2,931 research outputs found

    Temporal Migration Patterns Between Natal Locations of Ruby-Throated Hummingbirds (\u3ci\u3eArchilochus colubris\u3c/i\u3e) and Their Gulf Coast Stopover Site

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    Background Autumn latitudinal migrations generally exhibit one of two different temporal migration patterns: type 1 where southern populations migrate south before northern populations, or type 2 where northern populations overtake southern populations en route. The ruby-throated hummingbird (Archilochus colubris) is a species with an expansive breeding range, which allows opportunities to examine variation in the timing of migration. Our objective was to determine a relationship between natal origin of ruby-throated hummingbirds and arrival at a Gulf coast stopover site; and if so, what factors, such as differences in body size across the range as well as the cost of migration, might drive such a pattern. To carry out our objectives, we captured hummingbirds at a coastal stopover site during autumn migration, at which time we collected feathers from juveniles for analysis of hydrogen stable isotopes. Using the hydrogen stable isotope gradient of precipitation across North America and published hydrogen isotope values of feathers from populations of breeding ruby-throated hummingbirds, we assigned migrants to probable natal latitudes. Results Our results confirm that individuals from across the range (30–50° N) stopover along the Gulf of Mexico and there is a positive relationship between arrival day and latitude, suggesting a type 1 migration pattern. We also found no relationship between fuel load (proxy for migration cost) or fat-free body mass (proxy for body size) and natal latitude. Conclusions Our results, coupled with previous work on the spatial migration patterns of hummingbirds, show a type 1 chain migration pattern. While the mechanisms we tested do not seem to influence the evolution of migratory patterns, other factors such as resource availability may play a prominent role in the evolution of this migration system

    Report of large whale restraint workshop

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    Location: Carriage House, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, Woods Hole, MA 02543. Date: February 7th & 8th 2006A number of large cetacean species are seriously injured and killed by entanglement in fishing gear used in the waters off the eastern United States and Canada. Entanglement most frequently involves rope or lines wrapped around the head, the flippers, body, in the mouth, around the tail flukes or any combination of the aforementioned body parts. Consequences of entanglement are particularly grave for North Atlantic right whales, which currently number about 300 whales and are declining due, in part, to this entanglement-related mortality. Right whales are frequently intractable and are very difficult and potentially unsafe to work with while attempting to disentangle the animal. Modifications and technological advances are needed to control, restrain and overall increase the success rate at which right whales are able to be cut free from entangling gear.National Marine Fisheries Servic

    The origin of polar ring galaxies: evidence for galaxy formation by cold accretion

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    Polar ring galaxies are flattened stellar systems with an extended ring of gas and stars rotating in a plane almost perpendicular to the central galaxy. We show that their formation can occur naturally in a hierarchical universe where most low mass galaxies are assembled through the accretion of cold gas infalling along megaparsec scale filamentary structures. Within a large cosmological hydrodynamical simulation we find a system that closely resembles the classic polar ring galaxy NGC 4650A. How galaxies acquire their gas is a major uncertainty in models of galaxy formation and recent theoretical work has argued that cold accretion plays a major role. This idea is supported by our numerical simulations and the fact that polar ring galaxies are typically low mass systems.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, stability of the ring discussed, minor changes to match the accepted version by ApJL. A preprint with high-resolution figures is available at http://krone.physik.unizh.ch/~andrea/PolarRing/PolarRing.p

    The infrared imaging spectrograph (IRIS) for TMT: the science case

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    The InfraRed Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) is a first-light instrument being designed for the Thirty Meter Telescope (TMT). IRIS is a combination of an imager that will cover a 16.4" field of view at the diffraction limit of TMT (4 mas sampling), and an integral field unit spectrograph that will sample objects at 4-50 mas scales. IRIS will open up new areas of observational parameter space, allowing major progress in diverse fields of astronomy. We present the science case and resulting requirements for the performance of IRIS. Ultimately, the spectrograph will enable very well-resolved and sensitive studies of the kinematics and internal chemical abundances of high-redshift galaxies, shedding light on many scenarios for the evolution of galaxies at early times. With unprecedented imaging and spectroscopy of exoplanets, IRIS will allow detailed exploration of a range of planetary systems that are inaccessible with current technology. By revealing details about resolved stellar populations in nearby galaxies, it will directly probe the formation of systems like our own Milky Way. Because it will be possible to directly characterize the stellar initial mass function in many environments and in galaxies outside of the the Milky Way, IRIS will enable a greater understanding of whether stars form differently in diverse conditions. IRIS will reveal detailed kinematics in the centers of low-mass galaxies, allowing a test of black hole formation scenarios. Finally, it will revolutionize the characterization of reionization and the first galaxies to form in the universe.Comment: to appear in Proc. SPIE 773

    The formation of ultra-compact dwarf galaxies and nucleated dwarf galaxies

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    Ultra compact dwarf galaxies (UCDs) have similar properties as massive globular clusters or the nuclei of nucleated galaxies. Recent observations suggesting a high dark matter content and a steep spatial distribution within groups and clusters provide new clues as to their origins. We perform high-resolution N-body / smoothed particle hydrodynamics simulations designed to elucidate two possible formation mechanisms for these systems: the merging of globular clusters in the centre of a dark matter halo, or the massively stripped remnant of a nucleated galaxy. Both models produce density profiles as well as the half light radii that can fit the observational constraints. However, we show that the first scenario results to UCDs that are underluminous and contain no dark matter. This is because the sinking process ejects most of the dark matter particles from the halo centre. Stripped nuclei give a more promising explanation, especially if the nuclei form via the sinking of gas, funneled down inner galactic bars, since this process enhances the central dark matter content. Even when the entire disk is tidally stripped away, the nucleus stays intact and can remain dark matter dominated even after severe stripping. Total galaxy disruption beyond the nuclei only occurs on certain orbits and depends on the amount of dissipation during nuclei formation. By comparing the total disruption of CDM subhaloes in a cluster potential we demonstrate that this model also leads to the observed spatial distribution of UCDs which can be tested in more detail with larger data sets.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figures, final version accepted for publication in MNRA

    Emerging zoonoses in marine mammals and seabirds of the Northeast U.S.

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    Author Posting. © IEEE, 2006. Author Posting. © IEEE, 2006. This article is posted here by permission of IEEE for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Proceedings Oceans 2006, Boston, MA, USA, 5 pp, doi:10.1109/OCEANS.2006.306826.In the Northeast United States, marine vertebrates come into contact with each other and with humans through a variety of mechanisms which allow for the transfer of pathogens from one taxa to another. Though there are many ways in which humans come into contact with infectious agents, there is an inadequate understanding of the prevalence of clinical and sub-clinical zoonotic agents in the marine vertebrates of the Northeast United States. We are strengthening our understanding of the issue by targeting marine mammals and seabirds of New England and screening normal and diseased individuals of this ecosystem to establish a baseline prevalence of zoonotic agents in this ecosystem. Samples from stranded, bycaught and wild marine mammals and seabirds have been found to be positive for our screened pathogens. Most notable are the diseases found in bycaught marine mammals as well as wild caught individuals. Our current focus is specifically on influenza A and B, brucellosis, leptospirosis, Giardia and Cryptosporidium. Samples for virology, bacterial screening and molecular screening are being archived and analyzed as practical. Our goal is to create an optimized PCR-based molecular detection protocol for the above agents.This research is supported by NOAA Ocean and Human Health Initiative Grant Number NA05NOS4781247 and NOAA Prescott Grant NA05NMF4391165

    Absence of a Finite-Temperature Melting Transition in the Classical Two-Dimensional One-Component Plasma

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    Vortices in thin-film superconductors are often modelled as a system of particles interacting via a repulsive logarithmic potential. Arguments are presented to show that the hypothetical (Abrikosov) crystalline state for such particles is unstable at any finite temperature against proliferation of screened disclinations. The correlation length of crystalline order is predicted to grow as 1/T\sqrt{1/T} as the temperature TT is reduced to zero, in excellent agreement with our simulations of this two-dimensional system.Comment: 3 figure

    A System of ODEs for Representing Trends of CGM Signals

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    Diabetes Mellitus is a metabolic disorder which may result in severe and potentially fatal complications if not well-treated and monitored. In this study, a quantitative analysis of the data collected using CGM (Continuous Glucose Monitoring) devices from eight subjects with type 2 diabetes in good metabolic control at the University Polyclinic Agostino Gemelli, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, was carried out. In particular, a system of ordinary differential equations whose state variables are affected by a sequence of stochastic perturbations was proposed and used to extract more informative inferences from the patients' data. For this work, Matlab and R programs were used to find the most appropriate values of the parameters (according to the Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) and the Bayesian Information Criterion (BIC)) for each patient. Fitting was carried out by Particle Swarm Optimization to minimize the ordinary least squares error between the observed CGM data and the data from the ODE model. Goodness of fit tests were made in order to assess which probability distribution was best suitable for representing the waiting times computed from the model parameters. Finally, both parametric and non-parametric density estimation of the frequency histograms associated with the variability of the glucose elimination rate from blood were conducted and their representative parameters assessed from the data. The results show that the chosen models succeed in capturing most of the glucose fluctuations for almost every patient

    Simulations of Two-Dimensional Melting on the Surface of a Sphere

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    We have simulated a system of classical particles confined on the surface of a sphere interacting with a repulsive r−12r^{-12} potential. The same system simulated on a plane with periodic boundary conditions has van der Waals loops in pressure-density plots which are usually interpreted as evidence for a first order melting transition, but on the sphere such loops are absent. We also investigated the structure factor and from the width of the first peak as a function of density we can show that the growth of the correlation length is consistent with KTHNY theory. This suggests that simulations of two dimensional melting phenomena are best performed on the surface of a sphere.Comment: 4 eps figure
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