971 research outputs found

    A Farewell to Liouvillians

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    We examine the Liouvillian approach to the quantum Hall plateau transition, as introduced recently by Sinova, Meden, and Girvin [Phys. Rev. B {\bf 62}, 2008 (2000)] and developed by Moore, Sinova and Zee [Phys. Rev. Lett. {\bf 87}, 046801 (2001)]. We show that, despite appearances to the contrary, the Liouvillian approach is not specific to the quantum mechanics of particles moving in a single Landau level: we formulate it for a general disordered single-particle Hamiltonian. We next examine the relationship between Liouvillian perturbation theory and conventional calculations of disorder-averaged products of Green functions and show that each term in Liouvillian perturbation theory corresponds to a specific contribution to the two-particle Green function. As a consequence, any Liouvillian approximation scheme may be re-expressed in the language of Green functions. We illustrate these ideas by applying Liouvillian methods, including their extension to NL>1N_L > 1 Liouvillian flavors, to random matrix ensembles, using numerical calculations for small integer NLN_L and an analytic analysis for large NLN_L. We find that behavior at NL>1N_L > 1 is different in qualitative ways from that at NL=1N_L=1. In particular, the NL=N_L = \infty limit expressed using Green functions generates a pathological approximation, in which two-particle correlation functions fail to factorize correctly at large separations of their energy, and exhibit spurious singularities inside the band of random matrix energy levels. We also consider the large NLN_L treatment of the quantum Hall plateau transition, showing that the same undesirable features are present there, too

    Critical points in edge tunneling between generic FQH states

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    A general description of weak and strong tunneling fixed points is developed in the chiral-Luttinger-liquid model of quantum Hall edge states. Tunneling fixed points are a subset of `termination' fixed points, which describe boundary conditions on a multicomponent edge. The requirement of unitary time evolution at the boundary gives a nontrivial consistency condition for possible low-energy boundary conditions. The effect of interactions and random hopping on fixed points is studied through a perturbative RG approach which generalizes the Giamarchi-Schulz RG for disordered Luttinger liquids to broken left-right symmetry and multiple modes. The allowed termination points of a multicomponent edge are classified by a B-matrix with rational matrix elements. We apply our approach to a number of examples, such as tunneling between a quantum Hall edge and a superconductor and tunneling between two quantum Hall edges in the presence of interactions. Interactions are shown to induce a continuous renormalization of effective tunneling charge for the integrable case of tunneling between two Laughlin states. The correlation functions of electronlike operators across a junction are found from the B matrix using a simple image-charge description, along with the induced lattice of boundary operators. Many of the results obtained are also relevant to ordinary Luttinger liquids.Comment: 23 pages, 6 figures. Xiao-Gang Wen: http://dao.mit.edu/~we

    Quantum and classical localisation, the spin quantum Hall effect and generalisations

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    We consider network models for localisation problems belonging to symmetry class C. This symmetry class arises in a description of the dynamics of quasiparticles for disordered spin-singlet superconductors which have a Bogoliubov - de Gennes Hamiltonian that is invariant under spin rotations but not under time-reversal. Our models include but also generalise the one studied previously in the context of the spin quantum Hall effect. For these systems we express the disorder-averaged conductance and density of states in terms of sums over certain classical random walks, which are self-avoiding and have attractive interactions. A transition between localised and extended phases of the quantum system maps in this way to a similar transition for the classical walks. In the case of the spin quantum Hall effect, the classical walks are the hulls of percolation clusters, and our approach provides an alternative derivation of a mapping first established by Gruzberg, Read and Ludwig, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82, 4254 (1999).Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Beam instrumentation for the Tevatron Collider

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    The Tevatron in Collider Run II (2001-present) is operating with six times more bunches and many times higher beam intensities and luminosities than in Run I (1992-1995). Beam diagnostics were crucial for the machine start-up and the never-ending luminosity upgrade campaign. We present the overall picture of the Tevatron diagnostics development for Run II, outline machine needs for new instrumentation, present several notable examples that led to Tevatron performance improvements, and discuss the lessons for future colliders

    Geometric effects on T-breaking in p+ip and d+id superconductors

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    Superconducting order parameters that change phase around the Fermi surface modify Josephson tunneling behavior, as in the phase-sensitive measurements that confirmed dd order in the cuprates. This paper studies Josephson coupling when the individual grains break time-reversal symmetry; the specific cases considered are p±ipp \pm ip and d±idd \pm id, which may appear in Sr2_2RuO4_4 and Nax_xCoO2_2 \cdot (H2_2O)y_y respectively. TT-breaking order parameters lead to frustrating phases when not all grains have the same sign of time-reversal symmetry breaking, and the effects of these frustrating phases depend sensitively on geometry for 2D arrays of coupled grains. These systems can show perfect superconducting order with or without macroscopic TT-breaking. The honeycomb lattice of superconducting grains has a superconducting phase with no spontaneous breaking of TT but instead power-law correlations. The superconducting transition in this case is driven by binding of fractional vortices, and the zero-temperature criticality realizes a generalization of Baxter's three-color model.Comment: 8 page

    Edge Dynamics in Quantum Hall Bilayers II: Exact Results with Disorder and Parallel Fields

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    We study edge dynamics in the presence of interlayer tunneling, parallel magnetic field, and various types of disorder for two infinite sequences of quantum Hall states in symmetric bilayers. These sequences begin with the 110 and 331 Halperin states and include their fractional descendants at lower filling factors; the former is easily realized experimentally while the latter is a candidate for the experimentally observed quantum Hall state at a total filling factor of 1/2 in bilayers. We discuss the experimentally interesting observables that involve just one chiral edge of the sample and the correlation functions needed for computing them. We present several methods for obtaining exact results in the presence of interactions and disorder which rely on the chiral character of the system. Of particular interest are our results on the 331 state which suggest that a time-resolved measurement at the edge can be used to discriminate between the 331 and Pfaffian scenarios for the observed quantum Hall state at filling factor 1/2 in realistic double-layer systems.Comment: revtex+epsf; two-up postscript at http://www.sns.ias.edu/~leonid/ntwoup.p

    Homologous Flares and Magnetic Field Topology in Active Region NOAA 10501 on 20 November 2003

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    We present and interpret observations of two morphologically homologous flares that occurred in active region (AR) NOAA 10501 on 20 November 2003. Both flares displayed four homologous H-alpha ribbons and were both accompanied by coronal mass ejections (CMEs). The central flare ribbons were located at the site of an emerging bipole in the center of the active region. The negative polarity of this bipole fragmented in two main pieces, one rotating around the positive polarity by ~ 110 deg within 32 hours. We model the coronal magnetic field and compute its topology, using as boundary condition the magnetogram closest in time to each flare. In particular, we calculate the location of quasiseparatrix layers (QSLs) in order to understand the connectivity between the flare ribbons. Though several polarities were present in AR 10501, the global magnetic field topology corresponds to a quadrupolar magnetic field distribution without magnetic null points. For both flares, the photospheric traces of QSLs are similar and match well the locations of the four H-alpha ribbons. This globally unchanged topology and the continuous shearing by the rotating bipole are two key factors responsible for the flare homology. However, our analyses also indicate that different magnetic connectivity domains of the quadrupolar configuration become unstable during each flare, so that magnetic reconnection proceeds differently in both events.Comment: 24 pages, 10 figures, Solar Physics (accepted

    Fluctuations, dissipation and the dynamical Casimir effect

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    Vacuum fluctuations provide a fundamental source of dissipation for systems coupled to quantum fields by radiation pressure. In the dynamical Casimir effect, accelerating neutral bodies in free space give rise to the emission of real photons while experiencing a damping force which plays the role of a radiation reaction force. Analog models where non-stationary conditions for the electromagnetic field simulate the presence of moving plates are currently under experimental investigation. A dissipative force might also appear in the case of uniform relative motion between two bodies, thus leading to a new kind of friction mechanism without mechanical contact. In this paper, we review recent advances on the dynamical Casimir and non-contact friction effects, highlighting their common physical origin.Comment: 39 pages, 4 figures. Review paper to appear in Lecture Notes in Physics, Volume on Casimir Physics, edited by Diego Dalvit, Peter Milonni, David Roberts, and Felipe da Rosa. Minor changes, a reference adde

    4pi Models of CMEs and ICMEs

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    Coronal mass ejections (CMEs), which dynamically connect the solar surface to the far reaches of interplanetary space, represent a major anifestation of solar activity. They are not only of principal interest but also play a pivotal role in the context of space weather predictions. The steady improvement of both numerical methods and computational resources during recent years has allowed for the creation of increasingly realistic models of interplanetary CMEs (ICMEs), which can now be compared to high-quality observational data from various space-bound missions. This review discusses existing models of CMEs, characterizing them by scientific aim and scope, CME initiation method, and physical effects included, thereby stressing the importance of fully 3-D ('4pi') spatial coverage.Comment: 14 pages plus references. Comments welcome. Accepted for publication in Solar Physics (SUN-360 topical issue

    Origins of the Ambient Solar Wind: Implications for Space Weather

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    The Sun's outer atmosphere is heated to temperatures of millions of degrees, and solar plasma flows out into interplanetary space at supersonic speeds. This paper reviews our current understanding of these interrelated problems: coronal heating and the acceleration of the ambient solar wind. We also discuss where the community stands in its ability to forecast how variations in the solar wind (i.e., fast and slow wind streams) impact the Earth. Although the last few decades have seen significant progress in observations and modeling, we still do not have a complete understanding of the relevant physical processes, nor do we have a quantitatively precise census of which coronal structures contribute to specific types of solar wind. Fast streams are known to be connected to the central regions of large coronal holes. Slow streams, however, appear to come from a wide range of sources, including streamers, pseudostreamers, coronal loops, active regions, and coronal hole boundaries. Complicating our understanding even more is the fact that processes such as turbulence, stream-stream interactions, and Coulomb collisions can make it difficult to unambiguously map a parcel measured at 1 AU back down to its coronal source. We also review recent progress -- in theoretical modeling, observational data analysis, and forecasting techniques that sit at the interface between data and theory -- that gives us hope that the above problems are indeed solvable.Comment: Accepted for publication in Space Science Reviews. Special issue connected with a 2016 ISSI workshop on "The Scientific Foundations of Space Weather." 44 pages, 9 figure