85 research outputs found

    Omnichannel adoption in health information systems for patient follow-up

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    The evolution of technology and health information systems has allowed patients in home-based care to receive continuous medical monitoring without needing to be in-person at the care unit. This evolution discusses many challenges the care provider faces and must overcome. Still, on the other side, it brings many benefits to patients, health professionals, care providers, and society in general. Omnichannel strategy in healthcare services is in its early adoption, but it has the potential to overcome many burdens that care providers currently face regarding remote patient follow-up. This article presents the adoption of an omnichannel strategy in health information systems regarding remote patient follow-up in home-based care. The omnichannel approach can potentially increase the organization’s social footprint, as this type of interaction aims to fill the gap between organizations and their peers.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UID/CEC/00319/2020

    Multichannel interaction for healthcare intelligent decision support

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    Hospital 4.0 enables the paradigm of personalized healthcare services to be increasingly easy and more effective by using emerging technologies. Multichannel interaction services aim precisely to take advantage of this trend by introducing a multichannel interaction model that enables interaction between different health service actors (patients, nurses, doctors, administrative staff, pharmaceutics, technicians) across multiple channels and in different contexts without losing information. In this article, a model is idealized and proposed in which all main the actors that belong to health service are identified. The model aims to present what would be the multichannel interaction in a health context to improve the services provided to patients as well as their relationship with a health organization.The work has been supported by FCT - Fundacao para a Cienciae Tecnologia within the Project Scope: UID/CEC/00319/2020

    Non-performing Loans in China’s Banking System: Evolution, Causes and Resolution

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    本文调查了中国金融体系中的不良贷款,探讨了它的演变、起因和解决措施。尽管经济增长显著,中国却是世界上不良贷款最大的持有国之一。不良贷款在中国的演变可以分为四个阶段。第一阶段,从1978年到1983年,这个阶段几乎没有不良贷款。第二阶段,从1984年到1991年,不良贷款开始出现。第三阶段,从1992年到1998年,这段时期由于经济过热和一些国有企业的倒闭,不良贷款急剧增多。而第四阶段,从1999年到现在,由于中国政府采取了很多措施,不良贷款率大大降低。不良贷款率高的原因主要有:第一,40多年的在中央计划经济下放款的粗放政策。第二,国企的营运效率低下。第三,公司的管理和银行的运作能力低下。中国政...This thesis examines the Non-performing loans (NPLs) in China’s banking system and discusses its evolution, causes and resolution. Despite the phenomenal economic growth, China has one of the largest non-performing loans in the world. The evolution of non-performing loans in china could be divided into four stages: stage 1, from 1978 to 1983 in which there were almost no non-performing loans; stag...学位:经济学硕士院系专业:经济学院国际硕士_政治经济学学号:1522009115392

    Multichannel services for patient home-based care during COVID-19

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    At the beginning of 2020, the Worldwide Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic caused by the COVID-19 virus. In this sense, this article describes an experiment carried out in a Portuguese health institution during the COVID-19 pandemic between March and July 2020. The number of cases of infection increased exponentially and health facilities were forced to adapt to the circumstances. Due to the health facility limited resources they had to be innovative. A new modality of care service was introduced in which patients were admitted to home-based care to receive medical follow-up. The modality introduced focuses mainly on multichannel interaction between patients and health professionals. Two channels of interaction were made available to patients in home-based care to interact with health professionals. Also, a back-office platform was designed to support health professionals in the management of patients diagnosed with the disease and all the processes related to patient remote follow-up and their decision-making. The results of the experiments were very positive with the modality implemented both for patients and care facilities and their health professionals. The patients were able to receive medical follow-up at their houses without any major complications and they were included in their treatment process. The care facility was able to better manage and reallocate their resource according to their need. This modality proved to be a win-win situation for all the parties involved.This work has been supported by “FCT–Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia” within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020

    Health professional’s decision-making based on multichannel interaction services

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has reinforced the importance and impact of telemedicine and multichannel interactions in healthcare services provided to patients. Health professionals are in turn increasingly dependent on patient data collected through multichannel interactions to make their clinical decisions. This article intends to present a brief analysis from the viewpoint of health professionals regarding the use of technologies in telemedicine and multichannel interactions to support decision making, basing on the analysis of clinical data of patients collected in a telemedicine environment. These technologies have numerous advantages for healthcare professionals and patients, but there are also some obstacles and gaps inherent that need to be overcome. Furthermore, health professionals can perform a more detailed analysis of patient data before taking any decision, as this practice promotes data collection to facilitate the decision-making process of health professionals.This work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the R&D Units Project Scope: UIDB/00319/2020


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    TCC(graduação) - Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina. Centro Tecnológico. Engenharia Sanitária e Ambiental.Em países em desenvolvimento, a disposição dos resíduos sólidos urbanos em lixões ainda é uma realidade, podendo causar sérios impactos ambientais e problemas de saúde pública. Em Cabo Verde, a maioria dos municípios depositam seus resíduos em lixões. A ilha de Santiago dispõe de um aterro sanitário em vias de operação. Com a sua entrada em funcionamento, todos os municípios da ilha encaminharão seus resíduos a esse local, possibilitando assim, a remediação dos seus lixões. Neste contexto, esta pesquisa tem por objetivo fazer o diagnóstico dos lixões dessa ilha, de modo a hierarquiza-los por ordem decrescente de prioridades de remediação, bem como propor cenários e técnicas de remediação para cada um deles, usando Ferramentas de Apoio à Decisão (FAD). Para a aplicação dessa FAD fez-se o levantamento dos dados a partir da visita a esses locais e aplicação de um questionário de campo. Com a FAD elaborou-se o diagnóstico dos lixões, propôs-se os cenários e as técnicas de remediação para cada um deles. Os resultados demonstram uma semelhança entre os três lixões avaliados tendo todos um impacto “Médio”. Entretanto, para dois dos lixões diagnosticados, os cenários de remediação sugeridos foram o “Confinamento dos resíduos” e para um, a “Retirada dos resíduos”. A FAD mostrou ser um importante instrumento de auxílio à tomada de decisão relativamente às áreas contaminadas por resíduos sólidos urbanos na ilha de Santiago – Cabo Verde

    O espaço como construçao de sentido em o caso da chácara chao

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    Orientador: Paulo Astor SoetheAutor não autorizou a divulgação do arquivo digitalDissertaçao (mestrado) - Universidade Federal do Paraná, Setor de Ciencias Humanas, Letras e Artes, Programa de Pós-Graduaçao em Letras. Defesa: Curitiba, 2006Inclui bibliografiaÁrea de concentraçao: Estudos literáriosResumo: Esta dissertaçao tem como propósito analisar o romance O caso da chácara Chao, de Domingos Pellegrini, abordando o espaço construído pela movimentaçao dos personagens, pela linguagem e pelas descriçoes do ambiente como elementos de conformaçao da obra, enfatizando o espaço exterior como aspecto decisivo para a constituiçao dos personagens e da açao. Neste estudo demonstra-se como o autor lança mao das relaçoes entre os personagens e o espaço para a construçao da identidade daqueles e da açao na narrativa. A intençao é também aproximar autor e obra, numa análise das referencias encontradas no texto que denunciam a relaçao entre os dois. Isso é obtido recorrendo-se rs comparaçoes entre as experiencias vividas pelo escritor e as que sao descritas por Manfredini, o narrador-personagem. Outro aspecto é situar a obra no genero romance policial, sob o enfoque de críticos e teóricos que se ocuparam desse genero

    A conceptual model for multichannel interaction in healthcare services

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    Multichannel interaction services have grown and evolved a lot in many sectors and their potential has been demonstrated in terms of monitoring and engaging with customers. In healthcare, has a tremendous impact on health organization as well to patients. In a multichannel interaction, environment patients can interact with health professionals across many channels without losing previous interactions, i.e. patients have a continuity of services across different channels. This paper aims to introduce a conceptual model of multichannel interaction in healthcare services. The model addresses all main actors involved in the process of multichannel interaction. The model proposed was validated through a proof of concept with a proposed artefact designed during the pandemic of new coronavirus COVID-19.FCT -Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(UIDB/00319/2020

    Assistente pessoal hospitalar

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia e Gestão de Sistemas de InformaçãoO crescimento exponencial dos dispositivos móveis (smartphones e tablets) nos últimos anos, tem vindo a adquirir cada vez mais espaço de destaque nas nossas atividades do dia-a-dia, quer a nível pessoal bem como a nível profissional. Neste contexto as organizações na área da saúde não são uma exceção, na medida que os dispositivos móveis estão a ser cada vez mais utilizados pelos colaboradores das unidades hospitalares. Para melhorar a qualidade dos serviços prestados e no cumprimento da missão do Centro Hospitalar do Porto (CHP), foi definido como uma das melhorias gerais proporcionar aos seus utentes uma melhoria na qualidade dos serviços prestados. Para atingir a melhoria pretendida no CHP, realizou-se o levantamento dos principais problemas que os utentes têm quando dirigem ao CHP. Para colmatar esses problemas a solução proposta foi: encontrar/criar um artefacto do género assistente pessoal hospitalar para ajudar os utentes quando dirigirem para o CHP. Embora o mercado dos dispositivos móveis encontra-se a crescer muito nos últimos anos, existe um grande entrave no mercado de desenvolvimento de aplicações para os dispositivos móveis devido a heterogeneidade das plataformas móveis existentes (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, entre outros). Devido a diversificação das plataformas móveis, é exigido cada vez mais maior esforço no desenvolvimento das aplicações móveis, de modo que obriga várias vezes o desenvolvimento das mesmas aplicações para cada plataforma móvel em particular. Com o intuito de resolver este entrave, as abordagens de desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis multiplataformas ganharam relevância, pois possibilitam o desenvolvimento de aplicações móveis para as diferentes plataformas móveis a partir de apenas um único código fonte. O principal objetivo desta dissertação é encontrar uma solução face aos diversos problemas que os utentes têm quando estes deslocam ao CHP. Com o problema identificado, a solução encontrada foi a criação de um artefacto do género assistente pessoal hospitalar de modo a introduzir melhorias na qualidade dos serviços prestados aos utentes no CHP.The exponential growth of mobile devices (smartphones and tablets) in recent years have been acquiring increasingly prominent space in our day-to-day, both personally and professionally. In this context organizations in healthcare are not an exception, as mobile devices are being increasingly used by employees of hospitals. To improve the quality of services and the fulfillment of the mission of the Hospital of Porto (CHP), it was defined as one of the general improvements to provide its users with an improvement in the quality of the services provided. To achieve the desired improvement in the CHP, the survey was carried out of the main problems users have when attending the CHP. To address these problems, the proposed solution was to find / create a personal hospital assistant device to assist users when driving to the CHP. Although the market for mobile devices is growing in recent years, there is a major obstacle in the application development market for mobile devices because of the heterogeneity of existing mobile platforms (Android, iOS, Windows Phone, etc.). Due to the diversification of mobile platforms, it is increasingly required increased effort to develop mobile applications, so requiring often the development of such applications for each mobile platform. To solve this obstacle, the cross-platform mobile application development approaches have gained importance, as they allow the development of mobile applications for different mobile platforms from a single source. The main objective of this dissertation is to find a solution to the various problems that the users have when they move to the CHP. With the problem identified, the solution was to create an artifact of the hospital gender personal assistant to improvements in the quality of services provided to users in the CHP

    ICU data management - A permissioned blockchain approach

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    Since its origin in finance, blockchain have been revolutionizing data storage and sharing in many other sensitive areas. Being the focus of Permissioned Blockchains around privacy, confidentiality, immutability, interoperability and reliability, it fits perfectly within the data requisites of healthcare. Even more, with the surge of new iterations of more recent implementations based on smart-contracts/chaincode that has its focus on increasing efficiency and usability and ease of implementation. Intensive Medicine an area with such high data complexity and throughput, and high incidence of medical error and patient injury. As such, it's imperative the continuous research and implementation of new technologies that can make pertinent knowledge available through reliable and accurate data, thus providing appropriate problem-solving skills to physicians. This paper presents a solution, as part of the Intelligence Decision Support Systems for Intensive Medicine (ICDS4IM) project, which objective is to increase accuracy, confidentiality and value to data from vital sensors and monitors by assuring its immutability and controlled oversee.The work has been supported by FCT – Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia within the Projects Scope: DSAIPA/DS/0084/2018