2,346 research outputs found

    Noncommutative fermions and Morita equivalence

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    We study the Morita equivalence for fermion theories on noncommutative two-tori. For rational values of the θ parameter (in appropriate units) we show the equivalence between an abelian noncommutative fermion theory and a nonabelian theory of twisted fermions on ordinary space. We study the chiral anomaly and compute the determinant of the Dirac operator in the dual theories showing that the Morita equivalence also holds at this level.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    BPS equations and the stress tensor

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    We exploit the relationship between the space components Ti j of the energy-momentum tensor and the supercurrent to discuss the connection between the BPS equations and the vanishing of the components of the stress tensor in various supersymmetric theories with solitons. Using the fact that certain combination of supercharges annihilate BPS states, we show that Ti j = 0 for kinks, vortices and dyons, displaying the connection between supersymmetry and non-interacting BPS solitons.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    BPS equations and the stress tensor

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    We exploit the relationship between the space components Ti j of the energy-momentum tensor and the supercurrent to discuss the connection between the BPS equations and the vanishing of the components of the stress tensor in various supersymmetric theories with solitons. Using the fact that certain combination of supercharges annihilate BPS states, we show that Ti j = 0 for kinks, vortices and dyons, displaying the connection between supersymmetry and non-interacting BPS solitons.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    A new geometrical method for 3D evaluation of non-rigid registration methods for radiotherapy in prostate cancer

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    Three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy aims at delivering a high dose of radiation to the tumour, while sparing the surrounding normal tissue to a maximum extent. Image registration is an essential tool for monitoring radiation therapies, since allows morphological comparisons in presence of anatomic variations. The evaluation of non-rigid registration methods is very complicated owe to the absence of a known pointwise correspondence. The use of analysis of variations in target volume delineations has been proposed in the past for the evaluation of non-rigid registration methods. Delineation of the target volume is usually accomplished by outlining the contour of the volume in each separate tomographic slice. In the studies of reference, the 3D surface is rendered from the contours by means of a Delauney triangulation. This geometrical method only works correctly for convex structures. However the volumes involved on pelvic anatomy, such as bladder or prostate including the seminal vesicles, have relevant concavities that introduce a huge error in the evaluation. A new geometrical method for the evaluation of convex-concave target volumes delineation is proposed

    Para-Grassmann variables and coherent states

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    The definitions of para-Grassmann variables and q-oscillator algebras are recalled. Some new properties are given. We then introduce appropriate coherent states as well as their dual states. This allows us to obtain a formula for the trace of a operator expressed as a function of the creation and annihilation operators.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Bosonization of fermions coupled to topologically massive gravity

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    We establish a duality between massive fermions coupled to topologically massive gravity (TMG) in d = 3 space–time dimensions and a purely gravity theory which also will turn out to be a TMG theory but with different parameters: the original graviton mass in the TMG theory coupled to fermions picks up a contribution from fermion bosonization. We obtain explicit bosonization rules for the fermionic currents and for the energy–momentum tensor showing that the identifications do not depend explicitly on the parameters of the theory. These results are the gravitational analog of the results for 2 + 1 Abelian and non-Abelian bosonization in flat space–time.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Influence of Partial Soil Wetting on Water Relation Parameters of the Olive Tree

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    A drip versus pond irrigation experiment was carried out with 30-year-old ‘Manzanilla’ olive trees planted at 7 m 5 m in an orchard in Southwest Spain. At the end of the dry season of 1998, we chose two dry-land trees, D1 and D2, and two drip-irrigated trees, I1 and I2. During the experiments, the D1 and I1 trees were pond-irrigated, increasing the soil water content to around field capacity in the whole rootzone. The D2 and I2 trees were drip-irrigated, remaining part of the rootzone in drying soil. The results showed that the ratio between the transpiration of the pond-irrigated D1 tree and that of the drip-irrigated D2 tree (D1/D2 Ep) increased from an average of 0.88 before irrigation to 1.22 fourteen days after the first water supply. For the I trees, I1/I2 Ep varied from 0.76 to 1.02 nine days after the I1 tree was pond-irrigated for the first time. Transpiration, therefore, was restricted when using a drip irrigation system which, despite supplying enough water to cover the calculated crop demand, affected a part of the rootzone only. During the drip versus pond irrigation experiment, the recovery of leaf water potential, stomatal conductance and photosynthesis rate was greater and quicker in the pond-irrigated than in the drip-irrigated trees.– Influence de l’irrigation partielle du sol sur les paramètres des relations hydriques de l’olivier. Une comparaison de l’irrigation goutte à goutte avec l’irrigation en cuvette a été conduite sur oliviers ‘Manzanilla’ âgés de 30 ans plantés à 7 m 5 m dans un verger du sud-ouest de l’Espagne. À la fin de la saison sèche de 1998, nous avons choisi deux arbres sur sol sec, D1 et D2, et deux arbres sur sol irrigué au goutte à goutte, I1 et I2. Durant les expériences, les arbres D1 et I1 ont été irrigués en cuvette, en augmentant la teneur en eau du sol jusqu’à la capacité au champ dans toute la zone racinaire. Les arbres D2 et I2 ont été irrigués au goutte à goutte, laissant une partie de la zone racinaire dans un sol se desséchant. Les résultats ont montré que le quotient entre la transpiration de l’arbre D1 irrigué en cuvette et celle de l’arbre D2 irrigué au goutte à goutte (D1/D2 Ep) a augmenté à partir d’une moyenne de 0,88 avant irrigation jusqu’à 1,22 quatorze jours après le premier apport d’eau. Pour les arbres I, I1/I2 Ep a varié entre 0,76 et 1,02 neuf jours après que l’arbre I1 ait été irrigué en cuvette pour la première fois. Par conséquent, la transpiration était réduite quand on utilisait un système d’irrigation au goutte à goutte qui, malgré l’apport d’eau suffisant pour couvrir les besoins potentiels des cultures, a affecté seulement une partie de la zone racinaire. Durant cette comparaison de l’irrigation goutte à goutte et de l’irrigation en cuvette, la récupération de la teneur en eau des feuilles, de la conductance stomatique et du taux de photosynthèse était supérieure et plus rapide pour les arbres irrigués en cuvette que pour ceux irrigués au goutte à goutte

    Nielsen–Olesen vortices in noncommutative space

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    We construct an exact regular vortex solution to the self-dual equations of the Abelian Higgs model in noncommutative space for arbitrary values of θ. To this end, we propose an ansatz which is the analogous, in Fock space, to the one leading to exact solutions for the Nielsen–Olesen vortex in commutative space. We compute the flux and energy of the solution and discuss its relevant properties.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Some noncommutative multi-instantons from vortices in curved space

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    We construct U(2) noncommutative multi-instanton solutions by extending Witten's ansatz which reduces the problem of cylindrical symmetry in four dimensions to that of a set of Bogomol'nyi equations for an Abelian Higgs model in two-dimensional curved space. Using the Fock space approach, we give explicit vortex solutions to the Bogomol'nyi equations and, from them, we present multi-instanton solutions.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta

    Renormalization of the Hamiltonian and a geometric interpretation of asymptotic freedom

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    Using a novel approach to renormalization in the Hamiltonian formalism, we study the connection between asymptotic freedom and the renormalization group flow of the configuration space metric. It is argued that in asymptotically free theories the effective distance between configuration decreases as high momentum modes are integrated out.Facultad de Ciencias Exacta
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