41 research outputs found

    Does Propolis Help to Maintain Oral Health?

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    Propolis, known also as bee glue, is a wax-cum-resin substance which is created out of a mix of buds from some trees with the substance secreted from bee's glands. Its diverse chemical content is responsible for its many precious salubrious properties. It was used in medicine already in ancient Egypt. Its multiple applications during the centuries have been studied and described in details. The purpose of this study is to present the possible use of propolis in treatment of various diseases of oral cavity in their dental aspect. The paper presents properties and possible applications of bee glue depending on dental specialities. An overview of publications which appeared during the recent years will allow the reader to follow all the possibilities to apply propolis in contemporary dentistry

    Drugs most commonly used in chronic antithrombotic therapy and their impact on patients preparing for maxillofacial surgery.

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    Constant advances in treatment methods in all medical specialties have led to the development and introduction of new drugs into therapy. Antithrombotic drugs are increasingly prescribed in the chronic treatment of numerous medical conditions. This is a large group of medications that act on components of the clotting process. We can categorize the vast majority of antithrombotic drugs used in chronic therapy into antiplatelet drugs - which are inhibiting platelet activity, or into anticoagulants - which are affecting various factors of the clotting cascade. In recent years, thanks to advances in the prevention and treatment of various cardiovascular diseases, in daily clinical practice we can see patients taking a combination therapy of two such drugs chronically. Even triple antithrombotic therapy is used in secondary prevention and in patients with high thromboembolic risk. The use of the above-mentioned medications prevents the formation of embolisms, but may pose a risk of an excessive bleeding that threatens the life or health of the patient. Hemorrhagic complications of chronically used anticoagulants are a problem of particular importance in patients preparing for maxillofacial surgery. Within this field, we can distinguish, according to the recommendations of the International Society of Thrombosis and Hemostasis, procedures with a low or moderate risk of bleeding and those with a high risk of bleeding. For operations with a high risk of bleeding, careful preparation of the patient is necessary. The authors discuss the drugs most commonly used in antithrombotic therapy. They describe their types and their mode of action and pharmacological properties. In the following review paper, based on the current literature, recommendations relating to each of the above-mentioned groups of treatments are presented. The guidelines discussed in the paper will help safely prepare patients who chronically take antithrombotic drugs for various types of maxillofacial surgical procedures

    A Comparative Study of Oral Microbiota in Infants with Complete Cleft Lip and Palate or Cleft Soft Palate

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    Few reports have been published on the early microbiota in infants with various types of cleft palate. We assessed the formation of the oral microbiota in infants with complete cleft lip and palate (CLP = 30) or cleft soft palate (CSP = 25) in the neonatal period (T1 time) and again in the gum pad stage (T2 time). Culture swabs from the tongue, palate, and/or cleft margin at T1 and T2 were taken. We analysed the prevalence of the given bacterial species (the percentage) and the proportions in which the palate and tongue were colonised by each microorganism. At T1, Streptococcus mitis (S. mitis) were the most frequently detected in subjects with CLP or CSP (63% and 60%, resp.). A significantly higher frequency of methicillin-sensitive Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus MSSA) was observed in CLP compared to the CSP group. At T2, significantly higher percentages of S. mitis, S. aureus MSSA, Staphylococcus epidermidis, and members of the Enterobacteriaceae family were noted in CLP infants compared to the CSP. S. mitis and Streptococcus sanguinis appeared with the greatest frequency on the tongue, whereas Streptococcus salivarius was predominant on the palate. The development of the microbiota in CLP subjects was characterised by a significant increase in the prevalence of pathogenic bacteria

    Usefulness in developing an optimal training program and distinguishing between performance levels of the athlete’s body by using of thermal imaging

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    The goal of the training is to enable the body to perform prolonged physical e ort without reducing its e ectiveness while maintaining the body’s homeostasis. Homeostasis is the ability of the system to maintain, in dynamic balance, the stability of the internal environment. Equally as important as monitoring the body’s thermoregulation phenomena during exercise seems to be the evaluation of these mechanisms after physical e ort, when the athlete’s body returns to physiological homeostasis. Restoring homeostasis is an important factor in body regeneration and has a significant impact on preventing overtraining. In this work we present a training protocol using a rowing ergometer, which was planned to be carried out in a short time and which involves working the majority of the athlete’s muscles, allowing a full assessment of the body’s thermal parameters after stopping exercise and during the body’s return to thermal equilibrium and homeostasis. The significant di erences between normalized mean body surface temperature obtained for the cyclist before the training period and strength group as well as before and 10 min after training were obtained. Such observation seems to bring indirectly some information about the sportsperson’s e ciency due to di erences in body temperature in the first 10 min of training when sweat does not play a main role in surface temperature. Nearly 1 C drop of mean body temperature has been measured due to the period of training. It is concluded that thermovision not only allows you to monitor changes in body temperature due to sports activity, but also allows you to determine which of the athletes has a high level of body e ciency. The average maximum body temperature of such an athlete is higher (32.5 C) than that of an athlete who has not trained regularly (30.9 C) and whose body probably requires further training

    The applications of infrared thermography in surgical removal of retained teeth effects assessment

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    during filling cavities, laser treatment and inflammation of periodontal tissues. The biggest problem in thermal imaging was limiting access and rapid change of humidity when the mouth opens during measurements. However, nowadays thermal map of body surface is correlated with inflammatory state changing inner mouth. The aim of this study was to assess the suitability of thermal imaging to localize the inflammation and monitor treatment effects after surgical removal of third retained molar teeth. The cohort consisted of 27 patients with referral for the surgical extraction of the third retained molar. Thermal imaging of the sagittal face was performed before and after the procedure and on the first, fourth and seventh day after the extraction. Obtained thermal maps are correlated with the third molar teeth inflammation location. Moreover, the changes of temperature in the area of both the tooth and the cheek correspond to the mechanisms of wound healing described in the literature. Obtained results were not only qualitative but also quantitative what was confirmed by statistically significant difference. It seems that thermal imaging, which is a noninvasive method, can be used to monitor treatment processes after surgical procedures, as well as on the location of inflammation

    May thermal imaging be useful in the assessment of dentalanaesthesia? : preliminary study

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    The main goal of this study was to find out if thermal imaging may be useful in the evaluation of two types of anaesthetic injections-with and without a vasoconstrictor. There were 20 patients (13 women and 7 men) involved in the study. The group was divided into two subgroups. Patients from the first subgroup received infiltration anaesthesia (so-called: IA) of lidocaine (2 mL) and the second group included patients, who received infiltration anaesthesia (so-called: IAN) of lidocaine with 2% noradrenaline (2 mL). The obtained results showed a significant increase in the average temperature 10 min after the injection. In the IA group, the temperature increase was nearly 1.0 °C what was 0.3 °C higher than in the IAN group. Moreover, temperature changes showed a wide plateau between 10 and 25 min after anesthesia administration. The effect of temperature rise was also observed on the contralateral cheek where there was no intervention renders by a contralateral reflex

    Evaluation of effectiveness of a toothpaste containing tea tree oil and ethanolic extract of propolis on the improvement of oral health in patients using removable partial dentures

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    The aimof this studywas to evaluate the effect of toothpaste containing natural tea tree essential oil (TTO) and ethanolic extract of propolis (EEP), onmicroflora and selected indicators of oral health in patients using removable acrylic partial dentures. Fifty patients with varying conditions of hygiene were divided into two groups. The study group received the toothpaste with TTO and EEP, while the control group received the same toothpaste but without TTO and EEP. At the first visit, oral hygiene and hygiene of the prostheses were carried out. Control visits took place 7 and 28 days later and compared to baseline. Indexes like API (Approximal Plaque Index),mSBI (modified Sulcus Bleeding Index), OHI-s (simplified Oral Hygiene Index), and DPI (Denture Plaque Index) were assessed in three subsequent stages, and swabs were collected fromfloor of themouth area to assess themicrobiota. After 7 and 28 days of using the toothpaste with TTO and EEP, a statistically significant decrease of the examined indicator values were observed in the study group as compared to the values upon the initial visit. The number of isolated strains ofmicroorganisms in the study group was decreased ormaintained at the same level, whereas in the control group an increase in the number of isolated strains was observed. The observed stabilization of oralmicrobiota in patients fromthe study group confirms the beneficial activity of toothpaste containing EEP and TTO compared to the control group

    Oral Health of Patients Treated with Acrylic Partial Dentures Using a Toothpaste Containing Bee Product

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    This study was carried out to investigate the influence of a propolis and tee tree oil-containing hygienic agent on selected oral health parameters, oral microflora, and the condition of periodontal health. Thirty-seven patients who underwent oral rehabilitation with a removable acrylic denture were selected and randomly assigned into two groups: study group (A) which received a newly formulated propolis and tee tree oil-containing toothpaste or a control group (C) without an active ingredient. API, S-OHI, and mSBI were assessed in three subsequent stages. During each examination swabs were employed for microbiological inoculation: in the study group after 4 weeks use of the active toothpaste showed a decrease in the number of isolated microorganisms. In the control group, after 4 weeks use of the toothpaste without active ingredients resulted in increase in the number of the isolated microorganisms. Improvements in hygiene and the condition of periodontium were observed in patients using active toothpastes. In the study group the oral flora diversity was reduced by the decrease in the number of cultured microorganism species, while in the control group an increase in the number of cultured microorganisms and their species was observed

    A quantitative thermal analysis of cyclists’ thermo-active base layers

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    It is well known that clothes used in sporting activity are a barrier for heat exchange between the environment and athlete, which should help in thermoregulation improvement. However, it is difficult to evaluate which top is best for each athlete according to the characteristics of the sport. Researchers have tried to measure the athlete’s temperature distribution during exercise at the base layers of tops with different approaches. The aim of this case study was to investigate the use of thermography for thermo-active base layer evaluation. Six new base layers were measured on one cyclist volunteer during a progressive training on a cycloergometer. As a control condition, the skin temperature of the same volunteer was registered without any layer with the same training. A training protocol was selected approximate to cycling race, which started from the warm-up stage, next the progressive effort until the race finished and at the end ‘‘cool-down’’ stage was over. In order to show which layer provided the strongest and weakest barrier for heat exchange in comparison with environment, the temperature parameters were taken into consideration. The most important parameter in the studies was the temperature difference between the body and the layers, which was changing during the test time. The studies showed a correlation between the ergometer power parameter and the body temperature changes, which has a strong and significant value. Moreover, the mass of every layer was checked before and after the training to evaluate the mass of the sweat exuded during the test. From this data, the layer mass difference parameter was calculated and taken into consideration as a parameter, which may correspond with the mean heart rate value from each training. A high and positive correlation coefficient was obtained between the average heart rate and the mass difference for the base layers. Thermal analysis seems to have a new potential application in the objective assessment of sports clothing and may help in choosing the proper clothes, which could support heat transfer during exercising and protect the body from overheating