18,332 research outputs found

    Depth Psychology, Transference and Spirituality

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    Depth Psychology, Ethics and Mental Therapy

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    Analysis of the Scientific Production of the Spanish Software Engineering Community

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    Our group has been working on a report for the Spanish Society of Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies (SISTEDES) to provide a general overview of the Spanish scientific production and its contributions worldwide in the field of Software Engineering. Although a Database solution could have been used, we decided to employ Model-Driven Development (MDD) techniques in order to evaluate their applicability, suitability and fitness for these kinds of purposes, and to learn from the experience in this domain, which combines data integration, large scale models, and complex queries.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    Analysis of the scientific production of the Spanish Software Engineering Community

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    Our group has been working on a report for the Spanish Society of Software Engineering and Software Development Technologies (SISTEDES) to provide a general overview of the Spanish scientific production and its contributions worldwide in the field of Software Engineering. Although a Database solution could have been used, we decided to employ Model-Driven Development (MDD) techniques in order to evaluate their applicability, suitability and fitness for these kinds of purposes, and to learn from the experience in this domain, which combines data integration, large scale models, and complex queries.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech

    The Feds Monetary Policy Rule: Past, Present and Future

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    This paper has a twofold purpose. In the context of a structural macroeconomic model, it derives estimates of the Federal Reserve's preference parameters in its pre and post - 1980 loss function. We show that there was an economically, but not statistically, significant change in the preferences of the U.S. Fed towards inflation stabilization. We also derive, within a strict inflation targeting regime, the optimal changes in the Fed's reaction to expected inflation as a function of the forward looking parameters in the supply and demand equations.

    Reaching Inflation Stability

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    Inflation volatility has significantly declined over the last 20 years in the U.S. To find out why, I follow a structural approach. I estimate a complete New Keynesian model which imposes cross-equation restrictions on the time series of inflation, the output gap and the interest rate. I perform counterfactual analysis with two commonly used measures of inflation: Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Gross Domestic Product Deflator (GDPD). While the change in the propagation mechanism of the economy induced most of the CPI volatility drop, it played a smaller role in the reduction of GDPD volatility. Our maximum likelihood estimates imply that the most important factor behind the drop in inflation volatility was the more forward-looking price setting behavior of the 80s and 90sInflation Volatility, Structural Model, Monetary Policy Rule

    Success Factors in Peer-to-Business (P2B) Crowdlending: A Predictive Approach

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    Peer-to-Business (P2B) crowdlending is gaining importance among companies seeking funding. However, not all projects get the same take-up by the crowd. Thus, this study aims to determine the key factors that drive non-professional investors to choose a given loan in an online environment. To this purpose, we have analyzed 243 crowdlending campaigns on October.eu platform. We have obtained a series of variables from the analyzed loans using logistic regression. Results indicate that loan amount, loan term and overall credit rating are the key predictors of non-professional lender P2B crowdlending success. These findings may be useful for predicting whether the crowd will subscribe to a loan request or not. This information would help businesses to modify specific loan characteristics (if possible) to make their loans more attractive or could even lead companies to consider a different financial option. It could also help platforms select and adapt project parameters to secure their success

    Retail policy and local development in metropolitan space: Some lessons from the case of Tres Cantos (Madrid) new town

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    Urban development, as comprehensive concept, involves a wide set of components, and it would imply a reasonably well balanced growth of differents urban functions and activities. The strong spatial competition between firms and localities in metropolitan areas yields unequal spatial impacts on the growth of retail activities. An usual scenery in western suburban areas is the presence of great retail facilities dominating the surrounding market. This situation negatively affects to little and lower-medium settlements that, in this way, play a dominated role, seen as undesirable by local agents and provoking emergent policies. Grounded on this basis this paper tackles the case of a lower medium new town located near Madrid (Tres Cantos), where the local government and retail organisations have reacted against its dominated role and have promoted a set of measures to overcome the problems detected, mainly the local consumer leakeage, the limited success or failure of new retail firms and, in a wider sense, the underdevelopment of the local retail sector. The study describes the main findings of a wider report conducted to evaluate the implemented measures, its effectiveness and the local market agents' valuation. This experience also illustrates the problems of objective setting and policy implementation, when the public and the private sector participate in a joint decision. Keywords: new town development, retail system, urban retail policy Suitable for Conference Themes: D (Metropolitan processes and policies) or parhaps, H (Services, small enterprises ....)

    Automorphisms in spaces of continuous functions on Valdivia compacta

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    We show that there are no automorphic Banach spaces of the form C(K) with K continuous image of Valdivia compact except the spaces c0(I). Nevertheless, when K is an Eberlein compact of finite height such that C(K) is not isomorphic to c0(I), all isomorphism between subspaces of C(K) of size less than aleph_omega extend to automorphisms of C(K)