1 research outputs found

    Factors that intervene in the learning of the lecto-escritura in children and girls of Tasajera

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    La presente investigaci贸n tuvo como objetivo Identificar los factores que intervienen en el aprendizaje de la lectoescritura en los ni帽os y ni帽as de cuarto grado pertenecientes a la Instituci贸n Educativa Departamental Rural de Tasajera, jornada ma帽ana sede n煤mero 2, La Gloria. El desarrollo del estudio se enmarc贸 en un dise帽o no experimental de tipo descriptivo, en el cual se observa el fen贸meno tal y como se presenta en su 谩mbito natural para su posterior an谩lisis, sin manipular intencionalmente sus variables, y se contextualizo en un estudio Transeccional donde los datos se recolectan en un 煤nico momento. Como t茅cnica de recolecci贸n de informaci贸n se utiliz贸 la encuesta y como instrumento se aplic贸 un cuestionario y cuatro actividades pedag贸gicas. Como conclusiones se hace necesario desarrollar por el docente estrategias que promuevan el reforzamiento de los procesos que intervienen en el aprendizaje de la lecto-escritura, involucrando a toda la comunidad educativa.The objective of this research was to identify the factors that intervene in the learning of literacy in the fourth grade boys and girls belonging to the Rural Departmental Educational Institution of Tasajera, tomorrow morning, venue number 2, La Gloria. The development of the study was framed in a non-experimental design of descriptive type, in which the phenomenon is observed as it is presented in its natural environment for subsequent analysis, without intentionally manipulating its variables, and contextualized in a Transectional study where the data is collected in a single moment. As a technique for collecting information, the survey was used and a questionnaire and four pedagogical activities were applied as an instrument. As conclusions, it is necessary to develop by the teacher strategies that promote the reinforcement of the processes that intervene in the learning of the reading and writing, involving the whole educational community