2,048 research outputs found

    The Market Orientation and Customer Orientation Continuum: A Literature Review for Service Marketing

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    The purpose of this study is to disclose a drawback in the literature of the constructs of market orientation (MO) and customer orientation (CO). This flaw is indeed the lack of a systematic literature review of both concepts. This literature review should serve not only to collect all the literature regarding both constructs, but also to identify and classify the different relationships between MO and CO suggested by academics. The methodology is therefore divided in two, a first stage where a systematic literature review is conducted and a second stage where each study would be classified according to their positioning relative to the MO-CO relationship. The preliminary results suggest that there are three research streams regarding the MO-CO relationship: (1) MO and CO are analogous, (2) CO is part of MO, and (3) MO and CO are independent constructs. This conclusion must still be confirmed with the systematic literature review and used to catalogue the eventually collected studies. A key contribution of this research is to help academics to have access to the main literature about MO and CO and provide them with an adequate reference to frame their studies in one of the three research streams that have been identified. A potential contribution for professionals is the synthesis of several theories regarding MO and CO that could facilitate their implementation in companies and eventually improve their performance

    New Perspective on Customer Orientation of Service Employees: A Conceptual Framework

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    Customer orientation of service employees (COSE) refers to the capacity and skills of employees to (1) identify, understand and satisfy their clients’ needs, and (2) act to that end. The COSE model has been used extensively to assess customer orientation of service employees within different settings. However, minimal modifications from the original have been presented so far, and the proposed settings were unrelated to highly relational services such as private banking (PB). PB is defined as the services specifically designed to satisfy the financial needs of high net worth individuals (HNWI); they are usually delivered by only one contact person – the private banker. Thus, PB is based on a personal and long-lasting relationship between the private banker and the client. Drawing on the literature regarding customer orientation and PB, trust, loyalty and word of mouth are identified as the potential consequences of COSE, improving on previous models. These new propositions are accompanied by a conceptual framework of COSE that is able to address the PB particularities by considering some moderating variables that are inherent to the PB service (customer segment and type of banking firm). Further avenues for research are then charted in light of the new conceptual framework developed

    Customer Orientation in Highly Relational Services

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    Purpose – The purpose of this article is to investigate the antecedents, importance, and consequences of the customer orientation of service employees (COSE) in highly relational services (HRS). This study challenges the traditional vision of COSE and its sole focus on transactional services. The paper also examines and confirms new outcomes of COSE. Then, a revised COSE model adapted to HRS is proposed. Design/methodology/approach – The private banking (PB) service is chosen to represent a HRS setting. The qualitative study is comprised of 25 semi-structured interviews with PB practitioners. The results are analysed using NVivo 11. Findings – This study confirms the validity of the construct. COSE is proven to have notable importance in HRS. Various dimensions of COSE have different grades of importance. New consequences are elicited for HRS, including trust, loyalty, and co-creation. Practical implications – The results show that most private banking firms do not have standardised processes in place to measure COSE. This study proves how COSE can be used for several purposes by practitioners as a means of customer relationship management and in co-creation strategies. Originality/value – This study expands on the potential of the COSE construct by the use of HRS for the first time and introduces new consequences from the original COSE model

    Servitization and co-opetition in the pharmaceutical distribution: Back to Basics?

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    This paper discusses how the pharmaceutical distribution sector has evolved in the past decades and the role of servitization in an ever changing market led by big players. An empirical analysis was conducted on Portuguese and Spanish distributors which enabled the identification of a detailed portfolio of services currently offered by the industry. These companies were compared in terms of current service provision, levels of implementation of added-value services, main reasons for implementation and levels of co-opetion within the sector. Some differences between both countries have been found in terms of their level and reasons for the implementation of value adding services. Major findings refer to the tendency of distributors to further develop their base services provision in the future aiming at achieving increased competitive advantage and loyalty. This raises concerns given that it can be interpreted as a “back to basics” strategy of low differentiation which may not be consistent with long term competitiveness

    Servitization and Co-opetition in pharmaceutical industry

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    Purpose: The present paper aims at providing an outlook of the portfolio of services developed by the pharmaceutical distribution in Spain and Portugal by looking at the different types and levels of implementation. This paper also provides the research framework that is currently the base for the ongoing data collection, exploring the rationale behind the implementation of different types of services and co-opetitive relationships in relation to the pursuit of profit, the creation of barriers with competitors and the reinforcement of customer loyalty. The impact of these factors on the intention to increase the delivery of services in the future will also be analysed. Design/methodology/approach: In order to address the research framework presented, a quantitative research methodology is suggested through the use of web-based questionnaires. After the identification and categorization of services in this industry, a questionnaire was developed in order to measure the presence of the identified services and their impact on the pursuit of profit, the creation of competitive advantages the improvement of customer loyalty, willingness to further develop these services and co-opetitive relationships. The sample includes Portuguese and Spanish pharmaceutical cooperatives and private companies, operating as wholesalers. Findings: The empirical data is currently being collected therefore the present paper provides solely the analysis of the pharmaceutical industry in both countries and the classification of the services offered in this industry which was used as the basis to develop the questionnaire. The paper discusses how the pharmaceutical distribution sector has evolved in the past decades and how the concentration process has changed the rules of the market owned by big players who are taking the lead. Additionally, the portfolio of new services that have recently been developed throughout the industry are identified. Some differences between both countries have been found mainly in IT services. The recent establishment of second degree cooperatives generates new perspectives to the suggested influence of co-opetitive relationships. Originality/value: The present paper is part of an ongoing research project which aims at providing both theoretical and practical implications: 1) The analysis of pharmaceutical wholesalers from a servitization perspective; 2) Application of Baines et al. (2013) classification to the pharmaceutical sector; 3) The adaptation and measurement of co-opetitive relationships within the servitization delivery; 4) Development of instruments to measure the level of implementation and the type of services which can be used in the future to make compared studies in other countries

    Patterns of expression and translocation of the ubiquitin ligase SlrP in Salmonella enterica serovar typhimurium.

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    SlrP is an E3 ubiquitin ligase that can be translocated into eukaryotic host cells by the two type III secretion systems that are expressed by Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium and are encoded in Salmonella pathogenicity islands 1 (SPI1) and 2 (SPI2). Expression of slrP and translocation of its product were examined using lac, 3×FLAG, and cyaA′ translational fusions. Although slrP was expressed in different media, optimal expression was found under conditions that imitate the intravacuolar environment and promote synthesis of the SPI2-encoded type III secretion system. Translocation into mammalian cells took place through the SPI1- or the SPI2-encoded type III secretion system, depending on specific host cell type and timing. A search for genetic factors involved in controlling the expression of slrP unveiled LeuO, Lon, and the two-component system PhoQ/PhoP as novel regulators of slrP. Our experiments suggest that LeuO and Lon act through HilD under SPI1-inducing conditions, whereas PhoP directly interacts with the slrP promoter to activate transcription under SPI2 inducing conditions

    Les dones en l'espai públic : les diferents experiències del Nord i del Sud : IV Curs Intensiu Erasmus de Geografia i Gènere, Atenes, abril de 1994

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    Durant els dies 13 a 21 d'abril de 1994 va tenir lloc a Atenes la quarta edició del Curs Intensiu Erasmus de Geografia i Gènere sota el títol: "La dona en l'espai públic: les experiències del Nord i del Sud". Una vegada més, el curs va servir per donar a conèixer els principals treballs que es realitzen des de diferents universitats europees sobre el tema, i va ser un lloc de trobada per a professors i, sobretot, estudiants, per als quals el curs va esdevenir un bon marc per iniciar-se i aprofundir no només en el contingut, sinó també en la discussió i practica d'investigació en geografia i gènere.Durante los dias 13 a 21 de abril de 1994 tuvo lugar en Atenas la cuarta edición del Curso Intensivo Erasmus de Geografia y Género bajo el tema "La mujer en el espacio público: las experiencias del Norte y del Sur". Una vez más, el curso sirvió para dar a conocer los principales trabajos que se realizan desde diferentes universidades europeas en relación a la temática, a la vez que he un lugar de encuentro para profesores y, sobretodo, estudiantes, para los que el curso fue un buen marco para iniciarse y profundizar no sólo en el contenido, sino también en la discusión y práctica de la metodología de investigación en geografia y género.Du 13 au 21 avril 1994, a eu lieu 21 Athenes, la quatrième édition du Cours Erasmus Intensif de Géographie et Genre, sur le theme: "La femme dans l'espace publique: Les expériences du nord et du sud". Une fois de plus, le cours a servi pour faire connaitre les principaux travaux qui se réalisent dans différentes universités européennes sur ce sujet et a constitué un lieu de rencontre pour les professeurs et, surtout, les étudiants. Le cours est un cadre excellent pour qu'ils puissent s'inicier et se perfectionner dans les contenus, mais aussi dans la discusion et la pratique de la méthodologie de recherche en Géographie et Genre.From 13th. to 21st. april 1994, the fourth edition of the Erasmus intensive course on Geography and Gender was held in Athens, Greece. The general topic selected for the course was "Women in public spaces: the experiences of North and South". Once more, the course served as a forum for the main research lines undertaken by several European universities on gender issues, and of a meeting place for interest academics and students. For students, the course represented a good setting to begin and gain understanding on contents and research methodology in geography and gender

    Customer Orientation in Family Businesses

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    The purpose of this article is to investigate customer orientation of service employees (COSE) in family businesses. This study elaborates on the perception and importance of COSE in family-owned companies. The paper also proposes new consequences of COSE in the context of family business. The research is based on a qualitative study comprised of 13 interviews conducted on senior managers in family firms. The results are analysed using NVivo 11. This investigation confirms the relevance of the COSE construct in family businesses and the role of family influence over it. New consequences are elicited, including differentiation, customer experience, and customer well-being. The results show that practitioners consider COSE as a key element for success. This study sheds light on how COSE can be applied in a family business in order to enhance customer experience. This study expands on the potential of COSE with the use of family businesses for the first time and introduces new consequences from the original model