338 research outputs found

    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in runners with a symptomatic heel spur

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    The aim of this paper is to assess the benefit to treat plantar fasciitis with low-dose energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and the efficacy of such treatment to abate the painful symptoms allowing a rapid return to the running activity. Our study included 54 running athletes treated for plantar fasciitis associated with a heel spur who received four sessions (once weekly) of low-dose ESWT, and followed prospectively on average 45days, 6 and 24months after their last session. The clinical results were excellent in 59% of cases, good in 12%, satisfactory in 21% and distinctly unsatisfactory in 8%. No patient was observed a significant modification of the heel spur at the follow-up X-ray. The ultrasound examination at 24months showed a disappearance of the inflammation signs in 61% of cases. A strong correlation between ultrasound improvement and clinical results were found. Low-energy ESWT seems to be a good mean to treat plantar fasciitis in runners with a 71% of good or excellent results and a persistent improvement lasting 24months. A randomized multicentric study seems to be necessary to define the type of energy that should be used in the future to treat plantar fasciitis, in particular in the athletic patients, to allow a faster return to sports activitie

    Bronchiolitis. Analysis of 10 consecutive epidemic seasons

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    Bronchiolitis is the leading cause of hospitalization in infants under 12 months. Our aims were to analyze epidemiological characteristics of infants with bronchiolitis over 10 consecutive seasons and to evaluate whether there are any clinical differences between infants hospitalized for bronchiolitis during epidemic peak months and infants in non-peak months. We enrolled consecutive enrolled 723 previously healthy term infants hospitalized at the Paediatric Emergency Department, "Sapienza" University of Rome over the period 2004-2014. Fourteen respiratory viruses were detected from nasopharyngeal aspirates by molecular methods. Clinical and demographic data were extracted from clinical charts. Viruses were detected in 351 infants (48.5%): RSV in 234 (32.4%), RV in 44 (6.1%), hBoV in 11 (1.5%), hMPV in 12 (1.6%), co-infections in 39 (5.4%), and other viruses in 11 (1.5%). Analyzing the 10 epidemic seasons, we found higher incidence for bronchiolitis every 4 years with a peak during the months December-January. Infants hospitalized during peak months had lower family history for asthma (P = 0.003), more smoking mothers during pregnancy (P = 0.036), were slightly higher breastfed (0.056), had lower number of blood eosinophils (P = 0.015) and had a higher clinical severity score (P = 0.017). RSV was detected mostly during peak months, while RV was equally distributed during the seasons. We found some variations in bronchiolitis incidence during epidemics, and discriminative characteristics in infants hospitalized for bronchiolitis during peak months and in non-peak months, that might reflect two different populations of children. Pediatr Pulmonol. 2016; 9999:XX-XX. © 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc

    Modifiable risk factors associated with bronchiolitis

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    Background: We sought to clarify possibly modifiable risk factors related to pollution responsible for acute bronchiolitis in hospitalized infants. Methods: For this observational study, we recruited 213 consecutive infants with bronchiolitis (cases: median age: 2 months; age range: 0.5-12 months; boys: 55.4%) and 213 children aged <3 years (controls: median age: 12 months; age range: 0.5-36 months; boys: 54.5%) with a negative medical history for lower respiratory tract diseases hospitalized at 'Sapienza' University Rome and IRCCS Bambino Gesù Hospital. Infants' parents completed a standardized 53-item questionnaire seeking information on social-demographic and clinical characteristics, indoor pollution, eating habits and outdoor air pollution. Multivariate logistic regression analyses were run to assess the independent effect of risk factors, accounting for confounders and effect modifiers. Results: In the 213 hospitalized infants the questionnaire identified the following risk factors for acute bronchiolitis: breastfeeding 3/43 months (OR: 2.1, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.2-3.6), presence of older siblings (OR: 2.8, 95% CI: 1.7-4.7), 3/44 cohabitants (OR: 1.5, 95% CI: 1.1-2.1), and using seed oil for cooking (OR: 1.7, 95% CI: 1.2-2.6). Having renovated their home in the past 12 months and concurrently being exposed daily to smoking, involving more than 11 cigarettes and two or more smoking cohabitants, were more frequent factors in cases than in controls (p = 0.021 and 0.05), whereas self-estimated proximity to road and traffic was similar in the two groups. Conclusions: We identified several risk factors for acute bronchiolitis related to indoor and outdoor pollution, including inhaling cooking oil fumes. Having this information would help public health authorities draw up effective preventive measures - for example, teach mothers to avoid handling their child when they have a cold and eliminate exposure to second-hand tobacco smoke

    Vitamin D, homocysteine, and folate in subcortical vascular dementia and alzheimer dementia

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    Dementia is a worldwide health problem which affects millions of patients; Alzheimer's disease (AD) and subcortical vascular dementia (sVAD) are the two most frequent forms of its presentation. As no definite therapeutic options have been discovered, different risk factors for cognitive impairment have been searched for potential therapies. This report focuses on the possible evidence that vitamin D deficiency and hyper-homocysteinemia can be considered as two important factors for the development or the progression of neurodegenerative or vascular pathologies. To this end, we assessed: the difference in vascular risk factors and vitamin D-OH25 levels among groups of sVAD, AD, and healthy age-matched controls; the association of folate, B12, homocysteine, and vitamin D with sVAD/AD and whether a deficiency of vitamin D and an increment in homocysteine levels may be related to neurodegenerative or vessel damages. The commonly-considered vascular risk factors were collected in 543 patients and compared with those obtained from a healthy old volunteer population. ANOVA group comparison showed that vitamin D deficiency was present in demented cases, as well as low levels of folate and high levels of homocysteine, more pronounced in sVAD cases. The statistical models we employed, with regression models built, and adjustments for biochemical, demographic and neuropsychiatric scores, confirmed the association between the three measures (folate decrease, hyperhomocysteinemia and vitamin D decrease) and dementia, more pronounced in sVAD than in AD

    Withdrawal Syndrome Following Discontinuation of 28 Antidepressants: Pharmacovigilance Analysis of 31,688 Reports from the WHO Spontaneous Reporting Database

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    Introduction: Evidence is lacking on withdrawal syndrome related to individual antidepressants and relevant risk factors for severe reactions. Objective: To ascertain whether antidepressants are associated with an increased reporting of withdrawal syndrome as compared with other medications, and to investigate risk factors for severe reactions. Methods: This is a case/non-case pharmacovigilance study, based on the VigiBase®, the WHO global database of individual case safety reports of suspected adverse drug reactions. We performed a disproportionality analysis of reports of antidepressant-related withdrawal syndrome (calculating reporting odds ratio [ROR] and Bayesian information component [IC]). We compared antidepressants to all other drugs, to buprenorphine (positive control), and to each other within each class of antidepressants (selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors [SSRIs], tricyclics and other antidepressants). Antidepressants with significant disproportionate reporting were ranked in terms of clinical priority. Serious versus non-serious reactions were compared. Results: There were 31,688 reports of antidepressant-related withdrawal syndrome were found. A disproportionate reporting was detected for 23 antidepressants. The estimated ROR for antidepressants altogether, compared to all other drugs, was 14.26 (95% CI 14.08-14.45), 17.01 for other antidepressants (95% CI 16.73-17.29), 13.65 for SSRIs (95% CI 13.41-13.90) and 2.8 for tricyclics (95% CI 2.59-3.02). Based on clinical priority ranking, the strongest disproportionate reporting was found for paroxetine, duloxetine, venlafaxine and desvenlafaxine, being comparable to buprenorphine. Withdrawal syndrome was reported as severe more often in males, adolescents, persons in polypharmacy, and with a longer antidepressant treatment duration (p < 0.05). Conclusions: Antidepressants are associated with an increased reporting of withdrawal syndrome compared with other drug classes. When prescribing and discontinuing antidepressants, clinicians should be aware of the potentially different proclivity of withdrawal syndrome across individual antidepressants, and the liability to experience more severe withdrawal symptoms in relation to specific patient characteristics

    Extracorporeal shock wave therapy in runners with a symptomatic heel spur

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    The aim of this paper is to assess the benefit to treat plantar fasciitis with low-dose energy extracorporeal shock wave therapy (ESWT) and the efficacy of such treatment to abate the painful symptoms allowing a rapid return to the running activity. Our study included 54 running athletes treated for plantar fasciitis associated with a heel spur who received four sessions (once weekly) of low-dose ESWT, and followed prospectively on average 45 days, 6 and 24 months after their last session. The clinical results were excellent in 59% of cases, good in 12%, satisfactory in 21% and distinctly unsatisfactory in 8%. No patient was observed a significant modification of the heel spur at the follow-up X-ray. The ultrasound examination at 24 months showed a disappearance of the inflammation signs in 61% of cases. A strong correlation between ultrasound improvement and clinical results were found. Low-energy ESWT seems to be a good mean to treat plantar fasciitis in runners with a 71% of good or excellent results and a persistent improvement lasting 24 months. A randomized multicentric study seems to be necessary to define the type of energy that should be used in the future to treat plantar fasciitis, in particular in the athletic patients, to allow a faster return to sports activities

    Short-Term Repeatability of Noninvasive Aortic Pulse Wave Velocity Assessment: Comparison between Methods and Devices

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    BACKGROUND Aortic pulse wave velocity (PWV) is an indirect index of arterial stiffness and an independent cardiovascular risk factor. Consistency of PWV assessment over time is thus an essential feature for its clinical application. However, studies providing a comparative estimate of the reproducibility of PWV across different noninvasive devices are lacking, especially in the elderly and in individuals at high cardiovascular risk. METHODS Aimed at filling this gap, short-term repeatability of PWV, estimated with 6 different devices (Complior Analyse, PulsePen-ETT, PulsePen-ET, SphygmoCor Px/Vx, BPLab, and Mobil-O-Graph), was evaluated in 102 high cardiovascular risk patients hospitalized for suspected coronary artery disease (72 males, 65 ± 13 years). PWV was measured in a single session twice, at 15-minute interval, and its reproducibility was assessed though coefficient of variation (CV), coefficient of repeatability, and intraclass correlation coefficient. RESULTS The CV of PWV, measured with any of these devices, was <10%. Repeatability was higher with cuff-based methods (BPLab: CV = 5.5% and Mobil-O-Graph: CV = 3.4%) than with devices measuring carotid-femoral PWV (Complior: CV = 8.2%; PulsePen-TT: CV = 8.0%; PulsePen-ETT: CV = 5.8%; and SphygmoCor: CV = 9.5%). In the latter group, PWV repeatability was lower in subjects with higher carotid-femoral PWV. The differences in PWV between repeated measurements, except for the Mobil-O-Graph, did not depend on short-term variations of mean blood pressure or heart rate. CONCLUSIONS Our study shows that the short-term repeatability of PWV measures is good but not homogenous across different devices and at different PWV values. These findings, obtained in patients at high cardiovascular risk, may be relevant when evaluating the prognostic importance of PW

    Trying to Catch the Elusive a0a^0 and More. Reactions Initiated by bb--Quarks the Higgs Sector of MSSM{\cal MSSM}

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    We study the cross sections for the production of a neutral, intermediate mass Higgs boson in the processes pptqΦpp\rightarrow tq'\Phi, pptWΦpp\rightarrow tW^-\Phi and ppbZ0Φpp\rightarrow bZ^0\Phi in the Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model (Φ=H0,h0\Phi=H^0,h^0 and A0A^0) at Supercollider energies. The additional heavy particles (tt, WW, ZZ) in the final state can be used for tagging purposes, increasing the signal to background ratio. These reactions are dominated by bqbq and bgbg fusion. Their relevance for Higgs particle searches is discussed taking into account the expected efficiencies and purities for bb--tagging. We find that, for tanβ=30\beta = 30, the cross sections for ppbZ0Φpp\rightarrow bZ^0\Phi are larger than 14 pbpb, over the whole intemediate range of MA0M_{A^0}, for A0A^0 and at least one of the other two Higgses. Therefore this reaction is an excellent candidate for the discovery of one or more MSSM\cal MSSM Higgs particles.}Comment: 10 Pages, 2 Figs using feynman.tex, 4 Figs in PS appended at the en