60 research outputs found

    Calcimicrobial-archaeocyath-bearing clasts from marine slope deposits of the Cambrian Mount Wegener Formation, Coats Land, Shackleton Range, Antarctica

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    The carbonate clasts from the Mount Wegener Formation provide sedimentological, diagenetic and palaeontological evidences of the destruction and resedimentation of a hidden/unknown Cambrian carbonate shallow-water record at the Coats Land region of Antarctica. This incomplete mosaic could play a key role in comparisons and biostratigraphic correlations between the Cambrian record of the Transantarctic Mountains, Ellsworth-Whitmore block and Antarctic Peninsula at the Antarctica continent. Moreover, it represents a key record in future palaeobiogeographic reconstructions of South Gondwana based on archaeocyathan assemblages

    Clastos con calcimicrobios y arqueociatos procedentes de depósitos marinos del talud de la Formación cámbrica del Monte Wegener, Coats Land, Cordillera de Shackleton Antártida

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    The carbonate clasts from the Mount Wegener Formation provide sedimentological, diagenetic and palaeontological evidences of the destruction and resedimentation of a hidden/unknown Cambrian carbonate shallow-water record at the Coats Land region of Antarctica. This incomplete mosaic could play a key role in comparisons and biostratigraphic correlations between the Cambrian record of the Transantarctic Mountains, Ellsworth-Whitmore block and Antarctic Peninsula at the Antarctica continent. Moreover, it represents a key record in future palaeobiogeographic reconstructions of South Gondwana based on archaeocyathan assemblages.Los clastos carbonatados de la Formación del Monte Wegener proporcionan evidencias sedimentológicas, diagenéticas y paleontológicas de la destrucción y resedimentación de un registro carbonatadoo cámbrico oculto/no conocido en aguas someras de la región de Coats Land en la Antártida. Este mosaico incompleto podría jugar un papel clave en las comparaciones y correlaciones bioestratigráficas entre el registro cámbrico de las Montañas Transantárticas, el bloque Ellsworth-Whitmore y la Península Antártica del continente antártico. Además, representa un registro clave en las futuras reconstrucciones paleobiogeográficas de Gondwana meridional basadas en asociaciones de arqueociatos

    Lower Cambrian archaeocyaths from Navalcastaño (Sierra Morena, Córdoba, Spain): Systematics and biostratigraphy

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    El hallazgo de arqueociatos en la localidad de Navalcastaño se realizó en 1971, posteriormente en 1973 se recogió abundante material con arqueociatos del que se hizo un somero estudio y cuyos datos fueron incluidos en la Tesis Doctoral de uno de los autores (A.P.). En este trabajo se describe el conjunto del material recogido en 1973, 2006 y 2007, se analizan las microfacies carbonáticas en las que se encuentran, se propone la distribución estratigráfica de los taxones descritos y sus correlaciones con otras localidades españolas, del SO de Gondwana y de la placa Siberiana. Se describen y figuran 22 taxones de arqueociatos, entre ellos una especie nueva, Nochoroicyathus castanensis sp. nov. La asociación de taxones de género descrita en Navalcastaño está constituida por Anthomorpha, Cordobicyathus, Coscinocyathus, Dokidocyathus, Erismacoscinus, Fallocyathus?, Morenicyathus, Neoloculicyathus, Nochoroicyathus, Okulitchicyathus, Protopharetra, Rotundocyathus, Taylorcyathus y Urcyathus. La presencia de Anthomorpha en estos materiales nos permite asignarlos al Ovetense Superior, ya que este género es característico de las Zonas VI y VII de este piso en España, que en la escala de pisos rusos equivalen al Botomiense 1 y 2 (PEREJÓN, MORENO-EIRIS & MENÉNDEZ, 2006). De acuerdo con el conjunto de géneros identificados, asignamos la asociación de arqueociatos de Navalcastaño a la Zona VI de Arqueociatos de España, nivel más bajo de aparición de Anthomorpha en la Península Ibérica y en el SO de Gondwana.The finding of archaeocyaths in the Navalcastaño locality occurred in 1971, followed by collection of abundant material with archaeocyaths in 1973, which was preliminarily studied and included in the Doctoral Thesis of one the authors (A. P.). All the material collected in 1973, 2006 and 2007 is described in the present paper, together with analyses of the carbonate microfacies in which they were found, the proposal of a stratigraphic distribution of the described taxa and their correlation with other Spanish, SW Gondwanan and Siberian Plate localities. Twenty-two archaeocyathan taxa are described and figured, among them a new species, Nochoroicyathus castanensis sp. nov. The association of taxa found in Navalcastaño is made up of the genera Anthomorpha, Cordobicyathus, Coscinocyathus, Dokidocyathus, Erismacoscinus, Fallocyathus?, Morenicyathus, Neoloculicyathus, Nochoroicyathus, Okulitchicyathus, Protopharetra, Rotundocyathus, Taylorcyathus and Urcyathus. The presence of the genus Anthomorpha in these materials allows us to assign the assemblage to the Late Ovetian, which is characteristic of Zones VI and VII in Spain, and equivalent to Botoman 1 and 2 in Siberia, according to the Russian zonation (PEREJÓN, MORENO-EIRIS & MENÉNDEZ, 2006). In accordance with the whole set of identified genera, we assign the archaeocyathan assemblage from Navalcastaño to the Spanish Archaeocyathan Zone VI, the lowest level for the appearance of Anthomorpha in the Iberian Peninsula and SW Gondwana.Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEEspaña. Ministerio de Educación y Cienciapu

    Nuevas microbialitas de arqueociatos y trombolitos del Bilbiliense (Cámbrico inferior) de la Formación Láncara (Cordillera Cantábrica, norte de España)

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    Recent palaeontological and microfacies studies carried out on the Láncara Formation (early Cambrian) provide evidence for an interesting, previously undescribed association of archaeocyaths (Salce locality) and microbialites (Salce and Barrios de Luna localities). The archaeocyathan assemblage consists of Archaeocyathus laqueus (Vologdin, 1932) and Pycnoidocyathus erbiensis (Zhurav leva , 1955), indicating an early Bilbilian age (Stage 4, Series 2, Cambrian) for these materials. The analysis of the upper part of the lower member has allowed differentiation of eleven carbonate facies that have been grouped into: i) non-skeletal grain packstone-grainstone, ii) fenestral mudstone-packstone, iii) heterolithic stylonodular facies, iv) microbialites, v) bioclast-intraclast packstone-grainstone. Archaeocyaths occur reworked in stylonodular facies as well as forming small archaeocyaths-thrombolitic patches (centimetre-scale). The archaeocyath-rich thrombolitic microbialites from Salce were developed in very shallow subtidal conditions surrounded by other microbialites and small lenticular intertidal bars in the inner ramp. Toyonian biostratigraphic and paleobiogeographic analyses have also been carried out. After the comparison with Toyonian archaeocyathan rich facies from Gondwana, it has become evident that the early Cambrian record from the Cantabrian Mountains provides the richest generic assemblage from Gondwana for Toyonian time.Los recientes estudios paleontológicos y de análisis de microfacies de los materiales carbonatados de la Formación Láncara (Cámbrico inferior) han deparado el hallazgo de una inédita asociación de arqueociatos (localidad de Salce) y microbialitas (localidades de Salce y Barrios de Luna). La asociación de arqueociatos está constituida por Archaeocyathus laqueus (Vologdin, 1932) y Pycnoidocyathus erbiensis (Zhurav leva , 1955), lo que indica una edad Bilbiliense (Piso 4, Serie 2, Cámbrico) para estos materiales. En el análisis de los niveles carbonatados, a techo del miembro inferior, se han distinguido once tipos de facies que han sido agrupadas en: i) packstone-grainstone de granos no esqueléticos, ii) mudstone-packstone con fábrica fenestral, iii) facies estilonodulares heterolíticas, iv) microbialitas, v) packstone-grainstone bioclásticos e intraclásticos. Los arqueociatos aparecen resedimentados en las facies estilonodulares y formando pequeños parches trombolíticos (escala centimétrica). Las microbialitas de arqueociatos y trombolitos de Salce se desarrollaron en condiciones submareales muy someras rodeadas de otras microbialitas y pequeñas barras lenticulares en zonas intermareales de la rampa interna. Se han realizado análisis bioestratigráficos y paleobiogeográficos para el Toyoniense. Tras comparar las facies del Toyoniense ricas en arqueociatos de Gondwana, se manifiesta de manera evidente que el registro del Cámbrico inferior de la Cordillera Cantábrica aporta la asociación genérica más rica de Gondwana durante el Toyoniense


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    24 páginas, 43 fotos.-- En: Muñoz Barco, P. & Martínez Flores, E. (coord.).Peer reviewe

    New documentary data from the Geominero Museum (the Spanish Geological Survey, Madrid) on the archaeocyathan collection from the Ermitas Hill of Cordoba

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    La colección de arqueociatos del Cerro de las Ermitas (Córdoba) del Museo Geominero ha sido objeto de revisión recientemente debido al hallazgo de nuevos documentos en relación con el estudio, por parte de uno de los autores, de la vida profesional de D. Eduardo Hernández-Pacheco en el archivo del Museo Nacional de Ciencias Naturales. En esta documentación se pone de manifiesto que los ejemplares de arqueociatos de las Ermitas conservados en el Museo Geominero fueron enviados por Eduardo Hernández-Pacheco antes de 1902 a Lucas Mallada e incorporados a las colecciones del museo y que fueron posteriormente estudiados por Hernández Sampelayo en 1933 y 1935. Esto implica que ésta es la colección de arqueociatos españoles más antigua depositada en un museo español, despejándose además las dudas del origen y fecha en la cual se llevó a cabo el ingreso del material en los fondos del Museo GeomineroThe archaeocyathan collection of the Ermitas Hill (Cordoba) of the Geominero Museum in Madrid has recently been revised due to the discovery of some documents related to the study by one of this paper’s authors of the professional life of Eduardo Hernández-Pacheco in the National Natural History Museum archives. This documentation shows that the Ermitas Hill archaeocyathan collection now preserved in the Geominero Museum were sent by Eduardo Hernández-Pacheco to Lucas Mallada before 1902 to be incorporated in the museum’s collections and were then studied by Hernández Sampelayo in 1933 and 1935. This fact implies that this collection is the oldest Spanish archaeocyathan collection deposited in a Spanish museum, besides clearing up the doubts about its origins and when the material was in deposited in the Geominero MuseumDepto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Lower Cambrian archaeocyaths from Córdoba Range (Sierra Morena, Spain): a new record

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    Se estudia la asociación de arqueociatos hallada en niveles carbonáticos de la Formación Pedroche que afloran, de forma dispersa, a lo largo de la Carretera Córdoba-Villaviciosa, al Norte de la ciudad de Córdoba. Los fósiles seencuentran a techo de la sucesión, en niveles tabulares o biostromos con mesoestructura trombolítica. Se describe una nueva especie, Erismacoscinus lucanoi nov. sp. y la asociación estudiada está constituida por tres géneros, Protopharetra, Erismacoscinus y Nochoroicyathus. La edad asignada a estos materiales se corresponde con las Zonas I-III de arqueociatos (Perejón & Moreno-Eiris, 2006) Ovetiense inferior (Cámbrico Serie 2, Piso 3).The archaeocyathan assemblage from carbonate beds of the Pedroche Formation that crop out dispersed along the Cordoba-Villaviciosa Road, North of Cordoba city, is studied. The fossils are in thrombolite biostromes at the top of the succession. A new species is described, Erismacoscinus lucanoi nov. sp. The archaeocyathan assemblage stu- died is consisted of three genera, Protopharetra, Erismacoscinus and Nochoroicyathus. The age assigned to carbonate materials is I-III archaeocyathan Zones (Perejón & Moreno-Eiris, 2006) Early Ovetian (Cambrian Series 2, Stage 3)Depto. de Geodinámica, Estratigrafía y PaleontologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEMinisterio de Ciencia e Innovación (MICINN)pu

    The westernmost sector of the lower-Cambrian Los Navalucillos Formation: microbialites in tidal deposits, Central Iberian Zone, Toledo Mountains, Spain

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    In the Central Iberian Zone of the Iberian Massif, the Los Navalucillos Formation, interpreted as tidal and shallow-marine carbonate deposits, contains a significant archaeocyathan faunal assemblage. Two new characteristic exposures are described here from the westernmost outcrops of the formation, close to La Nava de Ricomalillo area: (i) La Estrella, where the rocks are strongly affected by contact metamorphism due to the nearby plutonic complex; and (ii) the Finca Higueruela succession, without calcimicrobial-archaeocyathan boundstones, although different microbialites as stromatolites and oncolites are conspicuous

    Surgery for cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma and its limits in advanced disease

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    Surgery remains the first-line therapeutic option for most patients with cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (cSCC). However, in the current therapeutic landscape, surgery must attempt to the complete tumor resection (R0 resection) with the lowest risk of surgical complications. This double aim is usually accomplished through standard excision with clinical margins in patients with low-risk tumors or by some of the micrographically controlled surgery procedures for patients with tumors at high-risk of local recurrence and metastasis. Surgery is also a first-line treatment for nodal metastases of cSCC as well as an option to consider in patients who develop recurrences while receiving immunotherapy, or as a palliation procedure in patients with advanced tumors. Neoadjuvant immunotherapy, that is the use of a medical treatment before surgery, is under investigation in patients with cSCC. The decision-making process and guidelines recommendations regarding cSCC surgery are reviewed in this manuscript