1,987 research outputs found

    Satellite telemetry of Great Frigatebirds Fregata minor rearing chicks on Tern island, North Central Pacific Ocean

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    The Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands protects breeding habitat for many migratory animals. We used satellite telemetry to describe the areas in which a mobile top predator, the Great Frigatebird Fregata minor, traveled on foraging trips during the early chick-rearing period from a breeding colony on Tern Island, French Frigate Shoals. Identification of potential foraging events, indicated by a reduction in transit rate, allowed us to assess whether wide-ranging marine species such as Great Frigatebirds remain inside the protective boundaries of the Monument while brooding young chicks. Four of 11 foraging trips extended outside of the boundaries of the Monument. These movements may represent the shortest foraging distances that Great Frigatebirds travel from the colony because adults need to provision young chicks frequently. We also tracked one male that abandoned its nest on a journey to the southwest of Tern Island. This bird was tracked for 16 days before the transmitter\u27s battery expired, and the last transmitted position was nearly 1100 km from Tern Island. These tracks, the first reports of frigatebird telemetry in the Pacific Ocean, provide information about the foraging behaviors of a top predator during a critical life-history stage-data that will complement tracking data of other species and aid in future conservation and management decisions concerning the Monument and surrounding waters of the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands


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    This volume of the Economic Policy Review, "Special issue on the economic effects of September 11," explores some of the key economic consequences of the attacks of September 11. The six articles that make up the volume address several important questions: how great were the losses in New York City on September 11 and in the difficult months thereafter? How much will the nation spend to prevent future attacks? Did the destruction of information and infrastructure impair the functioning of the payments and securities settlement systems, and what steps minimize further damage? Will these events hurt New York's future vitality and cause businesses and workers to retreat from the city? ; The six articles fall into three broad groups: 1) detailed accountings of economic costs--those incurred as a direct consequence of the September 11 attacks and those arising from efforts to prevent future attacks, 2) studies of the attacks' disruptive effects on the payments and securities settlement systems, and 3) analyses of New York City's prospects after September 11.Disaster relief ; Terrorism ; War - Economic aspects ; Economic conditions - New York (N.Y.) ; Federal Reserve District, 2nd

    RXTE Discovery of Coherent Millisecond Pulsations during an X-ray Burst from KS 1731-260

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    A highly coherent 523.92+-0.05 Hz periodic X-ray signal has been observed during a type I X-ray burst from the low-mass X-ray binary system KS 1731-260 with the PCA on RXTE. The spectral evolution of the burst indicates photospheric-radius expansion and contraction. The 524 Hz signal occurred at the end of the contraction phase, lasted for ~2 s, was highly coherent (Q >~ 900), and had a pulse fraction (ratio of sinusoidal amplitude to mean count rate) of 6.2+-0.6%. KS 1731-260 is one of only three systems that have exhibited high-coherence millisecond oscillations during X-ray bursts and the first reported where the pulsations are associated with photospheric contraction. These coherent signals may be interpreted as a direct indication of the neutron star spin.Comment: 15 pages plus 4 Postscript figures; AASTeX format; submitted to Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. [RCPCH Poster]

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    Conflicts over the care of children with life-limiting conditions can reach the point where courts have to intervene,but giving evidence causes distress, unwanted media attention and costs. The decision in Charlie Gard’s case in Englandincluded a plea for parties to mediate. No case has arisen in Scotland, where law and practice differ, but there are approximately 16,000 children with complex conditions where care might potentially be disputed. This study seeks to understand reasons for disputes, identify potential solutions (including mediation) and reduce the risk of a case coming before a Scottish court. In-depth interviews (online and face-to-face) with NHS Grampian clinicians and parents were conducted from which qualitative data were obtained on their experiences and views on disagreements about care, how decision-making is handled, what works well and what might improve existing approaches. This is being funded by the NHS Grampian Endowment Fund. Ten clinicians and five parents were interviewed. Preliminary thematic analysis suggests that clinicians feel multidisciplinary team meetings improve conflict resolution for patients with complex requirements, where specialism boundaries can blur. When disputes arise, the type of intervention varied depending on its scale, urgency and impact on other care teams. A cause of disputes is variation in goals within and between care teams, but micro-discussions and step-bystep approaches from the outset work well and mitigate risk of disputes. The settings, timing and language used in conversations with parents is important. Findings suggest that clinicians may prefer a two-stage process where meetings are held without parents in the first instance. A strong Chair facilitates useful meetings, but parents still find it difficult to know who to address questions to. Families' use of social media/online searches can be problematic and lead to strained relationships, but emphasis on 'good death' and 'doing what's right' were highlighted. When a child is hospitalised, 'handing over' a child who has been looked after at home can be difficult for parents and home care teams. A desire to connect with parents facing similar challenges was expressed. It is clear that conflict exists in Scottish paediatric care. Practice suggests that there are strategies which can be employed to minimise risk of intractable disputes arising which could be used to assess the suitability of mediation and formalised into a toolkit to support families and clinicians

    Understanding the causes of local disputes in paediatrics to develop pathways to dispute resolution in North East Scotland. [NHS Grampian R&D Poster]

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    Conflicts between parents and clinicians over the care of children with life-limiting conditions can reach the point where courts must intervene, causing distress, unwanted media attention and costs. This NHS Grampian case study sought to understand reasons for disputes, identify potential solutions and reduce the risk of a case coming before a Scottish court. In-depth semi-structured interviews with 20 participants (a mix of NHS Grampian clinicians and parents) were conducted from which qualitative data were obtained on their experiences of and views on disagreements about care, how decision-making is handled, what works well and what might improve existing approaches

    Coping with brief periods of food restriction: mindfulness matters

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    The obesity epidemic had spawned considerable interest in understanding peoples' responses to palatable food cues that are plentiful in obesogenic environments. In this paper we examine how trait mindfulness of older, obese adults may moderate brain networks that arise from exposure to such cues. Nineteen older, obese adults came to our laboratory on two different occasions. Both times they ate a controlled breakfast meal and then were restricted from eating for 2.5 h. After this brief period of food restriction, they had an fMRI scan in which they were exposed to food cues and then underwent a 5 min recovery period to evaluate brain networks at rest. On one day they consumed a BOOST® liquid meal prior to scanning, whereas on the other day they only consumed water (NO BOOST® condition). We found that adults high in trait mindfulness were able to return to their default mode network (DMN), as indicated by greater global efficiency in the precuneus, during the post-exposure rest period. This effect was stronger for the BOOST® than NO BOOST® treatment condition. Older adults low in trait mindfulness did not exhibit this pattern in the DMN. In fact, the brain networks of those low on the MAAS suggests that they continued to be pre-occupied with the elaboration of food cues even after cue exposure had ended. Further work is needed to examine whether mindfulness-based therapies alter brain networks to food cues and whether these changes are related to eating behavior

    Gene duplication and divergence produce divergent MHC genotypes without disassortative mating

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    Genes of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) exhibit heterozygote advantage in immune defence, which in turn can select for MHC-disassortative mate choice. However, many species lack this expected pattern of MHC-disassortative mating. A possible explanation lies in evolutionary processes following gene duplication: if two duplicated MHC genes become functionally diverged from each other, offspring will inherit diverse multilocus genotypes even under random mating. We used locus-specific primers for high-throughput sequencing of two expressed MHC Class II B genes in Leach\u27s storm-petrels, Oceanodroma leucorhoa, and found that exon 2 alleles fall into two gene-specific monophyletic clades. We tested for disassortative vs. random mating at these two functionally diverged Class II B genes, using multiple metrics and different subsets of exon 2 sequence data. With good statistical power, we consistently found random assortment of mates at MHC. Despite random mating, birds had MHC genotypes with functionally diverged alleles, averaging 13 amino acid differences in pairwise comparisons of exon 2 alleles within individuals. To test whether this high MHC diversity in individuals is driven by evolutionary divergence of the two duplicated genes, we built a phylogenetic permutation model. The model showed that genotypic diversity was strongly impacted by sequence divergence between the most common allele of each gene, with a smaller additional impact of monophyly of the two genes. Divergence of allele sequences between genes may have reduced the benefits of actively seeking MHC-dissimilar mates, in which case the evolutionary history of duplicated genes is shaping the adaptive landscape of sexual selection

    Causality and the AdS Dirichlet problem

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    The (planar) AdS Dirichlet problem has previously been shown to exhibit superluminal hydrodynamic sound modes. This problem is defined by bulk gravitational dynamics with Dirichlet boundary conditions imposed on a rigid timelike cut-off surface. We undertake a careful examination of this set-up and argue that, in most cases, the propagation of information between points on the Dirichlet hypersurface is nevertheless causal with respect to the induced light cones. In particular, the high-frequency dynamics is causal in this sense. There are however two exceptions and both involve boundary gravitons whose propagation is not constrained by the Einstein equations. These occur in i) AdS3_3, where the boundary gravitons generally do not respect the induced light cones on the boundary, and ii) Rindler space, where they are related to the infinite speed of sound in incompressible fluids. We discuss implications for the fluid/gravity correspondence with rigid Dirichlet boundaries and for the black hole membrane paradigm.Comment: 29 pages, 5 figures. v2: added refs. v3: minor clarification

    A Leptin-regulated Circuit Controls Glucose Mobilization During Noxious Stimuli

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    Adipocytes secrete the hormone leptin to signal the sufficiency of energy stores. Reductions in circulating leptin concentrations reflect a negative energy balance, which augments sympathetic nervous system (SNS) activation in response to metabolically demanding emergencies. This process ensures adequate glucose mobilization despite low energy stores. We report that leptin receptor–expressing neurons (LepRb neurons) in the periaqueductal gray (PAG), the largest population of LepRb neurons in the brain stem, mediate this process. Application of noxious stimuli, which often signal the need to mobilize glucose to support an appropriate response, activated PAG LepRb neurons, which project to and activate parabrachial nucleus (PBN) neurons that control SNS activation and glucose mobilization. Furthermore, activating PAG LepRb neurons increased SNS activity and blood glucose concentrations, while ablating LepRb in PAG neurons augmented glucose mobilization in response to noxious stimuli. Thus, decreased leptin action on PAG LepRb neurons augments the autonomic response to noxious stimuli, ensuring sufficient glucose mobilization during periods of acute demand in the face of diminished energy stores