13 research outputs found

    Effect of Rocha pear peel extracts added to wheat and rye bread formulations on acrylamide reduction and sensory quality maintenance

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    Conference paper inclued in the book that contains the proceedings of the INternational CongRess on Engineering and Sustainability in the XXI cEntury – INCREaSE 2019, which was held in Faro, Portugal, from October 09 to 11, 2019.Pear peels are seen as potentially valuable for their low-cost beneficial components content such as polyphenols. These may reveal acrylamide (AA) mitigation effect and thus their application in a susceptible food matrix, such as bread, should be considered. Aiming to assess the AA reduction potential of Rocha pear peels in bread and the effects on its sensory quality, two types of bread highly consumed in Portugal - wheat (WB) and rye (RB) – were assayed with the extract of these by-products, in two forms aqueous [a] and dry [d]. Eight bread batches were produced (4 WB; 4 RB); each composed of one control sample and five replicates added with extract. The process included controlled fermentation, and cooking in a traditional oven (TO) and convection oven (CO). Hedonic evaluation was made to samples of each batch. Overall, slight differences were observed for WB and RB hedonic evaluation between the control sample and those with both extract forms. Lower scores were observed in both bread types baked in CO, with [d] comparing with the control; for bread with [a], oven influence varied; higher scores for WB in CO and for RB baked in TO, comparing with the control. Regarding AA reduction, the highest mitigation rate was accomplished by the [d] in WB cooked in a CO, 27.3%. However, for RB the best formulation was obtained with [d] in the TO, 19.2%. These results support the importance of selecting the best baking process according to the varieties of bread and AA reduction.The authors appreciate the financial support of MISAGE project LISBOA-01-0145-FEDER-024172). This project has received financial support from the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT), Portugal.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Limestone and oyster shell for brown layers in their second egg production cycle

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    This study aimed at evaluating the effect of dietary calcium levels and the replacement of calcium sources with different particle size compositions on the performance and egg quality of brown layers in their second egg production cycle. A randomized block experimental design was applied with 12 treatments in a 3x4 factorial arrangement: three calcium levels (2.6, 3.2, 3.8 %) and four combinations of calcium sources (1- 100% fine limestone (FL), 2- 50% FL + 50% coarse limestone (CL), 3- 50% FL and 50% oyster shell (OS), 4- 50% FL and 25% CL+ 25 %OS), with six replicates of eight birds each. Calcium sources were analyzed for geometric mean diameter (GMD) and in-vitro solubility. The following performance and egg quality parameters were evaluated: egg weight (EW, g), egg production (% Eggs), egg mass (EM %), feed intake (FI g), feed conversion ratio (FCR kg/dz and FCR kg/kg), mortality (% Mort.), specific egg gravity (SG), percentages of yolk (Y%), albumen (Alb%) and eggshell (ES%), eggshell thickness (EST), eggshell breaking strength (BS), eggshell weight per surface area (EWSA), Haugh unit (HU), yolk index (YI) and yolk color. Performance and internal egg quality were not affected by the treatments (p>0.05). Blocks had a significant effect on (p<0.05) FI and FCR (kg/dz and kg/kg). Treatments significantly influenced external egg quality, which improved as dietary calcium levels increases and when up to 50% fine limestone was replaced by combinations of coarse limestone with oyster shell

    Prevalência de transtornos mentais nas tentativas de suicídio em um hospital de emergência no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil Prevalence of mental disorders associated with suicide attempts treated at an emergency hospital in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

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    Há poucos estudos nacionais sobre prevalência de transtornos mentais nas tentativas de suicídio, os quais utilizararam principalmente dados secundários e instrumentos de rastreamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi estimar a prevalência de transtornos mentais em 96 casos de tentativas de suicídio atendidos em hospital de emergência, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (2006-2007), utilizando o Composite International Development Interview. A maioria da amostra consistiu em mulheres, jovens, baixa escolaridade e ingestão de medicamentos psicoativos como principal meio. Outros fatores: histórias prévias de tentativa e uso de álcool no momento do agravo. Os transtornos mentais mais freqüentes foram: episódio depressivo (38,9%), dependência de substâncias psicoativas (21,9%), transtorno de estresse pós-traumático (20,8%), dependência de álcool (17,7%) e esquizofrenia (15,6%). A taxa total dos transtornos mentais foi de 71,9%. Tais achados são mais próximos aos estudos em países em desenvolvimento. Além do acesso ao tratamento dos transtornos mentais, são necessárias políticas públicas que enfatizem o controle de meios e respostas sociais à redução do comportamento suicida.<br>There are few Brazilian studies on prevalence of mental disorders in suicide attempters. The available studies have mainly used secondary data and screening instruments. The principal objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of mental disorders in 96 suicide attempters seen in an emergency ward in Rio de Janeiro, Brasil (2006-2007) using the Composite International Development Interview. Most were female, young, and illiterate, and the main method was ingestion of psychoactive drugs. Other factors included history of prior attempts and use of alcohol at the time of attempt. The most frequent mental disorders were: depression (38.9%), use of psychoactive substances (21.9%), posttraumatic stress disorder (20.8%), alcohol abuse (17.7%), and schizophrenia (15.6%). Total prevalence of mental disorders was 71.9%. These findings are largely consistent with studies conducted in other developing countries. Besides access to treatment for mental disorders, public policies with an emphasis on the control of suicide methods and social responses for the reduction of suicidal behavior are needed