12 research outputs found

    Factors of Concern Regarding Zika and Other Aedes aegypti-Transmitted Viruses in the United States

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    The recent explosive outbreaks of Zika and chikungunya throughout the Americas has raised concerns about the threats that these and similar diseases may pose to the United States (U.S.). The commonly accepted association between tropical climates and the endemicity of these diseases has led to concerns about the possibility of their redistribution due to climate change and transmission arising from cases imported from endemic regions initiating outbreaks in the United States. While such possibilities are indeed well founded, the analysis of historical records not only confirms the potential critical role of traveling and globalization but also reveals that the climate in the United States currently is suitable for local transmission of these viruses. Thus, the main factors preventing these diseases from occurring in the United States today are more likely socioeconomic such as lifestyle, housing infrastructure, and good sanitation. As long as such conditions are maintained, it seems unlikely that local transmission will occur to any great degree, particularly in the northern states. Indeed, a contributing factor to explain the current endemicity of these diseases in less-developed American countries may be well explained by socioeconomic and some lifestyle characteristics in such countries

    History of Mosquitoborne Diseases in the United States and Implications for New Pathogens

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    The introduction and spread of West Nile virus and the recent introduction of chikungunya and Zika viruses into the Americas have raised concern about the potential for various tropical pathogens to become established in North America. A historical analysis of yellow fever and malaria incidences in the United States suggests that it is not merely a temperate climate that keeps these pathogens from becoming established. Instead, socioeconomic changes are the most likely explanation for why these pathogens essentially disappeared from the United States yet remain a problem in tropical areas. In contrast to these anthroponotic pathogens that require humans in their transmission cycle, zoonotic pathogens are only slightly affected by socioeconomic factors, which is why West Nile virus became established in North America. In light of increasing globalization, we need to be concerned about the introduction of pathogens such as Rift Valley fever, Japanese encephalitis, and Venezuelan equine encephalitis viruses

    Improving Inland Water Quality Monitoring through Remote Sensing Techniques

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    Chlorophyll-a (chl-a) levels in lake water could indicate the presence of cyanobacteria, which can be a concern for public health due to their potential to produce toxins. Monitoring of chl-a has been an important practice in aquatic systems, especially in those used for human services, as they imply an increased risk of exposure. Remote sensing technology is being increasingly used to monitor water quality, although its application in cases of small urban lakes is limited by the spatial resolution of the sensors. Lake Thonotosassa, FL, USA, a 3.45-km2 suburban lake with several uses for the local population, is being monitored monthly by traditional methods. We developed an empirical bio-optical algorithm for the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) daily surface reflectance product to monitor daily chl-a. We applied the same algorithm to four different periods of the year using 11 years of water quality data. Normalized root mean squared errors were lower during the first (0.27) and second (0.34) trimester and increased during the third (0.54) and fourth (1.85) trimesters of the year. Overall results showed that Earth-observing technologies and, particularly, MODIS products can also be applied to improve environmental health management through water quality monitoring of small lakes

    Performance of the MODIS FLH algorithm in estuarine waters: a multi-year (2003–2010) analysis from Tampa Bay, Florida (USA)

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    Although satellite technology promises great usefulness for the consistent monitoring of chlorophyll-α concentration in estuarine and coastal waters, the complex optical properties commonly found in these types of waters seriously challenge the application of this technology. Blue–green ratio algorithms are susceptible to interference from water constituents, different from phytoplankton, which dominate the remote-sensing signal. Alternatively, modelling and laboratory studies have not shown a decisive position on the use of near-infrared (NIR) algorithms based on the sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence signal. In an analysis of a multi-year (2003–2010) in situ monitoring data set from Tampa Bay, Florida (USA), as a case, this study assesses the relationship between the fluorescence line height (FLH) product from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer (MODIS) and chlorophyll-α

    Exploratory Analysis of Dengue Fever Niche Variables within the Río Magdalena Watershed

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    Previous research on Dengue Fever have involved laboratory tests or study areas with less diverse temperature and elevation ranges than is found in Colombia; therefore, preliminary research was needed to identify location specific attributes of Dengue Fever transmission. Environmental variables derived from the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) and Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM) satellites were combined with population variables to be statistically compared against reported cases of Dengue Fever in the Río Magdalena watershed, Colombia. Three-factor analysis models were investigated to analyze variable patterns, including a population, population density, and empirical Bayesian estimation model. Results identified varying levels of Dengue Fever transmission risk, and environmental characteristics which support, and advance, the research literature. Multiple temperature metrics, elevation, and vegetation composition were among the more contributory variables found to identify future potential outbreak locations

    Usando Teledetección para Identificar la Incidencia de Sedimentos del Canal del Dique en Sistemas Aquaticos Costeros

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    En este estudio de caso, se usó tecnología de teledetección para analizar la distribución espacial de plumas de sedimentos suspendidos del Canal del Dique, Colombia, en el Mar Caribe y cuerpos de agua costeros. Especialmente para distinguir si dichos sedimentos alcanzan las aguas del complejo coralino de Islas del Rosario. Del “Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)”, se utilizó el producto de reflectancia de superficie (MOD09GQ) para estimar la reflectancia de la superficie del agua (RSA) como sustituto de la concentración de sedimentos suspendidos. Considerando el valor medio de RSA en el primer trimestre de cada año (el cual corresponde al trimestre más seco del año) se determinó la variación temporal interanual en las Islas del Rosario, en las dos bocas principales del Canal del Dique y en la boca principal del río de donde este se desprende, el Río Magdalena. Complementariamente, se usó teledetección para estimar las tendencias interanuales de precipitación en la cuenca hidrográfica del Río Magdalena y se analizó su posible relación con las tendencias de RSA. La precipitación se estimó usando el producto 3B43 V7 de la misión “Tropical Rainforest Meassuring Mission (TRMM)”. No se detectaron incrementos o decrementos en las tendencias interanuales de RSA en alguno de los sitios durante el periodo de estudio 2001-2014 (p> 0,05), pero se detectaron correlaciones significativas entre las tendencias interanuales en RSA en cada desembocadura de las cuenca hidrográfica (r = 0,57-0,90, p < 0,05) y entre éstas y la variación interanual de precipitación en la cuenca (r = 0,63-0,67, p < 0,05). Se detectaron mayores valores de RSA durante los meses de La Niña en comparación a los meses de El Niño. Con esta tecnología fue posible identificar una intersección espacial entre las plumas de sedimentos del Canal del Dique y el sistema coralino de Islas del Rosario

    Niche Modeling of Dengue Fever Using Remotely Sensed Environmental Factors and Boosted Regression Trees

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    Dengue fever (DF), a vector-borne flavivirus, is endemic to the tropical countries of the world with nearly 400 million people becoming infected each year and roughly one-third of the world’s population living in areas of risk. The main vector for DF is the Aedes aegypti mosquito, which is also the same vector of yellow fever, chikungunya, and Zika viruses. To gain an understanding of the spatial aspects that can affect the epidemiological processes across the disease’s geographical range, and the spatial interactions involved, we created and compared Bernoulli and Poisson family Boosted Regression Tree (BRT) models to quantify the overall annual risk of DF incidence by municipality, using the Magdalena River watershed of Colombia as a study site during the time period between 2012 and 2014. A wide range of environmental conditions make this site ideal to develop models that, with minor adjustments, could be applied in many other geographical areas. Our results show that these BRT methods can be successfully used to identify areas at risk and presents great potential for implementation in surveillance programs

    Correlating Remote Sensing Data with the Abundance of Pupae of the Dengue Virus Mosquito Vector, Aedes aegypti, in Central Mexico

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    Using a geographic transect in Central Mexico, with an elevation/climate gradient, but uniformity in socio-economic conditions among study sites, this study evaluates the applicability of three widely-used remote sensing (RS) products to link weather conditions with the local abundance of the dengue virus mosquito vector, Aedes aegypti (Ae. aegypti). Field-derived entomological measures included estimates for the percentage of premises with the presence of Ae. aegypti pupae and the abundance of Ae. aegypti pupae per premises. Data on mosquito abundance from field surveys were matched with RS data and analyzed for correlation. Daily daytime and nighttime land surface temperature (LST) values were obtained from Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS)/Aqua cloud-free images within the four weeks preceding the field survey. Tropical Rainfall Measuring Mission (TRMM)-estimated rainfall accumulation was calculated for the four weeks preceding the field survey. Elevation was estimated through a digital elevation model (DEM). Strong correlations were found between mosquito abundance and RS-derived night LST, elevation and rainfall along the elevation/climate gradient. These findings show that RS data can be used to predict Ae. aegypti abundance, but further studies are needed to define the climatic and socio-economic conditions under which the correlations observed herein can be assumed to apply

    Niche Modeling of Dengue Fever Using Remotely Sensed Environmental Factors and BRT

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    ObjectiveIn this paper we used Boosted Regression Tree analysis coupled with environmental factors gathered from satellite data, such as temperature, elevation, and precipitation, to model the niche of Dengue Fever (DF) in Colombia.IntroductionDengue Fever (DF) is a vector-borne disease of the flavivirus family carried by the Aedes aegypti mosquito, and one of the leading causes of illness and death in tropical regions of the world. Nearly 400 million people become infected each year, while roughly one-third of the world’s population live in areas of risk. Dengue fever has been endemic to Colombia since the late 1970s and is a serious health problem for the country with over 36 million people at risk. We used the Magdalena watershed of central Colombia as the site for this study due to its natural separation from other geographical regions in the country, its wide range of climatic conditions, the fact that it includes the main urban centers in Colombia, and houses 80% of the country’s population. Advances in the quality and types of remote sensing (RS) satellite imagery has made it possible to enhance or replace the field collection of environmental data such as precipitation, temperature, and land use, especially in remote areas of the world such as the mountainous areas of Colombia. We modeled the cases of DF by municipality with the environmental factors derived from the satellite data using boosted regression tree analysis. Boosted regression tree analysis (BRT), has proven useful in a wide range of studies, from predicting forest productivity to other vector-borne diseases such as Leishmaniosis, and Crimean-Congo hemorrhagic fever. Using this framework, we set out to determine what are the differences between using presence/absence and case counts of DF in this type of analysis?MethodsWe combined data on Dengue fever cases downloaded from the Instituto Nacional de Salud (INS) Programa SIVIGILA INS site with population data downloaded from the 2005 General Census administered by the National Administrative Department of Statistics (Departamento Administrativo Nacional de Estadística, DANE) and projected to 2012–2014 levels. We acquired remote sensing data from the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) data servers for each day of the study period. Imagery for each environmental variable was composited to reduce the effects of cloud cover and to match the ISO Week Date format reporting of the case data. We aggregated these weekly composite images for each variable using GIS to create annual minimum, maximum, and mean for a raster cell. These data were further aggregated to the municipality level using the GIS, again for minimum, maximum, and mean. Land use and elevation were only downloaded for one period given they change very little over time. The BRT analysis was conducted twice: once using the Bernoulli family of presence/absence and again using the Poisson family of actual case counts. In the first analysis (Bernoulli), any municipality reporting one or more cases of DF in the year was coded as having disease “presence”, while all others were coded as not having disease “absence”. The BRT model was run, using a twenty-five percent hold out of the data as a testing set, for each year. In the second analysis (Poisson), the only change to the models consisted of replacing the presence/absence data with the actual cases of reported DF within the municipality. The Poisson family was chosen in the model since the count data were highly skewed.ResultsWe calculated RMSE and Pearson r values for each of the three years. The Poisson model out-performed the Bernoulli model across all years. The RMSE values were considerably lower for the Poisson model compared to the Bernoulli model, reflecting a better model fit. The Pearson r values were higher for the Poisson model compared to the Bernoulli model, again across all three years. We created maps to compare Cases with the Poisson and the Bernoulli results. The maps shown in the figure reflect the results for 2012. The left panel represents the cases per 10,000 population per square kilometer for each municipality. The dark green color represents very low ratios of DF, while the red color reflects a higher incidence of DF. All maps used the same classification as the reported cases map for comparison, with an additional symbol (black) used for values outside the reported cases range.ConclusionsUsing actual reported case data and the Poisson function within the BRT functions created by Elith et al. and the gbm package in R, we show that the differences between using presence/absence and case counts of DF in a BRT analysis gives a clearer picture of the spatial distribution of DF. By using readily available and freely accessible data, we have shown that practitioners both within and outside of Colombia can quickly create accurate maps of annual DF incidence. The methods described here could also be extended to other regions and diseases, making it useful to a wide range of end users.

    Spatio-Temporal Variability in a Turbid and Dynamic Tidal Estuarine Environment (Tasmania, Australia): An Assessment of MODIS Band 1 Reflectance

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    Patterns of turbidity in estuarine environments are linked to hydrodynamic processes. However, the linkage between patterns and processes remains poorly resolved due to the scarcity of data needed to resolve fine scale highly dynamic processes in tidal estuaries. The application of remote sensing technology to monitor dynamic coastal areas such as estuaries offers important advantages in this regard, by providing synoptic maps of larger, constantly changing regions over consistent periods. In situ turbidity measurements were correlated against the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectrometer Terra sensor 250 m surface reflectance product, in order to assess this product for examining the complex estuarine waters of the Tamar estuary (Australia). Satellite images were averaged to examine spatial, seasonal and annual patterns of turbidity. Relationships between in situ measurements of turbidity and reflectance is positively correlated and improves with increased tidal height, a decreased overpass-in situ gap, and one day after a rainfall event. Spatial and seasonal patterns that appear in seasonal and annual MODIS averages, highlighting the usefulness of satellite imagery for resource managers to manage sedimentation issues in a degraded estuary