6,968 research outputs found

    Nematic liquid crystal dynamics under applied electric fields

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    In this paper we investigate the dynamics of liquid crystal textures in a two-dimensional nematic under applied electric fields, using numerical simulations performed using a publicly available LIquid CRystal Algorithm (LICRA) developed by the authors. We consider both positive and negative dielectric anisotropies and two different possibilities for the orientation of the electric field (parallel and perpendicular to the two-dimensional lattice). We determine the effect of an applied electric field pulse on the evolution of the characteristic length scale and other properties of the liquid crystal texture network. In particular, we show that different types of defects are produced after the electric field is switched on, depending on the orientation of the electric field and the sign of the dielectric anisotropy.Comment: 7 pages, 12 figure

    Behavior of three cowpea varieties in relation to leafhopper attack in Northeastern Brazil.

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    The cowpea varieties "Pitiuba", "Sempre Verde" and "VITA-3" have been tested in Petrolina, PE, northeastern Brasil, to observe their behavior in relation to the attack of leafhopper, Empoasca Kraemeri Ross and More. The first two are common, local varieties, whereas the third was recently introduced from Nigeria, where, reportedly, it is tolerant to Empoasca dolichi (Paoli)

    Desempenho produtivo de ovinos em pastejo suplementados com misturas multiplas contendo diferentes teores de uréia.

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    O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar o desempenho produtivo de ovinos em crescimento mantidos em pastagens diferidas de capim Bufel recebendo suplementação múltipla com diferentes teores de uréia

    Disponibilidade de cádmio em diferentes solos do Rio Grande do Norte.

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    Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar quatro extratores químicos convencionais como: Mehlich- 1,Mehlich-3, DTPA-TEA e CaCl2 como indicadores da disponibilidade de cádmio para plantas de milho (Zea mays), em solos do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte. Os solos foram submetidos à correção de pH e a análises químicas e físicas para sua caracterização. A determinação de cádmio total nas amostras dos solos foram feitas por meio da técnica dedigestão em tubos digestores contendo ácido clorídr ico com nítrico na proporção de 3:1 v/v (água régia). Os extratos foram lidos por espectrometria de absorção atômica,determinando-se a concentração de cádmio total nas amostras. Para a extração de cádmio nas plantas as amostras foram submetidas à digestão nítrico-perclórica a proporção de 3:1 (v/v). As análises estatísticas foram feitas no programa Statistic 6.0, onde os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e correlação, adotando-se níveis de significância de 1% e 5% de probabilidade. A capacidade de recuperação dos extratores utilizados seguiu a seguinte ordem: Água Régia > Mehlich-1 > Mehlich-3 > DTPA-TEA > CaCl2. A água régia se mostrou um bom extrator para fitodisponibilidade, apresentando o segundo maior coeficiente de correlação. O CaCl2 foi indicado o melhor extrator para a disponibilidade devido ter apresentado melhor correlação entre o teor de cádmio na matéria seca das plantas de milho e o extraído pelas soluções extratoras testadas. Em média o Neossolo Quartzarênico permitiu a melhor absorção de cádmio pelas plantas de milho e o Neossolo Flúvico e Cambissolo Háplico as menores

    Use of MODIS sensor images combined with reanalysis products to retrieve net radiation in Amazonia

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    This is the final version of the article. Available from the publisher via the DOI in this record.In the Amazon region, the estimation of radiation fluxes through remote sensing techniques is hindered by the lack of ground measurements required as input in the models, as well as the difficulty to obtain cloud-free images. Here, we assess an approach to estimate net radiation (Rn) and its components under all-sky conditions for the Amazon region through the Surface Energy Balance Algorithm for Land (SEBAL) model utilizing only remote sensing and reanalysis data. The study period comprised six years, between January 2001-December 2006, and images from MODIS sensor aboard the Terra satellite and GLDAS reanalysis products were utilized. The estimates were evaluated with flux tower measurements within the Large-Scale Biosphere-Atmosphere Experiment in Amazonia (LBA) project. Comparison between estimates obtained by the proposed method and observations from LBA towers showed errors between 12.5% and 16.4% and 11.3% and 15.9% for instantaneous and daily Rn, respectively. Our approach was adequate to minimize the problem related to strong cloudiness over the region and allowed to map consistently the spatial distribution of net radiation components in Amazonia. We conclude that the integration of reanalysis products and satellite data, eliminating the need for surface measurements as input model, was a useful proposition for the spatialization of the radiation fluxes in the Amazon region, which may serve as input information needed by algorithms that aim to determine evapotranspiration, the most important component of the Amazon hydrological balance.Gabriel de Oliveira acknowledges the Brazilian Ministry of Science and Technology and Brazilian Ministry of Education for providing research fellowships through the CNPq (Grant No. 52521/2012-7) and CAPES (Grant No. 8210/2014-4) agencies, respectively. Luiz E. O. C. Aragão acknowledges the support of FAPESP (Grant No. 50533-5) and CNPq (Grant No. 304425/2013-3) agencies