22 research outputs found

    Art of Communication

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    Presentación en Inglés para mejorar la comunicación verbal y no verbal en presentaciones públicas. Aspectos más destacados a tener en cuenta en la realización de presentacionesOtri. Basada en Proyecto Otri Ref.- 8.06/5.11.500

    El cuerpo y el volumen

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    Tema teórico sobre el estado de la cuestión en trabajos de educación infantil sobre el conocimiento del cuerpo y su entorno en el desarrollo del alumnado. Contiene una propuesta práctica llevada a cabo por el alumnad

    Legislación vigente en Educación Infantil sobre Expresión Corporal

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    Legislación vigente en Educación Infantil sobre Expresión Corpora

    EL arte de la comunicación

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    Propuesta metodológica para realizar presentaciones con calidad cuidando la comunicación verba y no verba

    Juegos de Manos

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    Trabajo teórico para conocer el estado de la cuestión sobre trabajos a realizar por el alumnado de infantil con sus propias manos, desde trabajos de manualidades a representaciones utilizando las propias manos y los efectos luminosos

    Effects of 8-Weeks Concurrent Strength and Aerobic Training on Body Composition, Physiological and Cognitive Performance in Older Adult Women

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    (1) Background: Despite plenty of evidence supporting the advantages of regular physical exercise amongst older women, it is not clear what the best methodology is to improve these parameters. Considering the growth of older population and aging process, this study analyses an 8-weeks concurrent training intervention; (2) Methods: A total of 48 older women participated in concurrent strength and aerobic exercises training intervention being used to know physical and cognitive improvements in older women through physical, physiological and vigilance tests; (3) Results: Significant differences were found in weight and body mass index (BMI) between pre-intervention and post-intervention and even better results, but non-significative, in maximum oxygen consumption (VO2max), total fat percentage and skeletal muscle mass. Additionally, we found cognitive improvements in vigilance (RT) related to executive functions. (4) Conclusions: An 8-weeks concurrent training program (strength and aerobic exercises) give another efficient possibility to obtain better physical, physiological and cognitive improvements in older women

    Pedagogical self-report on motivation for exercising in university young students

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    Traditionally women have been less active and physically active than men. Although the recent literature indicates this gender gap, the sexes' difference when practicing sport seems to be decreasing. This study framework's importance could be reflected in the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) proposed by UNESCO, which highlight the need to generate strategies to improve health (SDG 3) and equalize opportunities between men and women (SDG 4). The reasons for these differences are multifactorial, with intrinsic and extrinsic motivations indicated as requiring further research. Self-perception in physical performance has been documented to influence women to perform the exercise and physical activity. Therefore, this research aimed to identify and healthy women's self-perception and motivations to perform in a VO2max test. A total of 31 women (21.12 ± 2.01) completed the research. The study was divided into two principal tests. On the one hand, the measurement of a sub-maximal incremental stress test following established ASCM indications. Heart rate and ventilatory parameters were measured during the stress test using a metabolic measurement system and a gas analyzer. After the test, the study sample completed the self-completed Healthy Lifestyle Questionnaire and the International Short Form Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-SF), and the Self Report of Reasons for Physical Activity (AMPEF). Correlation between VO2Max and average weight and body image (r=o.oo1) was detected, showing the positive relationship between both values. The results obtained help confirm the importance of a positive self-perception in women regarding their weight and body image for better physical performance. Although these findings cannot be generalized, they establish a potential relationship between better physical performance and self-perception in most adultsResearch group HUM 564 (Expresión Corporal). Project PROMOTEX (OTRI University of Málaga). Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Anxiety and Bodily Pain in Older Women Participants in a Physical Education Program. A Multiple Moderated Mediation Analysis

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    (1) Background: Bodily pain is normally associated with the consequences of ageing, whereas anxiety shows a high prevalence in elderly people, decreasing the health-related quality of life (HRQoL). Pain coping strategies are used to reduce the consequences of pain, specifically in older people. This study analyzed if the passive and active pain coping strategies were significant moderators in the link between anxiety and bodily pain with a physical component as a mediator. (2) Methods: This cross-sectional study consisted of older women between 60 and 90 years old from small villages with under 5000 inhabitants, of whom 53.8% of the total were participants of a physical education program. Participants of the present study completed all sociodemographic (living alone/accompanied, marital and educational status, number of illnesses, and level of physical activity (PA)) and clinical (anxiety, HRQoL, and pain coping strategies) questionnaires. Anxiety was assessed by the Hospitality Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD), passive and active strategies by the Vanderbilt Pain Management Inventory (VPMI), and bodily pain and the physical component by the SF-36 questionnaire. (3) Results: The physical component positively predicted bodily pain (p < 0.001) and passive strategies significantly moderated the effect of anxiety on the physical component (p = 0.034). (4) Conclusions: These outcomes help to understand the link between anxiety and bodily pain in older women and the moderation of pain coping strategies in this relationship. In addition, the physical component should be considered when physical education programs aimed at the reduction of bodily pain through the management of anxiety are designed

    Formación interdisciplinar de futuros docentes de Educación Secundaria

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    El objetivo de esta comunicación es exponer una experiencia de innovación docente llevada a cabo en el marco del El Máster en Profesorado de ESO, Bachillerato, FP e Idiomas en la Universidad de Málaga durante el curso 2019-20, con la participación de 60 alumnos y alumnas de varias especialidades (Artes Escénicas, Arquitectura, Bellas Artes, Comunicación Audiovisual, Educación Física y Música) y profesorado universitario de cuatro áreas de conocimiento diferentes (Didáctica y Organización Escolar, Didáctica de la Expresión Corporal, Musical y Plástica Visual y Audiovisual) en torno a un proyecto docente común en el que se ha empleado la metodología de Aprendizaje Basado en Proyectos.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tec

    Las emociones en Comic

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    Comic para explicar las emociones en educación infanti