119 research outputs found

    Wochenbericht FS ALKOR AL532

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    (Catania – Catania), Wochenbericht 27.01. - 02.02.202

    How does the geomorphometry of a volcanic island influence the stability of its flanks?

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    Volcanic islands are known to be a source of many natural hazards associated with active volcanism. The processes leading to the instability of their flanks, however are less well understood. The movement of an instable volcanic flank occurs in either or both of two ways; slow sliding of several cm per year (i.e. Etna, Italy) and/or the catastrophic collapse of a large portion of the edifice (i.e. Anak Krakatau, Indonesia). The conditions and precursors leading to such events are often unknown. The limited availability of high-resolution bathymetry data especially at the coast is often restricting the quantitative geomorphological investigation to the subaerial part of the volcanic island. It is essential, however, to include the entire volcanic edifice as instability affects the volcano from summit to seafloor. In this study, we test whether and in which way, the morphology of the volcanic edifice affects its instability. We combine openly available high-resolution bathymetric and topographic grids (50-150m grid spacing) to create shoreline-crossing DEMs of volcanic islands in four areas (archipelagos of Hawaii, Canaries, Mariana Islands and South Sandwich Islands). Morphological parameters, such as area, volume, height from seafloor, slope etc. of the entire volcanic edifice are derived from the DEM grids and inserted into a database. The statistical analysis of this data combined with the history of flank failure will shed light on the influence the morphology of a volcanic island has on its instability. This will lead to a better understanding of the processes involved in the movement of instable volcanic flanks

    Monitoring submarine fault deformation using direct-path ranging

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    The seafloor stores crucial information on sub-seafloor processes, including stress, elastic strain, and earthquakes. This information may be extracted through the nascent scientific field of seafloor geodesy. The GeoSEA (Geodetic Earthquake Observatory on the SEAfloor) array uses acoustic signals for direct-path ranging and relative positioning at mm-scale resolution for a period of up to 3.5 years. The transponders also include high-precision pressure sensors to monitor vertical movements and dual-axis inclinometers in order to measure their altitude as well as any change in submarine fault zones and characterizing their behavior (locked or aseismically creeping). A further component of the network is GeoSURF, a self-steering autonomous surface vehicle (Wave Glider), which monitors system health and is able to upload the seafloor data to the sea surface and to transfer it via satellite. Seafloor transponders are currently installed across a dextral strike-slip fault to measure the instability of the eastern flank of Mt Etna in Sicily, along the North Anatolian Fault offshore Istanbul to measure the strain build-up along the fault in a seismic gap. In addition, three arrays are currently deployed on the marine forearc and outer rise of the South American subduction system around 21°S. This segment of the Nazca-South American plate boundary has last ruptured in an earthquake in 1877 and was identified as a seismic gap prior to the 2014 Iquique earthquake (Mw 8.1). The southern portion of the segment remains unbroken by a recent earthquake. The first 12 month of all geodetic installations were analyzed and we discuss baselines with precision less 5 mm for ranges up to 2000 m of distance and compare them to synthetics baselines. The North Anatolian across-fault baseline changes remains within the resolution and preclude fault-displacement rates larger a few millimeters-per-year, which suggests a locked fault zone

    Fusion seismischer, akustischer und optischer Unterwasserdaten und Modelle zur Analyse submariner Hangrutschungen an Vulkansystemen

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    Die Messung submariner Bodendeformationen an den Flanken von Inselvulkanen hilft dabei, ihre Stabilität und die Gefahr von Hangrutschungen einzuschätzen, ist aber inherent schwierig für Gebiete, die unter Wasser liegen. Wiederholte Seismik- oder Fächerecholot-Vermessungen können größere Gebiete abdecken, aber Auflösung und Lokalisierung sind bestimmten Grenzen unterworfen. Optische Daten andererseits sind besser aufgelöst, aber limitiert in ihrer räumlichen Abdeckung, und Meeresbodengeodäsie wiederum liefert nur punktuelle Information. In diesem Artikel schlagen wir vor, verschiedene Arten von Fernerkundungsdaten zusammenzubringen und auch mit bestehenden statischen und dynamischen Modellen zu verschneiden. Aufgrund ihrer verschiedenen Modalitäten, Unsicherheiten und Skalierungen ist dies jedoch schwierig und bedarf einer Fusion. Zusammen mit anderen Aspekten (Erdbeben, Strömungen etc.) sollen die fusionierten Daten und Modelle langfristig neue Einblicke in das dynamische System des sich verändernden Meeresbodens, die dafür verantwortlichen Faktoren sowie die Auswirkungen instabiler submariner Hänge auf andere Meeressysteme bieten

    Are large submarine landslides in Polar Regions temporally random, or do current observations and age constraint make it impossible to tell?

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    Submarine landslides are one of the major mechanisms through which sediment is transported across our planet, and it has been proposed that they can generate exceptionally damaging tsunamis. Polar margins represent one of the environmental settings where these events have been identified. A large number of triggers and preconditioning factors have been proposed as possible causes for these events; including earthquakes, rapid sedimentation and gas hydrate dissociation. Rapid climate change in the Arctic has the potential to impact on these preconditioning and triggering factors. First, crustal rebound associated with ice melting is likely to produce larger and more frequent earthquakes. Second, Arctic Ocean warming over the next few decades may lead to dissociation of methane hydrates in marine sediments, thereby weakening sediment. In order to better understand whether landslide frequency will increase in the future, we need to determine whether landslide frequency has been affected by previous episodes of rapid climate or eustatic sea level change. Previous working whether landslide frequency is affected strongly by climatic change has been based predominantly on qualitative analysis, and has concluded that event clustering has occurred under specific environmental conditions. In contrast, two recent statistical investigations of submarine landslides have found events frequencies to follow a Poissonian distribution and thus are temporally random (Urlaub et al, 2013, QSR; Clare et al., Geology, Vol 42 (3)). However, these recent studies acknowledge the significant uncertainties in most landslide dates, and that these uncertainties could mask underlying relationships with climate or sea level. This presentation extends previous statistical work to assess whether landslide frequency is most likely temporally random, or whether the dating is just too uncertain to tell. Chi-Squared statistics are used to explore the extent to which we can be statistically sure that submarine landslides do indeed follow a Poissonian distribution. This is achieved by analysing the ease with which ordered frequency data can appear Poissonian according to the Chi-Squared statistic and the number of events needed before a certain distribution can be guaranteed. From this we are able comment on the extent to which we can use event frequency as a means with which to analyse triggers and preconditioning factors. We can also assess the implications for future submarine landslide risk analysis

    Diatom ooze: Crucial for the generation of submarine mega-slides?

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    Numerous studies invoke weak layers to explain the occurrence of submarine mega-slides (>100 km3), in particular those on very gentle slopes (<3°). Failure conditions are thought to be met only within this layer, which is embedded between stable sediments. Although key to understanding failure mechanisms, little is known about the nature and composition of such weak layers, mainly because they are destroyed with the landslides. This study is the first to place detailed constraints on the weak layer for one of the submarine mega-slides that occurred on the nearly flat, subtropical, northwest African continental slopes. Integrating results from the Ocean Drilling Program with high-resolution seismic reflection data, we show that the failure surfaces traced into the undisturbed sedimentary sequence coincide with thin (<10 m) diatom ooze layers capped by clay. As diatom oozes are common on many continental margins, we suggest a new margin-independent failure mechanism to explain submarine mega-slides at low-gradient continental slopes globally. Diatom oozes are susceptible to building up excess pore fluid during burial due to their high compressibility and water content. If a low-permeable clay cap prevents upward drainage, excess pore pressures accumulate at the ooze-clay interface, causing the shearing resistance to increase at a lower rate than the shear stress until failure can occur. Changes in global climate affect the abundance of diatoms and thus formation of diatom oozes, thereby preconditioning the sediments for failure. However, the actual timing of failure is independent of environmental changes

    SubSpread : an integrated approach to understand the signature, mechanics and controls of subaqueous spreading

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    Subaqueous spreading is a widespread type of mass movement, which involves extensional displacement along a gliding plane and the deformation of the failing layer into a sequence of ridges and troughs. Spreading has been poorly investigated, nonetheless it poses hazard to offshore infrastructures. SubSpread is a new project that will investigate the mechanics of the spreading failure and its geological controls in the subaqueous environment. The first objective of SubSpread is to identify the topographic and sedimentary signature of subaqueous environment. We have compiled a global database of subaqueous and subaerial spreads that includes information on physiography, geomorphology, sedimentology and geotechnical properties, where available. A preliminary analysis of the database reveals that spreading morphologies occur on both passive and active margins, especially in the headwall area of translational retrogressive slides. Potential causes of spreading include seismic loading (also glacially induced), sediment loading, and increased pore pressure generated by migration of fluid or gas. The latter may induce loss of shear strength and the formation of a weak layer, particularly in gentle open slopes. Information compiled in this database will also be used to develop a numerical model that can better understand the mechanics and rheological aspects of submarine spreading, focusing on the role played by pore pressure generation. The Tuaheni slide complex in the Hikurangi Margin of New Zealand is being used as a case-study in view of the wealth of geophysical and sedimentological data that are available. The final part of the SubSpread project will test whether the morphometric and sedimentological signature of spreading can provide information on past seismicity. In this case, the test site will be Lake Tekapo in the South Island of New Zealand.peer-reviewe
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