3 research outputs found

    Afrontamiento frente a la enfermedad en pacientes oncol贸gicos

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    Con el 聽objetivo de determinar聽 cu谩les son las estrategias de afrontamiento frente al diagn贸stico en pacientes oncol贸gicos del programa de cuidado en casa, se realiz贸 un 聽estudio de tipo fenomenol贸gico con abordaje cualitativo. La poblaci贸n聽 estuvo conformada por los pacientes oncol贸gicos inscritos al Programa de Cuidado en Casa聽 o que han recibido atenci贸n de la IPS UNIMEDICA de Villa Del Rosario. Se realiz贸 un muestreo de tipo no probabil铆stico intencional; en el estudio participaron tres pacientes con diagn贸stico de c谩ncer con un periodo de conocimiento de la patolog铆a聽 mayor a seis meses. La entrevista a profundidad, las notas de campo y la observaci贸n fueron los m茅todos de recolecci贸n de informaci贸n, adem谩s se utiliz贸 la grabadora de voz para facilitar la transcripci贸n y respectivo an谩lisis de cada una de las entrevistas. Los resultados arrojados por la聽 investigaci贸n 聽evidencian 聽tres fases聽 de afrontamiento (Fase de prediagn贸stico, diagn贸stico y postdiagn贸stico) por las que atraviesa el paciente con diagn贸stico de c谩ncer. 聽Se puede concluir que las personas en su vida cotidiana generalmente no acostumbran a tener conductas de prevenci贸n hasta que perciben amenazas para su salud, tambi茅n se evidenci贸 que despu茅s de pasar por la incertidumbre acerca de un posible diagn贸stico, las personas desarrollan mecanismos de defensa en cuanto al diagn贸stico positivo, las cuales generan conductas adaptativas al proceso de enfermedad, mientras que otras suelen aislarse y esconderse del problema logrando con esto un mayor estado de estr茅s y depresi贸n por la situaci贸n en que se encuentra.Palabras clave:聽C谩ncer, prediagn贸stico, diagn贸stico, postdiagn贸sticoAbstractWith the aim of determining which are the strategies of facing against the diagnosis in oncol贸gicos patients of the taken care of program of in house, I am realised a study of fenomenol贸gico type with qualitative boarding. The population was shaped by the oncological patients inscribed to the Program of Care in House or that have received attention of the IPS UNIMEDICA of Villa Del Rosario. A sampling of intentional nonprobabilistic type was realised; in the study three patients with diagnosis of cancer with a period of knowledge of the pathology greater participated to six months. The interview to depth, the notes of field and the observation were the methods of information harvesting, in addition the voice engraver was used to facilitate the transcription and respective analysis of each one of the interviews. The results thrown by the investigation demonstrate the three phases of facing (Phase of prediagnosis, diagnosis and postdiagnosis) by which crosses the patient with cancer diagnosis. It is possible to be concluded that the people in their daily life are not generally used to having prevention conducts until they perceive threats for his health, also I demonstrate that after passing through the uncertainty about a possible diagnosis, the people they develop mechanisms of defense as far as the positive diagnosis, which generate adaptive conducts to the disease process, whereas others usually isolate and hide-and-seek of the problem obtaining with this a major been of stress and depression by the situation in which it is.Keywords:聽Cancer, prediagnosis, diagnosis, postdiagnosi

    Afrontamiento frente a la enfermedad en pacientes oncol贸gicos

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    With the aim of determining which are the strategies of facing against the diagnosis in oncol贸gicos patients of the taken care of program of in house, I am realised a study of fenomenol贸gico type with qualitative boarding. The population was shaped by the oncological patients inscribed to the Program of Care in House or that have received attention of the IPS UNIMEDICA of Villa Del Rosario. A sampling of intentional nonprobabilistic type was realised; in the study three patients with diagnosis of cancer with a period of knowledge of the pathology greater participated to six months. The interview to depth, the notes of field and the observation were the methods of information harvesting, in addition the voice engraver was used to facilitate the transcription and respective analysis of each one of the interviews. The results thrown by the investigation demonstrate the three phases of facing (Phase of prediagnosis, diagnosis and postdiagnosis) by which crosses the patient with cancer diagnosis. It is possible to be concluded that the people in their daily life are not generally used to having prevention conducts until they perceive threats for his health, also I demonstrate that after passing through the uncertainty about a possible diagnosis, the people they develop mechanisms of defense as far as the positive diagnosis, which generate adaptive conducts to the disease process, whereas others usually isolate and hide-and-seek of the problem obtaining with this a major been of stress and depression by the situation in which it is.Con el objetivo de determinar cu谩les son las estrategias de afrontamiento frente al diagn贸stico en pacientes oncol贸gicos del programa de cuidado en casa, se realiz贸 un estudio de tipo fenomenol贸gico con abordaje cualitativo. La poblaci贸n estuvo conformada por los pacientes oncol贸gicos inscritos al Programa de Cuidado en Casa de la IPS UNIMEDICA de Villa Del Rosario. Se realiz贸 un muestreo de tipo no probabil铆stico intencional; en el estudio participaron tres pacientes con diagn贸stico de c谩ncer con un periodo de conocimiento de la patolog铆a mayor a seis meses. La entrevista a profundidad, las notas de campo y la observaci贸n fueron los m茅todos de recolecci贸n de informaci贸n, adem谩s se utiliz贸 la grabadora de voz para facilitar la transcripci贸n y respectivo an谩lisis de cada una de las entrevistas. Los resultados arrojados por la investigaci贸n evidencian tres fases de afrontamiento (Fase de prediagn贸stico, diagn贸stico y postdiagn贸stico) por las que atraviesa el paciente con diagn贸stico de c谩ncer. o que han recibido atenci贸n Se puede concluir que las personas en su vida cotidiana generalmente no acostumbran a tener conductas de prevenci贸n hasta que perciben amenazas para su salud, tambi茅n se evidenci贸 que despu茅s de pasar por la incertidumbre acerca de un posible diagn贸stico, las personas desarrollan mecanismos de defensa en cuanto al diagn贸stico positivo, las cuales generan conductas adaptativas al proceso de enfermedad, mientras que otras suelen aislarse y esconderse del problema logrando con esto un mayor estado de estr茅s y depresi贸n por la situaci贸n en que se encuentra