23 research outputs found

    Inactivation of the peroxisomal ABCD2 transporter in the mouse leads to late-onset ataxia involving mitochondria, Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum damage

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    ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters facilitate unidirectional translocation of chemically diverse substances, ranging from peptides to lipids, across cell or organelle membranes. In peroxisomes, a subfamily of four ABC transporters (ABCD1 to ABCD4) has been related to fatty acid transport, because patients with mutations in ABCD1 (ALD gene) suffer from X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), a disease characterized by an accumulation of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). Inactivation in the mouse of the abcd1 gene leads to a late-onset neurodegenerative condition, comparable to the late-onset form of X-ALD [Pujol, A., Hindelang, C., Callizot, N., Bartsch, U., Schachner, M. and Mandel, J.L. (2002) Late onset neurological phenotype of the X-ALD gene inactivation in mice: a mouse model for adrenomyeloneuropathy. Hum. Mol. Genet., 11, 499-505.]. In the present work, we have generated and characterized a mouse deficient for abcd2, the closest paralog to abcd1. The main pathological feature in abcd2−/− mice is a late-onset cerebellar and sensory ataxia, with loss of cerebellar Purkinje cells and dorsal root ganglia cell degeneration, correlating with accumulation of VLCFAs in the latter cellular population. Axonal degeneration was present in dorsal and ventral columns in spinal cord. We have identified mitochondrial, Golgi and endoplasmic reticulum damage as the underlying pathological mechanism, thus providing evidence of a disturbed organelle cross-talk, which may be at the origin of the pathological cascad

    Plasmalogens participate in very-long-chain fatty acid-induced pathology

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    Peroxisomes are organelles responsible for multiple metabolic pathways including, the biosynthesis of plasmalogens, a class of phospholipids, and the beta-oxidation of very-long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA). Lack of peroxisomes or dysfunction in any of their normal functions is the cellular basis for human peroxisomal disorders. Here we used mouse models to understand and define the biochemical and cellular determinants that mediate the pathophysiological consequences caused by peroxisomal dysfunctions. We investigated the role and effects of cellular plasmalogens and VLCFA accumulation in liver, testis and nervous tissue using Pex7 and Abcd1 knockout (KO) mice. In addition, we also generated a Pex7:Abcd1 double KO mouse to investigate how different peroxisomal dysfunctions modulate cellular function and pathology. We found that plasmalogens function as fundamental structural phospholipids and protect cells from damage caused by VLCFA accumulation. In testis, plasmalogens protect spermatocytes from VLCFA-induced degeneration and apoptosis. In nervous tissue, we found that gliosis, inflammatory demyelination and axonopathy caused by accumulation of VLCFA are modulated by plasmalogens. Our findings demonstrate the importance of normal peroxisomal functioning and allow the understanding of the pathological causality of peroxisomal dysfunctions. Nervous tissue deficient in plasmalogens is more prone to damage, illustrating the importance of plasmalogens in peroxisomal disorders including Zellweger syndrome and X-linked adrenoleukodystroph

    Elongation of very long-chain fatty acids is enhanced in X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy

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    X-linked adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD) is a progressive neurodegenerative disorder characterized by the accumulation of saturated and mono-unsaturated very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFA) and reduced peroxisomal VLCFA beta-oxidation activity. In this study, we investigated the role of VLCFA biosynthesis in X-ALD fibroblasts. Our data demonstrate that elongation of both saturated and mono-unsaturated VLCFAs is enhanced in fibroblasts from patients with peroxisomal beta-oxidation defects including X-ALD, and peroxisome biogenesis disorders. These data indicate that enhanced VLCFA elongation is a general phenomenon associated with an impairment in peroxisomal beta-oxidation, and not specific for X-ALD alone. Analysis of plasma samples from patients with X-ALD and different peroxisomal beta-oxidation deficiencies revealed increased concentrations of VLCFAs up to 32 carbons. We infer that enhanced elongation does not result from impaired peroxisomal beta-oxidation alone, but is due to the additional effect of unchecked chain elongation. We demonstrate that elongated VLCFAs are incorporated into complex lipids. The role of chain elongation was also studied retrospectively in samples from patients with X-ALD previously treated with "Lorenzo's oil." We found that the decrease in plasma C26:0 previously found is offset by the increase of mono-unsaturated VLCFAs, not measured previously during the trial. We conclude that evaluation of treatment protocols for disorders of peroxisomal beta-oxidation making use of plasma samples should include the measurement of saturated and unsaturated VLCFAs of chain lengths above 26 carbon atoms. We also conclude that chain elongation offers an interesting target to be studied as a possible mode of treatment for X-ALD and other peroxisomal beta-oxidation disorder

    A lethal defect of mitochondrial and peroxisomal fission

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    We report on a newborn girl with microcephaly, abnormal brain development, optic atrophy and hypoplasia, persistent lactic acidemia, and a mildly elevated plasma concentration of very-long-chain fatty acids. We found a defect of the fission of both mitochondria and peroxisomes, as well as a heterozygous, dominant-negative mutation in the dynamin-like protein 1 gene (DLP1). The DLP1 protein has previously been implicated, in vitro, in the fission of both these organelles. Overexpression of the mutant DLP1 in control cells reproduced the fission defect. Our findings are representative of a class of disease characterized by defects in both mitochondria and peroxisome

    A key role for the peroxisomal ABCD2 transporter in fatty acid homeostasis

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    Peroxisomes are essential organelles exerting key functions in fatty acid metabolism such as the degradation of very long-chain fatty acids (VLCFAs). VLCFAs accumulate in X-adrenoleukodystrophy (X-ALD), a disease caused by deficiency of the Abcd1 peroxisomal transporter. Its closest homologue, Abcd2, exhibits a high degree of functional redundancy on the catabolism of VLCFA, being able to prevent X-ALD-related neurodegeneration in the mouse. In the search for specific roles of Abcd2, we screened fatty acid profiles in organs and primary neurons of mutant knockout mice lacking Abcd2 in basal conditions and under dietary challenges. Our results indicate that ABCD2 plays a role in the degradation of long-chain saturated and omega9-monounsaturated fatty acids and in the synthesis of docosahexanoic acid (DHA). Also, we demonstrated a defective VLCFA beta-oxidation ex vivo in brain slices of Abcd1 and Abcd2 knockouts, using radiolabeled hexacosanoic acid and the precursor of DHA as substrates. As DHA levels are inversely correlated with the incidence of Alzheimer's and several degenerative conditions, we suggest that ABCD2 may act as modulator/modifier gene and therapeutic target in rare and common human disorder