6,226 research outputs found

    The effect of changing gravity and weightlessness on vasopressin control systems Progress report, 21 Oct. 1969 - 15 Feb. 1970

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    Changing gravity and weightlessness effects on vasopressin control systems, with immunochemical and biological assay studie

    The Effect of Changing Gravity and Weightlessness on Vasopressin Control Systems Progress Report, Feb. 15 - Sep. 20, 1966

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    Antidiuretic hormone destruction mechanism in dog blood studied to devise method for preserving activity in sample

    Chapter 4: Insurance Law

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    A flight investigation of a 4D area navigation system concept for STOL aircraft in the terminal area

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    A digital avionics system referred to as STOLAND was test flown in the NASA CV-340 aircraft to obtain performance data for time controlled guidance in the manual flight director mode. The advanced system components installed in the cockpit included an electronic attitude director indicator and an electronic multifunction display. Navigation guidance and control computations were performed on a digital computer. A detailed 4D area navigation systems description is given. The pilot/system interface and systems operation and performance are also described. Approach flightpaths were flown which included a 180 deg turn and a 1-min, 5 deg straight-in approach to 30 m altitude, at which point go-around was initiated. Results are presented for 19 approaches

    With Firm Address: a Critical Study of 26 Shorter Poems of E. A. Robinson.

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    This study is an analysis and an appraisal of the most significant shorter poems of Edwin Arlington Robinson. The first chapter begins with a review of the body of periodical and book-length treatments of Robinson. To date, there is no extended study devoted exclusively to isolating and examining the poet\u27s achievements in the shorter poem. The first chapter concludes with a discussion of the critical method employed in the selection and examination of the poems singled out for study. Individual discussions of each of the twenty-six poems comprise the second, third,and fourth chapters, which correspond roughly to the early, middle, and late years of Robinson\u27s poetic career. The following poems are examined in the second chapter: Luke Havergal, The House on the Hill, Aaron Stark, and The Clerks from The Children of the Night, The Growth of \u27Lorraine,\u27 from Captain Craig, The Whip, How Annandale Went Out, Miniver Cheevy, and For a Dead Lady from The Town Down the River. The entire third chapter is devoted to discussing the following poems included in Robinson\u27s best volume, The Man Against the Sky: Flammonde, The Gift of God, Cassandra, Hillcrest, Eros Turannos, Veteran Sirens, Another Dark Lady and The Poor Relation. In the fourth chapter, the following poems are examined: The Mill and The Dark Hills from The Three Taverns, Mr. Flood\u27s Party, Lost Anchors, and The Long Race from Avon\u27s Harvest, and The Sheaves, Karma, En Passant, and New England from Dionysus in Doubt. Even though each of the twenty-six poems is discussed individually as a separate and distinct unit, there are certain consistencies in subject matter, themes, and techniques that are recognizable in the poems. These are discussed in the final chapter since their recurrence provides an index to the Robinson method in his most successful shorter poems

    Probable Circular Error (CEP) of Ballistic Missiles

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    The survival of our nation, during a nuclear exchange, depends upon an effective national defense structure. The prime weapon system in this defense structure is the ballistic missile. Although many factors enter into an evaluation of the effectiveness of a ballistic missile, one of the most important measure is accuracy. Without an accurate weapon system we have no weapon system. The Department of Defense has places emphasis on using a method of accuracy evaluation called Probably Circular Error (CEP). Probably Circular Error is defined as The radius of a circle, centered at the intended target, within which 50% of the missiles would be expected to impact or The probability is 0.50 that an individual missile will impact within a circle whose radius is equal to the CEP. The statistical techniques and assumptions used in generation a CEP value will be investigated

    A method for determining landing runway length for a STOL aircraft

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    Based on data obtained from flight tests of the augmentor wing jet STOL research aircraft, a method is proposed for determining the length of the landing runway for powered-lift STOL aircraft. The suggested method determines runway landing length by summing three segments: the touchdown-dispersion distance, the transition distance from touchdown to application of brakes, and the stopping distance after brakes are applied. It is shown how the landing field length can be reduced either through improved autoland system design or by providing the pilot with appropriate information to allow him to identify a "low probability" long or short landing and to execute a go-around. The proposed method appears to determine a safe runway landing length for the STOL application and offers the potential for reducing runway length if great emphasis is placed on a short-runway capability. FAR Parts 25 and 121 appear conservative and suitable for the situation where no great emphasis is placed on reducing the runway length requirement

    Chapter 13: Insurance Law

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    A 4% Geometric Distance to the Galaxy NGC4258 from Orbital Motions in a Nuclear Gas Disk

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    The water maser in the mildly active nucleus in the nearby galaxy NGC4258 traces a thin, nearly edge-on, subparsec-scale Keplerian disk. Using the technique of very long baseline interferometry, we have detected the proper motions of these masers as they sweep in front of the central black hole at an orbital velocity of about 1100 km/s. The average maser proper motion of 31.5 microarcseconds per year is used in conjunction with the observed acceleration of the masers to derive a purely geometric distance to the galaxy of 7.2 +- 0.3 Mpc. This is the most precise extragalactic distance measured to date, and, being independent of all other distance indicators, is likely to play an important role in calibrating the extragalactic distance scale.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Natur

    Phosphorylation of pRb: mechanism for RB pathway inactivation in MYCN-amplified retinoblastoma.

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    A small, but unique subgroup of retinoblastoma has been identified with no detectable mutation in the retinoblastoma gene (RB1) and with high levels of MYCN gene amplification. This manuscript investigated alternate pathways of inactivating pRb, the encoded protein in these tumors. We analyzed the mutation status of the RB1 gene and MYCN copy number in a series of 245 unilateral retinoblastomas, and the phosphorylation status of pRb in a subset of five tumors using immunohistochemistry. There were 203 tumors with two mutations in RB1 (RB1(-/-) , 83%), 29 with one (RB1(+/-) , 12%) and 13 with no detectable mutations (RB1(+/+) , 5%). Eighteen tumors carried MYCN amplification between 29 and 110 copies: 12 had two (RB1(-/-) ) or one RB1 (RB1(+/-) ) mutations, while six had no mutations (RB1(+/+) ). Immunohistochemical staining of tumor sections with antibodies against pRb and phosphorylated Rb (ppRb) displayed high levels of pRb and ppRb in both RB1(+/+) and RB1(+/-) tumors with MYCN amplification compared to no expression of these proteins in a classic RB1(-/-) , MYCN-low tumor. These results establish that high MYCN amplification can be present in retinoblastoma with or without coding sequence mutations in the RB1 gene. The functional state of pRb is inferred to be inactive due to phosphorylation of pRb in the MYCN-amplified retinoblastoma without coding sequence mutations. This makes inactivation of RB1 by gene mutation or its protein product, pRb, by protein phosphorylation, a necessary condition for initiating retinoblastoma tumorigenesis, independent of MYCN amplification