49,304 research outputs found

    Review of E-moderating—the key to teaching and learning online

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    The Near-Infrared Extinction Law in Regions of High Av

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    We present a spectroscopic study of the shape of the dust-extinction law between 1.0 and 2.2um towards a set of nine ultracompact HII regions with Av > 15 mag. We find some evidence that the reddening curve may tend to flatten at higher extinctions, but just over half of the sample has extinction consistent with or close to the average for the interstellar medium. There is no evidence of extinction curves significantly steeper than the standard law, even where water ice is present. Comparing the results to the predictions of a simple extinction model, we suggest that a standard extinction law implies a robust upper limit to the grain-size distribution at around 0.1 - 0.3um. Flatter curves are most likely due to changes in this upper limit, although the effects of flattening due to unresolved clumpy extinction cannot be ruled out.Comment: 9 pages, 7 figure

    Confinement-induced Berry phase and helicity-dependent photocurrents

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    The photocurrent in an optically active metal is known to contain a component that switches sign with the helicity of the incident radiation. At low frequencies, this current depends on the orbital Berry phase of the Bloch electrons via the "anomalous velocity" of Karplus and Luttinger. We consider quantum wells in which the parent material, such as GaAs, is not optically active and the relevant Berry phase only arises as a result of quantum confinement. Using an envelope approximation that is supported by numerical tight-binding results, it is shown that the Berry phase contribution is determined for realistic wells by a cubic Berry phase intrinsic to the bulk material, the well width, and the well direction. These results for the magnitude of the Berry-phase effect suggest that it may already have been observed in quantum well experiments.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figure

    Unified model for vortex-string network evolution

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    We describe and numerically test the velocity-dependent one-scale (VOS) string evolution model, a simple analytic approach describing a string network with the averaged correlation length and velocity. We show that it accurately reproduces the large-scale behaviour (in particular the scaling laws) of numerical simulations of both Goto-Nambu and field theory string networks. We explicitly demonstrate the relation between the high-energy physics approach and the damped and non-relativistic limits which are relevant for condensed matter physics. We also reproduce experimental results in this context and show that the vortex-string density is significantly reduced by loop production, an effect not included in the usual `coarse-grained' approach.Comment: 5 pages; v2: cosmetic changes, version to appear in PR

    Perceptual adaptation by normally hearing listeners to a simulated "hole" in hearing

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    Simulations of cochlear implants have demonstrated that the deleterious effects of a frequency misalignment between analysis bands and characteristic frequencies at basally shifted simulated electrode locations are significantly reduced with training. However, a distortion of frequency-to-place mapping may also arise due to a region of dysfunctional neurons that creates a "hole" in the tonotopic representation. This study simulated a 10 mm hole in the mid-frequency region. Noise-band processors were created with six output bands (three apical and three basal to the hole). The spectral information that would have been represented in the hole was either dropped or reassigned to bands on either side. Such reassignment preserves information but warps the place code, which may in itself impair performance. Normally hearing subjects received three hours of training in two reassignment conditions. Speech recognition improved considerably with training. Scores were much lower in a baseline (untrained) condition where information from the hole region was dropped. A second group of subjects trained in this dropped condition did show some improvement; however, scores after training were significantly lower than in the reassignment conditions. These results are consistent with the view that speech processors should present the most informative frequency range irrespective of frequency misalignment. 0 2006 Acoustical Society of America

    Energy cost associated with vortex crossing in superconductors

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    Starting from the Ginzburg-Landau free energy of a type II superconductor in a magnetic field we estimate the energy associated with two vortices crossing. The calculations are performed by assuming that we are in a part of the phase diagram where the lowest Landau level approximation is valid. We consider only two vortices but with two markedly different sets of boundary conditions: on a sphere and on a plane with quasi-periodic boundary conditions. We find that the answers are very similar suggesting that the energy is localised to the crossing point. The crossing energy is found to be field and temperature dependent -- with a value at the experimentally measured melting line of U×7.5kTm1.16/cL2U_\times \simeq 7.5 k T_m \simeq 1.16/c_L^2, where cLc_L is the Lindemann melting criterion parameter. The crossing energy is then used with an extension of the Marchetti, Nelson and Cates hydrodynamic theory to suggest an explanation of the recent transport experiments of Safar {{\em et al.}\ }.Comment: 15 pages, RevTex v3.0, followed by 5 postscript figure

    Helium and Hydrogen Line Ratios and The Stellar Content of Compact HII Regions

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    We present observations and models of the behaviour of the HI and HeI lines between 1.6 and 2.2um in a small sample of compact HII regions. As in our previous papers on planetary nebulae, we find that the `pure' 1.7007um 4^3D-3^3P and 2.16475um 7^(3,1)G-4^(3,1)F HeI recombination lines behave approximately as expected as the effective temperature of the central exciting star(s) increases. However, the 2.058um 2^1P-2^1S HeI line does not behave as the model predicts, or as seen in planetary nebulae. Both models and planetary nebulae showed a decrease in the HeI 2^1P-2^1S/HI Br gamma ratio above an effective temperature of 40000K. The compact HII regions do not show any such decrease. The problem with this line ratio is probably due to the fact that the photoionisation model does not account correctly for the high densities seen in these HII regions, and that we are therefore seeing more collisional excitation of the 2^1P level than the model predicts. It may also reflect some deeper problem in the assumed model stellar atmospheres. In any event, although the normal HeI recombination lines can be used to place constraints on the temperature of the hottest star present, the HeI 2^1P-2^1S/HI Br gamma ratio should not be used for this purpose in either Galactic HII regions or in starburst galaxies, and conclusions from previous work using this ratio should be regarded with extreme caution. We also show that the combination of the near infrared `pure' recombination line ratios with mid-infrared forbidden line data provides a good discriminant of the form of the far ultraviolet spectral energy distribution of the exciting star(s). From this we conclude that CoStar models are a poor match to the available data for our sources, though the more recent WM-basic models are a better fit.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Boundary Ground Ring in Minimal String Theory

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    We obtain relations among boundary states in bosonic minimal open string theory using the boundary ground ring. We also obtain a difference equation that boundary correlators must satisfy.Comment: 28 pages, 1 figur

    Implicit Simulations using Messaging Protocols

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    A novel algorithm for performing parallel, distributed computer simulations on the Internet using IP control messages is introduced. The algorithm employs carefully constructed ICMP packets which enable the required computations to be completed as part of the standard IP communication protocol. After providing a detailed description of the algorithm, experimental applications in the areas of stochastic neural networks and deterministic cellular automata are discussed. As an example of the algorithms potential power, a simulation of a deterministic cellular automaton involving 10^5 Internet connected devices was performed.Comment: 14 pages, 3 figure