7 research outputs found

    Formação de professores, vozes, experiências e construções a partir da prática

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    This reflection article, prepared by a graduate, two students, and their practice advisor, exposes constructions related to teacher training, within the framework of the practice developed from the deepening cycle of the bachelor’s degree in Early Childhood Education at the Social Crecer Foundation (Hereinafte fsc).It starts from the conceptual construction around the concept of Training, after which, three axes are exposed. First: Practice at the fsc and the relevance of reflection concerning the context in teacher training. Second: Teacher training, located in the implementation of actions related to reflection. Third: Articulations between practice and research training. A possible ideal in fsc bachelor’s practice. The constructions are associated with the process developed between 2019 and 2020, for which it is linked with presence and virtuality.El presente artículo de reflexión, elaborado por una egresada, dos estudiantes y su asesora de práctica, expone construcciones relacionadas con la formación docente, en el marco de la práctica desarrollada desde el ciclo de profundización de la Licenciatura en Educación Infantil1 en la Fundación Social Crecer (en adelante fsc). Así pues, se parte de la construcción conceptual en torno al concepto Formación, posterior a ello, se exponen tres ejes. Primero: Práctica en la fsc y la relevancia de la reflexión en relación con el contexto en la formación del maestro. Segundo: Formación del maestro, ubicada en la puesta en marcha de acciones relacionadas con la reflexión. Tercero: Articulaciones entre la práctica y la formación en investigación. Un ideal posible en la práctica de la licenciatura en la fsc. Las construcciones se articulan con el proceso desarrollado entre el 2019 y el 2020, por lo cual se liga con la presencialidad y la virtualidad.O presente artigo de reflexão, elaborado por uma graduanda, duas alunas e sua orientadora de prática, expõe construções relacionadas à formação docente, no âmbito da prática desenvolvida desde o ciclo de aprofundamento da Licenciatura em Educação Infantil na Fundação Crecer Social (em diante fsc). Assim, parte-se da construção conceitual em torno do conceito Formação, em seguida, são expostos três eixos. Primeiro: Prática na fsc e a relevância da reflexão em relação ao contexto na formação do professor. Segundo: Formação do professor, localizada na implementação de ações relacionadas à reflexão. Terceiro: Articulações entre a prática e a formação em pesquisa. Um ideal possível na prática do bacharelado fsc. As obras estão vinculadas ao processo desenvolvido entre 2019 e 2020, para o qual se vincula à presença e à virtualidade

    ¡Atención Poli, con la vista en el riesgo! cuentos para seguritos

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    El contar historias o el storytelling, aparece como una herramienta para autores que no solo buscan el conectar de forma más auténtica con sus lectores; sino que buscan ir más allá al comprender cómo el cerebro procesa esta poderosa forma de comunicación. (Suzuki, W., Feliú-Mójer, M., Hasson, U., Yehuda, R., & Zarate, J. 2018). Esta nueva forma de contar algo, es presentada aquí, en la primera compilación de cuentos como resultado de trabajos de módulos que tratan sobre el cuerpo humano, donde el estudio y la comprensión de la forma cómo funciona nuestro organismo, es uno de los principales objetivos. Además, surge como estrategia pedagógica, que precisamente busca incentivar el desarrollo de la creatividad de los estudiantes dentro de módulos que contienen un importante abordaje de temas y conceptos como base para su desarrollo, módulos que, al incluir un alto contenido teórico, se presentan como retos para que sus temas sean interiorizados por los estudiantes. De este modo, cuando se acude a el uso de la creatividad a través del storytelling, donde se expresan ideas relacionadas con el cuerpo humano, los cuentos realizados por estudiantes aquí presentes logran mostrar cómo emplean dichos conocimientos adquiridos, organizan ideas y crean cuentos que permiten al lector recrease, conociendo diferentes aspectos sobre nuestro cuerpo y a su vez dejándose llevar por la imaginación de los autores

    Una nueva técnica quirúrgica focalizada en el estudio del íleon: la transposición preduodenal del íleon

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    Aims: Our main goal is to study the effects on the carbohydrate metabolism. Thus, we designed various experimental surgical models on healthy non-obese Wistar rats to reproduce several conditions. In this sense, we report a new experimental model. It is well known that bariatric surgery has important effects on the control of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. The underlying reasons are yet unknown, although the different theories focused in the release of different hormones after the pass of the nutrients through the tract. These released hormones have opposite effects that come together in a balanced glycemic metabolism. Materials and methods: After bariatric surgical techniques, the modified anatomy resulted in an imbalance of the secreted hormones. Wistar rats were randomized in two groups Sham and surgical group. Our model consisted on the transposition of the terminal ileum right after the pylorus. Weight gain, food intake, and basal glycemia were measured weekly. Results: We did not obtain significant differences between both groups for these functional variables. Conclusions: This technique involved an early pass of the bolus through the ileum. The change on the luminal pH, along with the lack of enzymes to absorb the content, or the changes in the release of several hormones must be variables to the study. The mortality rate was assumable considering it was an experimental model on animals.Objetivo: Crear un nuevo modelo quirúrgico experimental en ratas Wistar sanas no obesas para estudiar los efectos del metabolismo glucídico. Es bien sabido que las técnicas de cirugía bariátrica tienen un efecto importante sobre la resolución de la diabetes mellitus tipo 2. Se han invocado diferentes hipótesis, algunas centradas en el papel que tienen distintas hormonas secretadas por el propio tubo digestivo tras el paso de los nutrientes a su través, pero las razones últimas subyacentes permanecen desconocidas. El efecto contrapuesto de dichas hormonas consigue un efecto de control glucémico. El desequilibrio hormonal tras las alteraciones anatómicas de las cirugías bariátricas podría estar en la base de dicha mejora del metabolismo glucídico final. Material y métodos: Las ratas fueron operadas en dos grupos (control quirúrgico y experimental) y se procedió a disponerles el íleon anastomosado al antro pilórico, previo al esfínter pilórico. Medimos distintos parámetros funcionales (ganancia de peso, ingesta y glucemias semanales). Resultados: No obtuvimos diferencias significativas en la evolución de estos parámetros. Conclusiones: Este modelo será útil para nuestro propósito de estudiar el íleon, en su componente secretor de enterohormonas, cuando el paso de los nutrientes se produzca tempranamente. La mortalidad fue asumible, dada la innovación técnica realizada

    The Controversial Participation of GLP-1 in the Physiological Mechanisms Unchained After Bariatric Surgery

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    Numerous hypotheses are invoked to explain the beneficial effect on glucose metabolism after bariatric surgery. Some authors advocate for the secretion and release of various substances with endocrine functions (enterohormones). One of the substances most marked as effector, with contrasting effects but controversial data, is Glucagon-like peptide-1 GLP-1. Our study was performed in healthy male Wistar rats, to avoid the absence of confounding factors such as DMT2 and obesity. In order to know the map of adaptation to GLP-1 secretion after surgery, five groups were designated: Two control groups (fasting and surgical stress); and three surgical groups (vertical sleeve gastrectomy, 50 % midgut resection and Roux-en-Y gastric bypass). After three months, the GLP-1 synthesis pattern was studied by immunohistochemical techniques in the different portions of the small digestive tract. The expression of membrane receptors in pancreatic islet cells was also studied. There was a significant increase in the number of secretory cells in ileum, duodenum and jejunum in mixed surgical (RYGB) and malabsorptive (RI50) groups. An elevation of pancreatic receptors was also observed in the same techniques against controls. Our data indicated that intestinal secretion of GLP-1 and its sensitivity to the pancreatic level were increased, both to an adaptive effect to the mechanical aggression of the digestive tube and to the alteration of nutrient flow after surgery

    Qualitative assessment of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on migration, access to healthcare, and social wellbeing among Venezuelan migrants and refugees in Colombia

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    Background: Colombia hosts a large number of Venezuelan migrants and refugees who are uniquely vulnerable and have been markedly impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic. It is necessary to understand their experiences to inform future policy decisions both in Colombia and during disease outbreaks in other humanitarian contexts in the future. As part of a larger study focused on HIV among Venezuelans residing in Colombia, qualitative interviews were conducted to understand this population's experiences and access to healthcare. Methods: Interviews were conducted with Venezuelan migrants and refugees as well as stakeholders such as care providers, humanitarian workers, and government officials. Interviews were recorded, transcribed, and coded using thematic content analysis. Select quotes were translated and edited for length and/or clarity. Results: Venezuelan migrants and refugees reported high levels of housing instability, job instability, increased barriers to accessing healthcare, and complications in engaging in the HIV care continuum, among other impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. Stakeholders reported complications in provision of care and obtaining medicines, difficulty maintaining contact with patients, increased discrimination and xenophobia targeting Venezuelan migrants and refugees, increased housing instability among Venezuelan migrants and refugees, and other impacts as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Conclusions: This study demonstrates the unique impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic among Venezuelans residing in Colombia by both compounding extant vulnerabilities and introducing new challenges, such as high rates of eviction. Colombia has enacted increasingly inclusive migration policies for Venezuelan refugees and migrants within the country; findings from this study underscore the necessity for such policies both in and outside of the Colombian context