13 research outputs found


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    The future of agriculture has been conditioned by uncertainties about the effects of climate change. Thus, the main goal of this work is to develop an exploratory analysis of the potential impacts of climate change in dynamics in the vitiviniculture in the region bounded by the Indication of Origin of Vales da Uva Goethe. The analysis was developed based on direct consultation at producers and production and climate data. The results indicate that only share of producers has related changes in the quantity and quality of the grapes to the effects of climate change. However, there was an actual change in climate. The average monthly minimum temperatures increased from 5.75°C to 8.30°C 1924-2012, which can increase the probability of occurrence of disease and pests associated with high average temperatures.O futuro da agricultura está condicionado as incertezas envolvidas em relação aos efeitos das mudanças climáticas. Deste modo, o objetivo principal deste trabalho é desenvolver uma análise exploratória a respeito dos potenciais impactos decorrentes da mudança na dinâmica climática na vitivinicultura na região delimitada pela Indicação de Procedência dos Vales da Uva Goethe. A análise foi desenvolvida com base em consulta direta aos produtores e dados climáticos e da produção da região. Os resultados indicam que apenas parcela dos produtores relaciona as variações na quantidade e na qualidade das uvas aos efeitos das mudanças climáticas. Todavia, constatou-se uma efetiva alteração no clima. As temperaturas médias mínimas mensais aumentaram de 5,75° C para 8,30° C entre 1924 a 2012, o que pode elevar a probabilidade de ocorrência de doenças e pragas associadas às altas temperaturas médias.El futuro de la agricultura está condicionado las incertidumbres sobre los efectos del cambio climático. Por lo tanto, el objetivo principal de este trabajo es desarrollar un análisis exploratorio de los impactos potenciales del cambio climático en la dinámica de la viticultura en la región limitada por la Indicación del Origen de Vales da Uva Goethe. El análisis se desarrolló con base en la consulta directa con los productores y de los datos de la producción y climáticos. Los resultados indican que sólo una parte de los productores en relación con los cambios en la cantidad y calidad de la uva a los efectos del cambio climático. Sin embargo, hubo un cambio real en el clima. Las temperaturas mínimas promedio mensual aumentó de 5,75°C para 8,30°C entre 1924-2012, lo que puede aumentar la probabilidad de ocurrencia de enfermedades y plagas asociado con altas temperaturas medias

    Potencial inseticida de plantas da família Annonaceae

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    Aspects entomologiques présents et futurs de la dengue et dengue hémorragique en Guyane française et quelques pays voisins

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    L'histoire de la dengue au Brésil est survolée depuis les premières relations d'épidémies au XIXème siècle jusqu'aux grands épisodes de la dernière décennie. Les sérotypes DEN-1 et DEN-4 ont été isolés pour la première fois au Brésil en 1982, au cours d'une épidémie à Boa Vista, Roraima. En 1986, le virus DEN-1 fut le responsable d'épidémies à Rio de Janeiro et dans le Nordeste du Brésil. A partir de 1990, le virus DEN-2 était présent également dans l'intérieur du pays en Amazonie. A Rio de Janeiro (1990-1991) et dans l'Etat du Ceara (1994) où les deux sérotypes DEN-1 et DEN-2 circulaient en même temps, plusieurs cas de DHF/DSS ont été signalés. Environ 500000 cas de dengue ont été notifiés de 1982 à 1994. #Aedes aegypti$ est le seul vecteur urbain à partir duquel 4 souches de DEN-4, 7 souches de DEN-1 et 16 souches de DEN-2 ont été isolées. La transmission transovarienne ne semble pas avoir lieu chez cette espèce au Brésil. (Résumé d'auteur

    An epidemic of sylvatic yellow fever in the southeast region of Maranhao state, Brazil, 1993-1994 : epidemiologic and entomologic findings

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    Yellow fever virus transmission was very active in Maranhao State in Brazil in 1993 and 1994. An investigation was carried out to evaluate the magnitude of the epidemic. In 1993, a total of 932 people was examined for yellow fever from Maranhao : 70 were positive serologically, histopathologically, and/or by virus isolation, and another four cases were diagnosed clinically and epidemiogically. In Mirador (17,565 inhabitants), the incidence was 3.5 per 1,000 people (case fatality rate [number of deaths/number of cases diagnosed] = 16.4%), while in a rural yellow fever risk area (14,659 inhabitants), the incidence was 4.2 and the case-fatality rate was 16,1% (10 of 62). A total of 45.2% (28 of 62) asymptomatic infections were registrered. In 1994, 49 serum samples were obtained and 16 cases were confirmed (two by virus isolation, two by seroconversion, and 12 by serology). No fatal cases were reported. In 1993, 936 potential yellow fever vectors were captured in Mirador and a single strain was isolated from a pool of #Haemagogus janthinomys(infectionrate=0.16 (infection rate = 0.16%). In 1994, 16 strains were isolated from 1,318 #Hg. janthinomys (infection rate = 1.34%) and one #Sabethes chloropterus$ (infection rate = 1.67%). Our results suggest that this was the most extensive outbreak of yellow fever in the last 20 years in Brazil. It is also clear that the lack of vaccination was the principal reason for the epidemic, which occurred between April and June, during the rainy season, a period in which the mosquito population in the forest increases. (Résumé d'auteur

    An epidemic of sylvatic yellow fever in the southeast region of Maranhao state, Brazil, 1993-1994 : epidemiologic and entomologic findings

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    Yellow fever virus transmission was very active in Maranhao State in Brazil in 1993 and 1994. An investigation was carried out to evaluate the magnitude of the epidemic. In 1993, a total of 932 people was examined for yellow fever from Maranhao : 70 were positive serologically, histopathologically, and/or by virus isolation, and another four cases were diagnosed clinically and epidemiogically. In Mirador (17,565 inhabitants), the incidence was 3.5 per 1,000 people (case fatality rate [number of deaths/number of cases diagnosed] = 16.4%), while in a rural yellow fever risk area (14,659 inhabitants), the incidence was 4.2 and the case-fatality rate was 16,1% (10 of 62). A total of 45.2% (28 of 62) asymptomatic infections were registrered. In 1994, 49 serum samples were obtained and 16 cases were confirmed (two by virus isolation, two by seroconversion, and 12 by serology). No fatal cases were reported. In 1993, 936 potential yellow fever vectors were captured in Mirador and a single strain was isolated from a pool of #Haemagogus janthinomys(infectionrate=0.16 (infection rate = 0.16%). In 1994, 16 strains were isolated from 1,318 #Hg. janthinomys (infection rate = 1.34%) and one #Sabethes chloropterus$ (infection rate = 1.67%). Our results suggest that this was the most extensive outbreak of yellow fever in the last 20 years in Brazil. It is also clear that the lack of vaccination was the principal reason for the epidemic, which occurred between April and June, during the rainy season, a period in which the mosquito population in the forest increases. (Résumé d'auteur

    Aspects entomologiques présents et futurs de la dengue et dengue hémorragique en Guyane française et quelques pays voisins

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    L'histoire de la dengue au Brésil est survolée depuis les premières relations d'épidémies au XIXème siècle jusqu'aux grands épisodes de la dernière décennie. Les sérotypes DEN-1 et DEN-4 ont été isolés pour la première fois au Brésil en 1982, au cours d'une épidémie à Boa Vista, Roraima. En 1986, le virus DEN-1 fut le responsable d'épidémies à Rio de Janeiro et dans le Nordeste du Brésil. A partir de 1990, le virus DEN-2 était présent également dans l'intérieur du pays en Amazonie. A Rio de Janeiro (1990-1991) et dans l'Etat du Ceara (1994) où les deux sérotypes DEN-1 et DEN-2 circulaient en même temps, plusieurs cas de DHF/DSS ont été signalés. Environ 500000 cas de dengue ont été notifiés de 1982 à 1994. #Aedes aegypti$ est le seul vecteur urbain à partir duquel 4 souches de DEN-4, 7 souches de DEN-1 et 16 souches de DEN-2 ont été isolées. La transmission transovarienne ne semble pas avoir lieu chez cette espèce au Brésil. (Résumé d'auteur