5 research outputs found

    Mapping the risk of Aedes aegypti larval habitats using tree cover in Puntarenas, Costa Rica

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    Tree cover and other characteristics of urban structure have been associated in urban environments with abundance and productivity of Aedes aegypti and other mosquito larval habitats. Tree cover can conceal containers, protect them from direct sunlight and desiccation, provide debris for larval nutrition, and promote adult survival by providing resting sitesUniversidad de Costa Rica/[803-A6-401]7UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[803-A9-519]7UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Tropicales (CIET)UCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Salud::Facultad de MicrobiologíaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Docencia::Ciencias Básicas::Facultad de Ciencias::Escuela de Biologí

    Reevaluation of the larval índices for Aedes aegypti (Diptera: Culicidae) in two localities with an epidemiological histoy of dengue, Costa Rica

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    Introducción. En Costa Rica, el dengue es la principal enfermedad de trasmisión vectorial. Esta afecta ecosistema urbanos como La Carpio y La Gran Puntarenas, donde Aedes aegypti es altamente prevalente. Objetivo. Reevaluar la infestación larval por Ae. aegypti y otro mosquitos en La Carpio y La Gran Puntarenas durante la estación lluviosa de 2010, para determinar perfiles de cambio al inicio de la segunda década del siglo XXI. Materiales y métodos. Se seleccionaron 24 y 51 celdas de 50 x 50 m en La Carpio y la Gran Puntarenas, respectivamente. En estas, se identificaron y caracterizaron los criaderos para mosquitos y se calcularon los índices aédicos tradicionales. Se compararon los resultados con los de estudios previos para las mismas localidades. Resultados. En La Carpio, se encontraron 86 de 695 (13.4%) contenedores positivos para larvas de mosquitos, cuya especies fueron Ae. Aegypti, Culex quinquefasciatus, Limatus durhamii y wyeomyia sp. El coeficiente de similitud de Jaccard (J) con respecto a una caracteristizacion previa del (2003-2004) fue 37.5%. Ae. Aegypti fue la especie más frecuente en La Carpio y los índices respectivos fueron Índices de lugares (IL): 17.5%, índice de contenedores (IC): 11.5% e índices de Breteau (IB): 25.0%. EN la Gran Puntarenas, se Observaron 98 de 407 (24.0%) criaderos positivos para larvas de mosquitos de las especies Ae. Aegypti, Cx interrogator, Culex sp., Li. Durhamii, Ochlerotatus sp., Deinocerites pseudes y Psorophora confininis. La similitud de la comunidad con respecto a datos previos (2006) fue de 38.5%. Los Índices aédicos en La Gran Puntarenas fueron IL: 25.8%, IC:21.9% e IB: 44.9%. Conclusiones. A pesar de los esfuerzos en términos de caracterización ecosistemita y la repetida campaña de prevención y control del dengue, los índices de infestación para Ae. aegypti siguen siendo altos en las localidades estudiadas, lo que representa un riesgo sostenido de que ocurran epidemias de dengue.Introduction. In Costa Rica, dengue is the most important vector-borne disease. It affects urban ecosystems such as La Carpio and La Gran Puntarenas where Aedes aegypti is highly prevalent. Objective. To reevaluate larval infestation by Ae. Aegypti and other mosquitoes in La Carpio and La Gran Puntarenas During the wet season of 2010, Determining the changing profiles in the second decade of the XXI century. Materials and Methods. 24 and 51 cells of 50 x 50 m were selected in La Carpio La Gran Puntarenas, respectively. Breeding sites for mosquitoes were identified and characterized, and traditional Aedic inidices were calculated. Results were compared with those of previous studies in the same localities. Results. In La Carpio, 86 of 695 (13.4%) containers were positive for mosquito larvae of the species Ae. Aegupti, Culex quiquefasciatus, Limatus durhamii and wyeomyia sp. Jaccard`s similarity coefficient (J) with respect to a previous characterization (2003-2004) was 37.5%. Ae. Aegypti was the most frequent species in La Carpio, and the corresponding indices were: Premises index (PI) at 17.8%, Container Index (CI) at 11.5% and Breteau Index (IB) at 25.0%. In La Gran Puntarenas, 98 of 407 (24.0%) containers were positive for mosquito larvae of Ae aegypti, CX quinquefasciatus, Cx. Interrogator, Culex sp. Li. Durhamii, Ochlerotatus sp., Deinocerites pseudes, and Psorophora confinnis. The similarity of the community of mosquitoes when compared to previous data (2006) was 38.5%. The aedic índices in La Gran Puntarenas were: IL at 25.8% IC at 21.9% and IB at 44.9%. Conclusion. In spite of Ae. Aegypti ecosystemic characterization efforts and the repeated dengue prevention and control campaigns, the infestation indices remain high in the localities studied, which demonstrates a sustained risk for dengue epidemics.Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas y Tecnológicas de Costa Rica/[FI-145-2008]/CONICIT/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[803-A9-519]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Tropicales (CIET

    Toxicodermias graves. Síndrome de Dress

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    The severity of toxicoderma is very variable, some cases can be important and put the lives of patients at risk. These severe reactions include drug hypersensitivity syndrome, also known as DRESS syndrome (Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Examples), which is one of the main conditions secondary to adverse drug reactions, mainly to anticonvulsant drugs. . The severity of this syndrome is related to the appearance of systemic manifestations, a condition that can progress to multi-organ involvement despite having stopped taking the causal drug. Consequently, the general objective of this research is to summarize what is related to serious toxicoderma, specifically the most outstanding aspects of Dress Syndrome. The research was developed through a bibliographical documentary type methodology under the review modality. Therefore, it can be said that the identification of the clinical characteristics is the basis of the diagnosis. Likewise, it is important to rule out differential diagnoses and specify the drug that is causing it, since it is the beginning of treatment. In the treatment, the use of oral or parenteral systemic corticosteroids is also used. Similarly, there are other associated therapies such as the use of immunoglobulin, antivirals such as ganciclovir and other immunosuppressants. In the detoxification of various anticonvulsants, including carbamazepine, and as an inhibitor of the immune response involved in the pathogenesis of hypersensitivity reactions, N-acetyl cysteine is used. Lastly, cyclosporine could be used as a steroid-sparing agent.La gravedad de las toxicodermias es muy variable, algunos casos pueden ser importante y poner en riesgo la vida de los pacientes. Estas reacciones severas incluyen el síndrome de hipersensibilidad por fármacos conocido también como síndrome de DRESS (Drug Rash with Eosinophilia and Systemic Symptoms por sus siglas en inglés), el cual constituye una de las principales afectaciones secundarias a reacciones adversas a medicamentos, principalmente a fármacos anticonvulsivantes. La gravedad de este síndrome está relacionada con la aparición de manifestaciones sistémicas, cuadro que puede progresar a afectación multiorgánica a pesar de haber suspendido la toma del medicamento causal. En consecuencia, el objetivo general de la presente investigación es compendiar lo relativo a las toxicodermias graves, específicamente los aspectos más resaltantes del Síndrome de Dress. La investigación se desarrolló mediante una metodología de tipo documental bibliográfica bajo la modalidad de revisión. Por tanto, se puede decir que la identificación de las características clínicas es la base del diagnóstico. Asimismo, es importante descartar los diagnósticos diferenciales y puntualizar el fármaco que la está originando, por cuanto es el principio del tratamiento. En el tratamiento se emplea, además, el uso de corticosteroides sistémicos orales o parenterales. Igualmente, existen otras terapias asociadas como el uso de inmunoglobulina, antivirales como ganciclovir y otros inmunosupresores. En la desintoxicación de varios anticonvulsivantes entre ellos la carbamazepina, e como inhibidor de la respuesta inmunológica implicada en la patogenia de reacciones de hipersensibilidad, se utiliza la N-acetil cisteína. Por último, la ciclosporina podría ser usada como agente ahorrador de esteroide

    Evaluation of predictive maps for Aedes aegypti larval habitats in two urban areas of Costa Rica

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    The abundance of Aedes aegypti can be associated with urban structure and tree cover, which conceals and protects containers. The purpose of this study was to create and evaluate predictive maps for Ae. Aegypti larval habitats in Puntarenas and Carpio, two very different urban environments in Costa Rica. Linear regression models for number of mosquito larval habitats had been developed for Puntarenas, and they showed a significant association with tree cover when corrected by the number of locations evaluated (R2 = 0.650, p<0.001). Land cover maps were created from Quickbird satellite imagery of both sites. Data was extracted from 50 by 50 m cells, and parameters from the model were used to create predictive maps by determining the expected number of Ae. aegypti positive larval habitats in all cells that cover the urban areas. To evaluate maps, cells were randomly selected, and entomological evaluations were performed. Four categories were created for the number of larval habitats per cell: low (0-1), medium (2-3), high (4-5), and very high (6 or more). For both sites, the expected number of wet containers in sample cells fell within the 95% confidence interval of predicted values. In Puntarenas, 382 wet containers were identified, container index was 22.5% and Breteau index 43.7. Expected and observed categories of Ae. aegypti larval habitats per cell in Greater Puntarenas were significantly correlated (p=0,037). Only 32.5% of cells harbored the exact number of expected habitats, 74% contained the expected number +/- 2 habitats, and only 16% underestimated total larval habitats. In Carpio, 693 wet containers were identified, container index was 11.4% and Breteau Index 24.7. Expected and observed categories of Ae. aegypti positive habitats per cell were not significantly correlated in Carpio. Only 50% of cells contained the expected number +/- 2 habitats, and 29% underestimated the total observed. The most frequent Ae. aegypti larval habitats in Puntarenas included outdoor containers and miscellaneous objects, while larval habitats in Carpio were commonly human-filled, such as drums and buckets. These maps and models may be considered adequate for areas like Puntarenas, whereas they do not seem to apply for Carpio. Tree cover may provide useful information in sites where Ae. aegypti larval habitats include mostly outdoor rain-filled containers, as opposed to sites where containers are greatly affected by the need for water storage.Universidad de Costa Rica/[803-A6-401]/UCR/Costa RicaUniversidad de Costa Rica/[803-A9-519]/UCR/Costa RicaUCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias de la Salud::Centro de Investigación en Enfermedades Tropicales (CIET