maintain homeostasis can benefit from the incorporation of mathematical descriptions of these networks into “whole-body” contextual models that mimic in vivo conditions