3,528 research outputs found

    Saratoga Springs Validation Site

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    Initial exploration of available data to estimate sardine recruitment on the south coast

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    Annual May/June survey estimates of sardine recruitment east of Cape Infanta are low in comparison to those west of Cape Infanta and in comparison to the numbers of recruits needed to result in the recent peak in 1+ biomass on the south coast. The assessment model for two sardine stocks (split east and west of Cape Agulhas) consequently estimates the majority of the “south” stock biomass to originate from “west” stock recruits, at least across the turn of the century (de Moor and Butterworth 2013). Although sardine are known to spawn throughout the year, this winter recruit survey is timed to measure the recruits emanating from the postulated spawning peak between September – March (van der Lingen and Hugget 2003). However, in contrast to observations on the west coast of South Africa, high sardine egg concentrations have also been observed in winter on the south coast (van der Lingen et al. 2005). This could potentially give rise to local south coast recruitment, which would not be detected during the winter recruit surveys. This document explores the extent to which winter spawning on the south coast and subsequent successful local recruitment there may have an impact on the “south” stock biomass with the data currently available, and proposes future work to explore this possibility further

    Discussion of OMP-17 simulation projection framework in respect of sardine

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    The simulation projection framework to be used to test Candidate Management Procedures for OMP-17 is yet to be developed (cf de Moor and Butterworth (2013a) for the framework used when developing OMP-14). However, given experience gained during the testing of OMP-14, some initial assessment results (de Moor and Butterworth 2016a,b) and discussions in the SPSWG, we can begin to consider some alternative key assumptions to be used in the simulation projection framework to be used for developing OMP-17

    Revised estimates of abundance of South African sardine and anchovy from acoustic surveys adjusting for echosounder saturation in earlier surveys and attenuation effects for sardine

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    Hydro-acoustic surveys have been used to provide annual estimates of May recruitment and November spawner biomass of the South African sardine Sardinops sagax and anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus resources since 1984. These time-series of abundance estimates form the backbone of the assessment of these resources, and consequently the management of the South African sardine and anchovy is critically dependent on them. Upgrades to survey equipment over time have resulted in recent surveys providing more accurate estimates of abundance, yet in order to maintain comparability across the full time-series, estimates of biomass mimicking the old equipment were used for a number of years. In this paper we develop a method to revise the earlier part of the time-series to correct for receiver saturation in the older generation SIMRAD EK400 and EKS-38 echo sounders and to account for attenuation in dense sardine schools. This is applied to provide a revised time-series of biomass estimates for the South African sardine and anchovy resources with associated variance–covariance matrices. Furthermore, the time-series presented here are based on updated acoustic target strength estimates, making this the most reliable time-series currently available for both resources

    Radial Surface Density Profiles of Gas and Dust in the Debris Disk around 49 Ceti

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    We present ~0.4 resolution images of CO(3-2) and associated continuum emission from the gas-bearing debris disk around the nearby A star 49 Ceti, observed with the Atacama Large Millimeter/Submillimeter Array (ALMA). We analyze the ALMA visibilities in tandem with the broad-band spectral energy distribution to measure the radial surface density profiles of dust and gas emission from the system. The dust surface density decreases with radius between ~100 and 310 au, with a marginally significant enhancement of surface density at a radius of ~110 au. The SED requires an inner disk of small grains in addition to the outer disk of larger grains resolved by ALMA. The gas disk exhibits a surface density profile that increases with radius, contrary to most previous spatially resolved observations of circumstellar gas disks. While ~80% of the CO flux is well described by an axisymmetric power-law disk in Keplerian rotation about the central star, residuals at ~20% of the peak flux exhibit a departure from axisymmetry suggestive of spiral arms or a warp in the gas disk. The radial extent of the gas disk (~220 au) is smaller than that of the dust disk (~300 au), consistent with recent observations of other gas-bearing debris disks. While there are so far only three broad debris disks with well characterized radial dust profiles at millimeter wavelengths, 49 Ceti's disk shows a markedly different structure from two radially resolved gas-poor debris disks, implying that the physical processes generating and sculpting the gas and dust are fundamentally different.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figures, accepted for publication in ApJ March 31, 2017 (submitted Nov 2016

    Constraints on the nature of dust particles by infrared observations

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    The far-infrared (FIR) emissivity of dust is an important parameter characterizing the physical properties of the grains. With the availability of stellar databases and far-infrared data from Infrared Space Observatory (ISO) it is possible to compare the optical and infrared properties of dust, and derive the far-infrared emissivity with respect to the optical extinction. In this paper we present the results of a systematic analysis of the FIR emissivity of interstellar clouds observed with ISOPHOT (the photometer onboard ISO) at least at two infrared wavelengths, one close to ~100um and one at 200um. We constructed FIR emission maps, determined dust temperatures, created extinction maps using 2MASS survey data, and calculated far-infrared emissivity for each of these clouds. We present the largest homogeneously reduced database constructed so far for this purpose. During the data analysis special care was taken on possible systematic errors. We find that far-infrared emissivity has a clear dependence on temperature. The emissivity is enhanced by a factor of usually less than 2 in the low dust temperature regime of 12K<=T_d<=14K. This result suggests larger grain sizes in those regions. However, the emissivity increase of typically below 2 restricts the possible grain growth processes to ice-mantle formation and coagulation of silicate grains, and excludes the coagulation of carbonaceous particles on the scales of the regions we investigated. In the temperature range 14K<=T_d<=16K a systematic decrease of emissivity is observed with respect to the values of the diffuse interstellar matter. Possible scenarios for this behaviour are discussed in the paper.Comment: Accepted for publication in MNRA

    ENOBIO - First tests of a dry electrophysiology electrode using carbon nanotubes

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    We describe the development and first tests of Enobio, a dry electrode sensor concept for biopotential applications. In the proposed electrodes, the tip of the electrode is covered with a forest of multi-walled CNTs that can be coated with Ag/AgCl to provide ionic-electronic transduction. The CNT brush-like structure is to penetrate the outer layers of the skin improving electrical contact as well as increae the contact surface area. In this paper, we report the results of the first tests of this concept -- immersion on saline solution and pig skin signal detection. These indicate performance on a par with state of the art research-oriented wet electrodes.Comment: Submitted and accepted at the 28th IEEE EMBS International Conference, New York City, August 31st-September 3rd, 2006. Figures updated with proper filtering and averagin

    Personality development across adolescence and young adulthood:The role of life transitions and self-concept clarity

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    Personality develops across the lifespan, but most development occurs in adolescence and young adulthood. Life transitions to new social roles may be important drivers of mean-level personality development. The present study examined mean-level personality development in adolescence and young adulthood, and the role of the transition to tertiary education and working life therein in a sample of Dutch young people that were followed across 14 years (N = 497, Age(W1) = 13.03 years). We explored whether young people's self-concept clarity moderated these associations. Our hypotheses and analytical plan were pre-registered. Findings from Latent Growth Models showed support for maturation in personality across adolescence and young adulthood, but not a maturity dip. Having the role of employee was associated with higher conscientiousness, but no associations were found of the transition to tertiary education and the transition to work with mean-level development of any of the personality traits. Self-concept clarity did not moderate the role of transitions in mean-level personality development. Our findings suggest that socialization effects may not explain associations between life transitions and personality development in adolescence and young adulthood
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