1,138 research outputs found

    Monte Carlo simulations of heat deposition during photothermal skin cancer therapy using nanoparticles

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    This is the final version. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.Photothermal therapy using nanoparticles is a promising new approach for the treatment of cancer. The principle is to utilise plasmonic nanoparticle light interaction for efficient heat conversion. However, there are many hurdles to overcome before it can be accepted in clinical practice. One issue is a current poor characterization of the thermal dose that is distributed over the tumour region and the surrounding normal tissue. Here, we use Monte Carlo simulations of photon radiative transfer through tissue and subsequent heat diffusion calculations, to model the spatial thermal dose in a skin cancer model. We validate our heat rise simulations against experimental data from the literature and estimate the concentration of nanorods in the tumor that are associated with the heat rise. We use the cumulative equivalent minutes at 43 °C (CEM43) metric to analyse the percentage cell kill across the tumour and the surrounding normal tissue. Overall, we show that computer simulations of photothermal therapy are an invaluable tool to fully characterize thermal dose within tumour and normal tissue.Wellcome TrustScience and Technology Facilities Council (STFC

    What’s a box of “Bakewell Tarts” got to do with it? Performing gender as a judicial virtue in the theatre of justice

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    On a July morning in 2013 a box of a popular English branded confection called“Cherry Bakewells’ appeared in the court of the Lord Chief Justice of England and Wales. It generated much laughter. The event was the swearing in ceremony for Dame Julia Wendy Macur as a judge of the Court of Appeal. If her appointment was a cause for celebration, the backdrop to the event was the serious business of judicial renewal and the gender composition of the judiciary. Neither topic is a laughing matter. Drawing upon data generated through the observation of 18 swearing in events this chapter uses the gender/humour interface to examine the gender dynamics of the social world of the judiciary as an institution. Keywords: ceremonial archive, gender, judicial diversity, wi

    A 4% Geometric Distance to the Galaxy NGC4258 from Orbital Motions in a Nuclear Gas Disk

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    The water maser in the mildly active nucleus in the nearby galaxy NGC4258 traces a thin, nearly edge-on, subparsec-scale Keplerian disk. Using the technique of very long baseline interferometry, we have detected the proper motions of these masers as they sweep in front of the central black hole at an orbital velocity of about 1100 km/s. The average maser proper motion of 31.5 microarcseconds per year is used in conjunction with the observed acceleration of the masers to derive a purely geometric distance to the galaxy of 7.2 +- 0.3 Mpc. This is the most precise extragalactic distance measured to date, and, being independent of all other distance indicators, is likely to play an important role in calibrating the extragalactic distance scale.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures. Accepted for publication in Natur

    Hypertension treatment capacity in India by increased workforce, greater task-sharing, and extended prescription period: a modelling study

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    Background: The worldwide control rate for hypertension is dismal. An inadequate number of physicians to treat patients with hypertension is one key obstacle. Innovative health system approaches such as delegation of basic tasks to non-physician health workers (task-sharing) might alleviate this problem. Massive scale up of population-wide hypertension management is especially important for low- and middle-income countries such as India. Methods: Using constrained optimization models, we estimated the hypertension treatment capacity and salary costs of staff involved in hypertension care within the public health system of India and simulated the potential effects of (1) an increased workforce, (2) greater task-sharing among health workers, and (3) extended average prescription periods that reduce treatment visit frequency (e.g., quarterly instead of monthly). Findings: Currently, only an estimated 8% (95% uncertainty interval 7%–10%) of ∌245 million adults with hypertension can be treated by physician-led services in the Indian public health system (assuming the current number of health workers, no greater task-sharing, and monthly visits for prescriptions). Without task-sharing and with continued monthly visits for prescriptions, the least costly workforce expansion to treat 70% of adults with hypertension would require ∌1.6 (1.0–2.5) million additional staff (all non-physicians), with ∌INR 200 billion (≈USD 2.7 billion) in additional annual salary costs. Implementing task-sharing among health workers (without increasing the overall time on hypertension care) or allowing a 3-month prescription period was estimated to allow the current workforce to treat ∌25% of patients. Joint implementation of task-sharing and a longer prescription period could treat ∌70% of patients with hypertension in India. Interpretation: The combination of greater task-sharing and extended prescription periods could substantially increase the hypertension treatment capacity in India without any expansion of the current workforce in the public health system. By contrast, workforce expansion alone would require considerable, additional human and financial resources. Funding: Resolve to Save Lives, an initiative of Vital Strategies, was funded by grants from Bloomberg Philanthropies; the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation; and Gates Philanthropy Partners (funded with support from the Chan Zuckerberg Foundation)

    Validation of the London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy among pregnant Australian women

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    INTRODUCTION: Globally, over half of pregnancies in developed countries are unplanned. Identifying and understanding the prevalence and complexity surrounding pregnancy preparation among Australian women is vital to enable sensitive, responsive approaches to addressing preconception and long-term health improvements for these women with varying motivation levels. AIM: This study evaluated the reliability and validity of a comprehensive pregnancy planning/intention measure (London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy) in a population of pregnant women (over 18 years of age) in Australia. METHODS: A psychometric evaluation, within a cross-sectional study comprising cognitive interviews (to assess comprehension and acceptability) and a field test. Pregnant women aged over 18 years were recruited in early pregnancy (approximately 12 weeks' gestation). Reliability (internal consistency) was assessed using Cronbach's alpha, corrected item-total correlations and inter-item correlations, and stability via a test-retest. Construct validity was assessed using principal components analysis and hypothesis testing. RESULTS: Six women participated in cognitive interviews and 317 in the field test. The London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy was acceptable and well comprehended. Reliability testing demonstrated good internal consistency (alpha = 0.81, all corrected item-total correlations >0.20, all inter-item correlations positive) and excellent stability (weighted kappa = 0.92). Validity testing confirmed the unidimensional structure of the measure and all hypotheses were confirmed. CONCLUSIONS: The London Measure of Unplanned Pregnancy is a valid and reliable measure of pregnancy planning/intention for the Australian population. Implementation of this measure into all maternity healthcare, research and policy settings will provide accurate population-level pregnancy planning estimates to inform, monitor and evaluate interventions to improve preconception health in Australia

    Coexisting conical bipolar and equatorial outflows from a high-mass protostar

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    The BN/KL region in the Orion molecular cloud is an archetype in the study of the formation of stars much more massive than the Sun. This region contains luminous young stars and protostars, but it is difficult to study because of overlying dust and gas. Our basic expectations are shaped to some extent by the present theoretical picture of star formation, the cornerstone of which is that protostars acrete gas from rotating equatorial disks, and shed angular momentum by ejecting gas in bipolar outflows. The main source of the outflow in the BN/KL region may be an object known as radio source I, which is commonly believed to be surrounded by a rotating disk of molecular material. Here we report high-resolution observations of silicon monoxide (SiO) and water maser emission from the gas surrounding source I; we show that within 60 AU (about the size of the Solar System), the region is dominated by a conical bipolar outflow, rather than the expected disk. A slower outflow, close to the equatorial plane of the protostellar system, extends to radii of 1,000 AU.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figures. Accepted by Nature. To appear December 199
