102 research outputs found

    Express segregation of heavily claiysh samples during the petrophysical studies

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    Application of the Schmidt hammer for detecting of uncompacted and unconsolidated core samples

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    Calculations of Induced Activity in the ATLAS Experiment for Nuclear Waste Zoning.

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    Extensive calculations were performed with the general activation formula using the fluxes of high-energy hadrons and low-energy neutrons previously obtained from simulations with the GCALOR code of the ATLAS detector. Three sets of proton cross-sections were used for hadrons energy above 20 MeV: (a) one set calculated with the YIELDX code (i.e., the Silberberg-Tsao formula of partial proton spallation cross-sections), (b) one set calculated with the Rudstam formula, and (c) the Γ’best-estimate' dataset which was a compilation of the available experimental and calculated data. In the energy region below 20 MeV, neutron activation cross-sections were taken from evaluated nuclear data files. The activity of each nuclide for a predefined operation scenario (i.e., number and duration of irradiation and shutdown cycles) was normalized to reference values taken from the European or Swiss legislations, to obtain an aggregate estimate of the radiological hazard comparable with a nuclear waste zoning definition criteria that has been adopted by the LHC experiments. The impact of changing the operation scenario and hadrons spallation cross-sections datasets on the zoning was investigated for the 21 most common materials

    Russian nationally-biased units in the sphere of transportation in German travel notes of the XIX century

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    The article considers words reflecting nationally-biased units in the sphere of transportation (in Russia in XIX c.) basing on German travel notes: means of transportation, people connected with the organization of cabbing, travel documents, etc. Methods to introduce these Russian words into German texts and their functions are investigated

    Research of the effectiveness of mechanical testing methods with analysis of features of destructions and temperature effects

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    In this paper is carried out the comparative analysis of effectiveness of test methods ofdetermination of stiffness and strength properties of highly filled unidirectional fiberglass (Direct "E" roving 0.7- orthophthalic polyester resin 0.3) via tensile testing along the reinforcement and three-point bending testing atseveral bases. The necessity of deviation from standard procedures is substantiated. Deformation and failurefeatures of the material under quasi-static loading, as well as at low and high temperatures, are shown

    Theory and practice of measuring the petrophysical characteristics of rocks

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    Comparative analysis of different-age vineyards in Fruska Gora National Park, in the Autonomous province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, on the characteristics of lateral migration of mobile sulphur

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    Data on the content and lateral migration of mobile sulfur in brown forest soil of residual carbonate (Eutric Cambisols/ Haplic Cambisols) of autonomous and transit landscapes under vineyards in the Autonomous Province of Vojvodina, Republic of Serbia, are presented. The content of mobile sulfur in horizons 0-5 and 5-15 cm was highly contrasting from very low (less than 5 mg/kg) to high (more than 35 mg/kg) depending on the age of vineyards, landscape features of their location and applied cultivation systems. The content of mobile sulfur in the lateral structure of elemental landscapes under age (more than 200 years) vineyards with high slope steepness increased from trans-eluvial facies of upper parts of slopes to lower transaccumulative facies. In an industrial vineyard of intensive type 15 years old, the absence of inter-row sodding and the arrangement of rows along a long slope with a complex shape contributed to increased migration. Migration flows and accumulation of mobile sulfur in transaccumulative elemental landscapes can cause deterioration of quality characteristics of produced wine materials and contamination of adjacent environments

    The diamond cutting technology in hydrotechnical concrete structures

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    The possibility of improving the performance of diamond cutting under water is a relevant research not only for the construction industry, but also in the field of environmental protection and the environmental situation in the area of hydraulic structures. The objects of the study are hydraulic structures, namely reinforced concrete and concrete structural elements in contact with water. The objectives of the study are to analyse the methods of diamond cutting and drilling of structures, compare Russian and international experience in the production of these types of work, assess the environmental impact of cutting and drilling structures in water, and offer an effective organizational form for managing and systematizing diamond operators cutting. The basis of the research methodology is the study of the works of domestic and foreign authors in the field of organization of construction and installation works, their technology and mechanization. During the work on the topic, the authors reviewed and compiled the experience of international and Russian results of theoretical and applied research in the development and improvement of the organization theory and technology for the reconstruction of concrete and reinforced concrete structures of buildings and structures that made a huge contribution to the development of diamond cutting technologies

    Comparative Assessment of The Climatological Conditions on The Biological Activity of Ampelocenoses Soils Cultivated in The Wine-Growing Regions of The Southern Coast of Crimea and The Eastern Part of The National Park β€œFruska Gora”

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    Over the last years, research interest in the use of soil biological activity indicator for predicting the state and sustainability of natural and agroecosystems has increased significantly due to climatic changes altering the location and boundaries of established agroclimatic belts. These changes are characterized by unprecedented speed, as well as spatial and temporal heterogeneity. In this regard, the identification of regularities of influence of regional agroclimatic factors on soil microbiota as an indicator of soil health under different types of land use is of great relevance. In this paper, we tried to determine the climatic factors limiting the activity of soil microbiome functioning on the basis of calculation of climatic indices in two regions of grape cultivation close in temperature regime, but contrasting in humidity, located in the Republic of Crimea and the Republic of Serbia
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