3,655 research outputs found

    Legal Dimensions of Salespersons\u27 Statements: A Review and Managerial Suggestions

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    Salespeople can generate liability problems for their organizations through both intentional and inadvertent statements, yet the sales management and personal selling literature has not provided adequate discussion of these problems. The authors describe the various ways salespeople initiate such liability and include specific advice for sales managers interested in guiding salesperson behavior

    Addressing student models of energy loss in quantum tunnelling

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    We report on a multi-year, multi-institution study to investigate student reasoning about energy in the context of quantum tunnelling. We use ungraded surveys, graded examination questions, individual clinical interviews, and multiple-choice exams to build a picture of the types of responses that students typically give. We find that two descriptions of tunnelling through a square barrier are particularly common. Students often state that tunnelling particles lose energy while tunnelling. When sketching wave functions, students also show a shift in the axis of oscillation, as if the height of the axis of oscillation indicated the energy of the particle. We find inconsistencies between students' conceptual, mathematical, and graphical models of quantum tunnelling. As part of a curriculum in quantum physics, we have developed instructional materials to help students develop a more robust and less inconsistent picture of tunnelling, and present data suggesting that we have succeeded in doing so.Comment: Originally submitted to the European Journal of Physics on 2005 Feb 10. Pages: 14. References: 11. Figures: 9. Tables: 1. Resubmitted May 18 with revisions that include an appendix with the curriculum materials discussed in the paper (4 page small group UW-style tutorial

    Examining Criminogenic Risk Levels Among People with Mental Illness Incarcerated in US Jails and Prisons

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    This study examines criminogenic risk levels of individuals with serious mental illness (SMI) involved in the justice system compared to justice-involved individuals without mental illness. The sample (N = 436) consisted of ninety-three individuals with SMI incarcerated in a county jail in a mid-size Midwest city, 217 individuals with SMI incarcerated in a state prison in the US Northeast, and 126 individuals without mental illness incarcerated in a state prison in the US Southwest. Results indicated that people with SMI incarcerated in jail and prison had higher overall criminal risk levels than prison inmates without mental illness. Results further demonstrated that, on average, higher percentages of persons with SMI had high/very high criminogenic risk scores. Finally, we noted that persons with SMI scored higher on most of the eight criminogenic risk domains measured by the Level of Service Inventory. These findings are possibly the most compelling to date in the growing body of literature demonstrating that justice-involved people with SMI have elevated criminogenic risk comparable to or greater than their non-mentally ill peers involved in the justice system. Consequently, treatment programs and interventions for justice-involved individuals with SMI need to explicitly target criminogenic needs into treatment efforts

    X-ray Nova XTE J1550-564: RXTE Spectral Observations

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    Excellent coverage of the 1998 outburst of the X-ray Nova XTE J1550-564 was provided by the Rossi X-ray Timing Explorer. XTE J1550-564 exhibited an intense (6.8 Crab) flare on 1998 September 19 (UT), making it the brightest new X-ray source observed with RXTE. We present a spectral analysis utilizing 60 Proportional Counter Array spectra from 2.5-20 keV spanning 71 days, and a nearly continuous All Sky Monitor light curve. The spectra were fit to a model including multicolor blackbody disk and power-law components. XTE J1550-564 is observed in the very high, high/soft, and intermediate canonical outburst states of Black Hole X-ray Novae.Comment: 14 pages including 1 table and 4 figures, Accepted to ApJ Letter

    Investigating the structure of the oxide on Ni-Cr-Mo alloys while presenting a method for analysis of complex oxides using QUASES

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    X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) is a technique that is widely used to studythin oxide films because of its extremely high surface sensitivity. Utilizing theQUASES (Quantitative Analysis of Surfaces by Electron Spectroscopy) software pack-age developed by Sven Tougaard (University of Southern Denmark), a user canobtain additional information that is not extracted in conventional XPS analysis, spe-cifically the composition as a function of depth. Presented here is the QUASES analy-sis of four Ni-Cr-Mo alloys performed while testing various inelastic mean free path(IMFP) determination methods in the context of providing a framework for the analy-sis of complex oxides in QUASES. Ni-Cr-Mo alloys are often used to replace conven-tional materials under aggressive conditions, because of their exceptional corrosionresistance. Their corrosion resistance is conferred by the formation of an inert sur-face oxide film that protects the underlying metal. Using the QUASES software, thethickness of the air-formed oxide on four Ni-Cr-Mo alloys was found to lie within therange of 2.5–3.6 nm. They were found to be composed of an inner Cr2O3layer andan outer Cr (OH)3layer, with a transition zone where the two coexisted. OxidizedMo species, MoO2and MoO3, were found in trace amounts at the boundarybetween the Cr2O3-only and mixed Cr2O3/Cr (OH)3regions of the oxide. We alsodetermined that using 20% reduced IMFP values gave results similar to thoseobtained using electron effective attenuation length (EAL) values. Auger depth pro-files showed comparable trends to the QUASES models

    Comments on the distribution of \u3ci\u3eBotrychium lunarioides\u3c/i\u3e (Ophioglossaceae) in Texas

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    Botrychium lunarioides (Michx.) Sw. (Ophioglossaceae) is now known to be widespread and abundant throughout the eastern portion of Texas. In 1996, Do, et al. reported ten additional county records in the central portion of the Post Oak Savannah of Texas, thereby extending the known distribution of the species up to 273 km to the west. Additional field studies during 1996 have yielded nineteen new county records for the species in Texas. These new reports are primarily from the Post Oak Savannah, Pineywoods, and Blackland Prairies of northeast Texas and from the southern portion of the Post Oak Savannah. The most notable occurrence of the species is at Lake Bastrop State Recreation Area, Bastrop County, about 45 km ESE of Austin, which extends both the western and southern known limits of the species

    p190RhoGAP is the convergence point of adhesion signals from α5β1 integrin and syndecan-4

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    The fibronectin receptors α5β1 integrin and syndecan-4 cocluster in focal adhesions and coordinate cell migration by making individual contributions to the suppression of RhoA activity during matrix engagement. p190Rho–guanosine triphosphatase–activating protein (GAP) is known to inhibit RhoA during the early stages of cell spreading in an Src-dependent manner. This paper dissects the mechanisms of p190RhoGAP regulation and distinguishes the contributions of α5β1 integrin and syndecan-4. Matrix-induced tyrosine phosphorylation of p190RhoGAP is stimulated solely by engagement of α5β1 integrin and is independent of syndecan-4. Parallel engagement of syndecan-4 causes redistribution of the tyrosine-phosphorylated pool of p190RhoGAP between membrane and cytosolic fractions by a mechanism that requires direct activation of protein kinase C α by syndecan-4. Activation of both pathways is necessary for the efficient regulation of RhoA and, as a consequence, focal adhesion formation. Accordingly, we identify p190RhoGAP as the convergence point for adhesive signals mediated by α5β1 integrin and syndecan-4. This molecular mechanism explains the cooperation between extracellular matrix receptors during cell adhesion
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