16 research outputs found

    Soil health: looking for suitable indicators. What should be considered to assess the effects of use and management on soil health?

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    Effects of Sn addition on the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of Ti–Nb–Sn alloys

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    Ti and Ti alloys are widely used in restorative surgery because of their good biocompatibility, enhanced mechanical behavior and high corrosion resistance in physiological media. The corrosion resistance of Ti-based materials is due to the spontaneous formation of the TiO2 oxide film on their surface, which exhibits elevated stability in biological fluids. Ti–Nb alloys, depending on the composition and the processing routes to which the alloys are subjected, have high mechanical strength combined with low elastic modulus. The addition of Sn to Ti–Nb alloys allows the phase transformations to be controlled, particularly the precipitation of ω phase. The aim of this study is to discuss the microstructure, mechanical properties and corrosion behavior of cast Ti–Nb alloys to which Sn has been added. Samples were centrifugally cast in a copper mold, and the microstructure was characterized using optical microscopy, scanning electron microscopy and X-ray diffractometry. Mechanical behavior evaluation was performed using Berkovich nanoindentation, Vickers hardness and compression tests. The corrosion behavior was evaluated in Ringer's solution at room temperature using electrochemical techniques. The results obtained suggested that the physical, mechanical and chemical behaviors of the Ti–Nb–Sn alloys are directly dependent on the Sn content96273281CONSELHO NACIONAL DE DESENVOLVIMENTO CIENTÍFICO E TECNOLÓGICO - CNPQFUNDAÇÃO DE AMPARO À PESQUISA DO ESTADO DE SÃO PAULO - FAPESP484379/2012-72011/23942-6The authors gratefully acknowledge the Brazilian research funding agencies FAPESP (State of São Paulo Research Foundation) Grant # 2011/23942-6, CNPq Grant # 484379/2012-7 (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development) and CAPES (Federal Agency for the Support and Evaluation of Graduate Education) for their financial support of this wor

    Dynamic of a papuã pasture under two grazing intensities and two nitrogen levels Dinâmica de uma pastagem de capim-papuã sob duas intensidades de pastejo e dois níveis de nitrogênio

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    This work aimed to evaluate the effects of grazing intensities and nitrogen fertilization levels on the dynamics of a Brachiaria plantaginea pasture. The experiment was laid out as a random block design, in a 3 × 2 factorial scheme, composed of three nitrogen levels (0, 200 and 400 kg/ha nitrogen in urea form) and two grazing intensities termed low mass (LM; forage mass of 1500 kg of DM/ha) and high mass (HM; forage mass of 3000 kg of DM/ha) in a continuously stocked swards with two replications. Animals used were half-blood Boer goats averaging five months old and 21 kg body weight (BW) for adjustment of the target forage mass. Real forage mass, average height of the plants and animal stocking rates were of 2,567 and 3,862 kg DM/ha; 23.6 and 31.2 cm and 2,804 and 2,089 kg BW/ha respectively for low and high mass. Accumulation rate was of 100, 147 and 132 kg DM/ha/day and total production 13,659; 19,834 and 17,820 kg DM/ha, respectively to the 0, 200 and 400 kg N/ha. There were no differences on pasture yield among grazing intensities suggesting that higher stocking rates can be used. The level of 200 kg N/ha promotes the best response on papuã grass pastures. Papuã grass shows high yield, good production distribution during the plant cycle and excellent nutritional value.<br>Objetivou-se avaliar a influência da intensidade de pastejo e dos níveis de abubação nitrogenada sobre a dinâmica de uma pastagem de Brachiaria plantaginea. O delineamento experimental adotado foi o de blocos ao acaso, em esquema fatorial 3 × 2, composto de três níveis de adubação nitrogenada (0, 200 e 400 kg/ha de nitrogênio na forma de ureia) e duas intensidades de pastejo (1.500 e 3.000 kg de MS/ha, respectivamente, para as massas baixa e alta em pastejo com lotação contínua e taxa de lotação variável), totalizando seis tratamentos, cada um com duas repetições. Foram utilizados caprinos meio-sangue Boer com 5 meses de idade e peso médio de 21 kg de peso vivo (PV) para ajuste das massas de forragem preconizadas. A massa de forragem real, a altura média das plantas e a carga animal foram de 2.567 e 3.862 kg de MS/ha; 23,6 e 31,2 cm; e 2.804 e 2.089 kg de PV/ha respectivamente para as massas baixa e alta. A taxa de acúmulo foi de 100, 147 e 132 kg de MS/ha/dia e a produção total, de 13.659, 19.834 e 17.820 kg de MS/ha, respectivamente para as doses de 0, 200 e 400 kg de N/ha. Não houve diferença na produtividade da pastagem entre as intensidades de pastejo, logo maior carga animal pode ser utilizada. O nível de 200 kg de N/ha promove a melhor resposta em pastagens de capim-papuã. O capimpapuã tem alta produtividade, boa distribuição da produção ao longo do ciclo e excelente valor nutricional

    Produção animal em pastagem nativa submetida ao controle de plantas indesejáveis e a intensidades de pastejo Animal production on native pasture submitted to the control of undesirable plants and grazing intensity

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    O objetivo deste trabalho, realizado no município de Cachoeira do Sul, região Fisiográfica da Serra do Sudeste do Rio Grande do Sul, foi estudar diferentes métodos de controle de espécies indesejáveis em pastagem nativa, associados a dois níveis de oferta de forragem, medindo suas eficiências em termos de resposta animal. Os tratamentos foram: testemunha (T), roçada de primavera (P), roçada de primavera + outono (P+O) e roçada de primavera + controle químico (P+Q), todos submetidos a dois níveis de oferta de forragem (8 e 14kg de matéria seca 100kg-1 de peso vivo por dia). O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o de fatorial em blocos completos casualizados (4 x 2), com duas repetições. Não houve efeito significativo de blocos nem interação dos fatores métodos de controle e níveis de oferta de forragem. O maior nível de oferta proporcionou maior ganho de peso vivo por área (P<0,05). Os tratamentos P e P+Q proporcionaram maior ganho médio diário em relação ao T (P<0,05). Os métodos de controle de plantas indesejáveis, assim como os níveis de oferta de forragem, não influenciaram a taxa de acúmulo diário de forragem e a taxa de desaparecimento (P>0,05). Os resultados mostram que é possível manter o peso vivo de bovinos em pastagens nativas da Serra do Sudeste/RS, durante o período de inverno, utilizando práticas de manejo que assegurem nível mínimo de oferta de forragem e, ainda, que o manejo da pastagem nativa com roçada de primavera, com ou sem o uso de herbicida, proporciona melhor desempenho individual e menores perdas de peso no período hibernal.<br>The aim of this experiment was to study different methods of controlling undesirable plants in native pastures, associated with two levels of herbage allowance, and their effects on animal production. The treatments were no control (T), spring slashing (P), spring+autumn slashing (P+O) and spring slashing +chemical control (P+Q), under two levels of herbage allowance (8 and 14kg of dry matter 100kg-1 of liveweight per day). The experimental design was a randomized complete block with two replicates. Not have block effects neither interaction between methods of control and herbage allowances (P>0.05). The higher herbage allowance resulted in more liveweight gain per area (P<0.05). The treatments P and P+Q showed greater individual liveweight gain in relation to T. The controlling methods the undesirable plants and the levels of herbage allowance did not affect dry matter accumulation rate neither the dry matter disappearance rate (P>0.05). The results showed that it’s possible to keep the live body weight of bovine in native pasture in Serra do Sudeste of Rio Grande do Sul/Brazil, during the winter’s period, utilizing management practices that secured a minimals levels of herbage allowance. These results showed also that the management of native pasture with slashing in spring, with or without chemical’s controlling, it’s provide a better individual development and less weight’s lose in winter’s period