11 research outputs found

    Finding Differential Paths in ARX Ciphers through Nested Monte-Carlo Search

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    We propose the adaptation of Nested Monte-Carlo Search algorithm for finding differential trails in the class of ARX ciphers. The practical application of the algorithm is demonstrated on round-reduced variants of block ciphers from the SPECK family. More specifically, we report the best differential trails,up to 9 rounds, for SPECK32

    Towards More Realistic Membership Inference Attacks on Large Diffusion Models

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    Generative diffusion models, including Stable Diffusion and Midjourney, can generate visually appealing, diverse, and high-resolution images for various applications. These models are trained on billions of internet-sourced images, raising significant concerns about the potential unauthorized use of copyright-protected images. In this paper, we examine whether it is possible to determine if a specific image was used in the training set, a problem known in the cybersecurity community and referred to as a membership inference attack. Our focus is on Stable Diffusion, and we address the challenge of designing a fair evaluation framework to answer this membership question. We propose a methodology to establish a fair evaluation setup and apply it to Stable Diffusion, enabling potential extensions to other generative models. Utilizing this evaluation setup, we execute membership attacks (both known and newly introduced). Our research reveals that previously proposed evaluation setups do not provide a full understanding of the effectiveness of membership inference attacks. We conclude that the membership inference attack remains a significant challenge for large diffusion models (often deployed as black-box systems), indicating that related privacy and copyright issues will persist in the foreseeable future

    Compcrypt–lightweight ANS-based compression and encryption

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    Compression is widely used in Internet communication to save communication time and bandwidth. Recently invented by Jarek Duda asymmetric numeral system (ANS) offers an improved efficiency and a close to optimal compression. The ANS algorithm has been deployed by major IT companies such as Facebook, Google and Apple. Compression by itself does not provide any security (such as confidentiality or authentication of transmitted data). An obvious solution to this problem is an encryption of compressed bitstream. However, it requires two algorithms: one for compression and the other for encryption. In this work, we investigate natural properties of ANS that allow to incorporate authenticated encryption using as little cryptography as possible. We target low-level security communication such as transmission of data from IoT devices/sensors. In particular, we propose three solutions for joint compression and encryption (compcrypt). All of them use a pseudorandom bit generator (PRGB) based on lightweight stream ciphers. The first solution applies state jumps controlled by PRGB. The second one employs two ANS algorithms, where compression switches between the two. The switch is controlled by a PRGB bit. The third compcrypt modifies the encoding function of ANS depending on PRGB bits. Security and efficiency of the proposed compcrypt algorithms are evaluated

    Linear Structures: Applications to Cryptanalysis of Round-Reduced Keccak

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    In this paper, we analyze the security of round-reduced versions of the Keccak hash function family. Based on the work pioneered by Aumasson and Meier, and Dinur et al., we formalize and develop a technique named linear structure, which allows linearization of the underlying permutation of Keccak for up to 3 rounds with large number of variable spaces. As a direct application, it extends the best zero-sum distinguishers by 2 rounds without increasing the complexities. We also apply linear structures to preimage attacks against Keccak. By carefully studying the properties of the underlying Sbox, we show bilinear structures and find ways to convert the information on the output bits to linear functions on input bits. These findings, combined with linear structures, lead us to preimage attacks against up to 4-round Keccak with reduced complexities. An interesting feature of such preimage attacks is low complexities for small variants. As extreme examples, we can now find preimages of 3-round SHAKE128 with complexity 1, as well as the first practical solutions to two 3-round instances of Keccak challenge. Both zero-sum distinguishers and preimage attacks are verified by implementations. It is noted that the attacks here are still far from threatening the security of the full 24-round Keccak

    Security Margin Evaluation of SHA-3 Contest Finalists through SAT-Based Attacks

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    Part 2: Security, Access Control and Intrusion DetectionInternational audienceIn 2007, the U.S. National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) announced a public contest aiming at the selection of a new standard for a cryptographic hash function. In this paper, the security margin of five SHA-3 finalists is evaluated with an assumption that attacks launched on finalists should be practically verified. A method of attacks is called logical cryptanalysis where the original task is expressed as a SATisfiability problem. To simplify the most arduous stages of this type of cryptanalysis and helps to mount the attacks in a uniform way a new toolkit is used. In the context of SAT-based attacks, it has been shown that all the finalists have substantially bigger security margin than the current standards SHA-256 and SHA-1

    Fast and stable interval bounds propagation for training verifiably robust models

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    We present an efficient technique to train classificationnetworks which are verifiably robust against norm-bounded adversarialattacks. This framework is built upon interval bounds propagation (IBP),which applies the interval arithmetic to bound the activations at each layerand keeps the prediction invariant to the input perturbation. To speed upand stabilize training of IBP, we supply its cost function with an additionalterm, which encourages the model to keep the interval bounds at hiddenlayers small. Experimental results demonstrate that the training of ourmodel is faster, more stable and less sensitive to the exact specification ofthe training process than original IBP

    The Compression Optimality of Asymmetric Numeral Systems

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    Source coding has a rich and long history. However, a recent explosion of multimedia Internet applications (such as teleconferencing and video streaming, for instance) renews interest in fast compression that also squeezes out as much redundancy as possible. In 2009 Jarek Duda invented his asymmetric numeral system (ANS). Apart from having a beautiful mathematical structure, it is very efficient and offers compression with a very low coding redundancy. ANS works well for any symbol source statistics, and it has become a preferred compression algorithm in the IT industry. However, designing an ANS instance requires a random selection of its symbol spread function. Consequently, each ANS instance offers compression with a slightly different compression ratio. The paper investigates the compression optimality of ANS. It shows that ANS is optimal for any symbol sources whose probability distribution is described by natural powers of 1/2. We use Markov chains to calculate ANS state probabilities. This allows us to precisely determine the ANS compression rate. We present two algorithms for finding ANS instances with a high compression ratio. The first explores state probability approximations in order to choose ANS instances with better compression ratios. The second algorithm is a probabilistic one. It finds ANS instances whose compression ratios can be made as close to the best ratio as required. This is done at the expense of the number θ of internal random “coin” tosses. The algorithm complexity is O(θL3), where L is the number of ANS states. The complexity can be reduced to O(θLlog2L) if we use a fast matrix inversion. If the algorithm is implemented on a quantum computer, its complexity becomes O(θ(log2L)3)

    Adversarial examples detection and analysis with layer-wise autoencoders

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    We present a mechanism for detecting adversarial examples based on data representations taken from the hidden layers of the target network. For this purpose, we train individual autoencoders at intermediate layers of the target network. This allows us to describe the manifold of true data and, in consequence, decide whether a given example has the same characteristics as true data. It also gives us insight into the behavior of adversarial examples and their flow through the layers of a deep neural network. Experimental results show that our method outperforms the state of the art in supervised and unsupervised settings

    ANS-based compression and encryption with 128-bit security

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    The bulk of Internet interactions is highly redundant and also security sensitive. To reduce communication bandwidth and provide a desired level of security, a data stream is first compressed to squeeze out redundant bits and then encrypted using authenticated encryption. This generic solution is very flexible and works well for any pair of (compression, encryption) algorithms. Its downside, however, is the fact that the two algorithms are designed independently. One would expect that designing a single algorithm that compresses and encrypts (called compcrypt) should produce benefits in terms of efficiency and security. The work investigates how to design a compcrypt algorithm using the ANS entropy coding. First, we examine basic properties of ANS and show that a plain ANS with a hidden encoding table can be broken by statistical attacks. Next, we study ANS behavior when its states are chosen at random. Our compcrypt algorithm is built using ANS with randomized state jumps and a sponge MonkeyDuplex encryption. Its security and efficiency are discussed. The design provides 128-bit security for both confidentiality and integrity/authentication. Our implementation experiments show that our compcrypt algorithm processes symbols with a rate up to 269 MB/s (with a slight loss of compression rate) 178 MB/s