9 research outputs found

    Aventura gráfica multijugador

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    Este proyecto consiste en una aventura gráfica multijugador on-line basado en una historia en la facultad de informática de la UCM. El diseño del juego está basado en Java Beans Enterprise de J2EE para la arquitectura cliente servidor y en componentes swing de J2SE para la interfaz gráfica. Hemos usado el entorno Eclipse como plataforma de desarrollo. Además hemos aprovechado las siguientes herramientas que vienen integradas en el entorno del servidor JBOSS, Xdoclet, Ant y el plugin Lomboz. [ABSTRACT] This proyect is an on line multi user graphic adventure. It tells a history which happen on UCM Facultad de Informatica. The game design uses Java Bean Enterprise for server-client architecture and J2SE swing for graphic interface. We have worked on Eclipse environment which comes with JBOSS server, Xdoclet, Ant and Lomboz plugin

    Taptana digital como material didáctico y su incidencia en los procesos áulicos

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    The use of the digital taptana is a very useful didactic material for students and teachers, since it offers a wide variety of resources and interactive technological tools that allow them to improve their learning and teaching in mathematics; It is based on the learning theory of connectivism where information is based on the digital age. The objective of the study was to establish the incidence of the use of digital taptana in the classroom processes of students in an Educational Unit in Babahoyo. Regarding the methodological framework, it corresponds to a study with a quantitative approach, with a pre-experimental design applying a pretest and a posttest in its measurement in both variables. The unit of analysis under study were the students and the technique developed to obtain the data was the survey. The results showed us that the digital taptana is a very effective and efficient didactic material that offers many technological advantages to improve learning and teaching in relation to mathematics. Therefore, its use in the classroom is recommended.El uso de la taptana digital es un material didáctico muy útil para los estudiantes y profesores, ya que ofrece una amplia variedad de recursos y herramientas tecnológicas interactivas que les permiten mejorar su aprendizaje y enseñanza en la matemática; está se apoya en la teoría de aprendizaje del conectivismo donde la información se basa en la era digital. El objetivo del estudio apuntó a establecer la incidencia del uso de la taptana digital en los procesos áulicos de los estudiantes en una Unidad Educativa de Babahoyo. En cuanto al marco metodológico corresponde a un estudio con enfoque cuantitativo, con diseño pre-experimental aplicando un pretest y un postest en su medición en ambas variables. La unidad de análisis en estudio fueron los estudiantes y la técnica desarrollada para la obtención de datos fue la encuesta. Los resultados nos mostraron que la taptana digital es un material didáctico muy efectivo y eficiente que ofrece muchas ventajas tecnológicas para mejorar el aprendizaje y la enseñanza en relación a la matemática. Por lo tanto, se recomienda su uso en el aula de clases

    A Woman’s Loss of Imagination: Paola Masino’s Magical Realism in Nascita e morte della Massaia

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    Criticism on Paola Masino has flourished since the early 2000s. This increased attention has contributed towards reclaiming an author often overshadowed by the attention received by her partner, Massimo Bontempelli, the father of realismo magico. Masino experimented with a variety of styles—realismo magico was one of them—as she rejected strictly naturalistic forms of representation, preferring to co-opt myths and the supernatural. Nascita e morte della Massaia (1945) is Masino’s most renowned literary effort, both for its critique of Fascist Italy and for its sophisticated stylistic effects. Nascita, while indebted to Bontempelli’s theorizations, features all the chief characteristics listed in Faris’s analysis of magical realism as an international phenomenon, and illustrates how magical realism offers strategies for evading censorship to those writing against totalitarianism regimes. At the same time, it is an example of how magical realism can be used to denounce socially imposed gender roles. My analysis shows how this narrative mode emerges on multiple levels within Masino’s text

    Elsa Morante levele Lukács Györgynek

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    Elsa Morante levelei Lukács Györgynek

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